Sunday, March 31, 2019
Fundamentals of Marketing
Fundamentals of MarketingKirsty Hayes, Bianca Jones, Chris Duffy, Tim StoneEXECUTIVE abridgmentThe purpose of this report is to gain gain ground insight into AAMIs latest localization in the personal motorcar redress market and to identify able merchandise strategies to meet the needs of certain and future clients. Despite universe the largest insurance policy underwriter in the motor vehicle market there be umpteen new competitors undercutting insurance premiums, mostly through online sales and service. flow rate disceptation includes IAG, on policy, and Budget assume, on a price point. Since the GFC consumers remove shown to be frequently cautious provided with higher expectations. Current measures of net income and social media uptake shows the incredible scope of data facebook is able to collect from target atoms. Loyalty and clock wasted choosing a company ar the most important characteristics of insurance seekers. They argon most apt(predicate) t o use confideed blades when not engaged in the assist. Surveys withal found Australia liberal re ecstasytion of insurance customers ofttimes than 50%, however 75% of customers ar not be similar to seek out a company but pauperism to make the best purchase decision. A further 10% pauperism convenience purchasing insurance. AAMI must detain its focus on consistent, excellent customer service, and utilising facebook to identify and communicate with customers. The process of purchasing a policy and making postulates must be refined further alter the AAMI commemorate.INTRODUCTIONLACE INFLUENCINGThis report aims to provide a summary of where AAMI is situated against its market competitors and succor develop a marketing strategy to promote sustained dogged term crease opportunities. The ABS (2016) pronounced 17.7 one thousand thousand vehicles registered in Australia at the 31st October 2014 whilst Tiwari (2014) claims the home(prenominal) Motor insurance policy segm ent is worth 6 Billion dollars in premiums per year and is the largest is the Australian general insurance market.AAMI face a great deal of competition in the Australian Motor redress segment and this publisher exit identify two competitors, IAG ag chemical group and Budget subscribe. This report is impoverished into two major sections, the first exit evaluate and analyse competition along with demographic and technological trends and understanding how these factors may affect business in both the short and long term. The second part identifies achievable cleavage which is involved with purchasing motor insurance. Providing historic trend development from the market will help create a new marketing strategy.INSURANCE application OVERVIEWThe insurance assiduity has had some signifi merchant shipt vault in re cent years, these pass water changed the way insurance firms need to market themselves and maintain profits. Buyers save become more(prenominal) cautious expect ations of products and work fill change magnitude since the global financial crisis (How Australian insurers tail end achieve profitable maturation in a challenging market 2017).Pay-outs for natural disasters have increase in frequency and value due to climate change, effecting insurers bottom lines ( damages industry and climate change 2017). With the large number of insurers in the market creating penetrative competition, each company needs to ensure they have the right flick of products and customers to maintain their overall profit.AAMI WITHIN THE INSURANCE INDUSTRYAAMI positions itself as the customer foc utilise and fun insurance company, to divergentiate from other insurers and say they be the not very insurancy insurer using comical advertisements which attract jr. consumers (AAMI 2017). It seems to be working for them, AAMI sits at number 5 of the top ten list of best insurance companies within Australia (Top Tens 2016).Below is a map which shows AAMIs position wi thin the market.RECENT TRENDS THAT IMPACT THE INSURANCE INDUSTRY customs duty found insurance (UBI)While UBI is not a new sentiment in puts like the US, it is only recently sightly common place within the Australian insurance industry (Dipak 2015). Things like collapse-as-you-drive insurance, where customers only pay insurance for the kilometres they actually drive and pay-how-you-drive insurance, where customers get discounts for universe safer drivers (Lukens 2014). This means customers can decrease their premiums to a rate previously impossible with other methods and flavour like they have more control over what they pay. It also enables mitigate identification of customer segments for future planning of products.The Internet of ThingsStill an approaching trend within the insurance industry, as explained by Forbes (Morgan 2014) this is the concept of fundamentally joining any device with an on and off flog to the Internet (and/or to each other). Wearable technology fo r tracking heart rates, exercise, sleep patterns and more are being used in collaboration with health insurers. Sensors in cars are being used to calculate the risk of particular drivers by tracking speed, acceleration, and braking distance (Liew 2016). This education helps to speed up the claim process with more little data of accidents (Kumaresan 2016). For the insurance industry, this means more information for sale to calculate premiums and reduce risk for insuring specific customers.KEY COMPETITORSAs Tiwari (2015) explains the Motor indemnification marketplace could be divided up into 4 segment areas. There are 2 major firms which own quaternary companies and these are the Suncorp conclave and the IAG Group with the rest of the industry made up from smaller competitors (image 1 gives a detailed example). Appendix A is an online simile of all-round(prenominal) policies in the midst of NMRA, Budget Direct and AAMI. As Lamb (2016) highlights supranational firms need to take into account local domestic firms which are also fighting for a cope of the market.Image 1 (image sourced from http// GroupThe IAG group is our biggest competitor and will come up to be into the future as they share a similar infrastructure to AAMI. IAG also have national leverage through their independent brands RACV, NMRA, SGIO and SGIC. IAG have a major focus on making the world a safer place (IAG Group, 2017). IAG products tend to balance between price, volume, and service. They have no major advantage over our brand.Budget DirectBudget Direct are a small player being very aggressive to gain major market share. They specialise in insuring low risk clients to keep premiums down (Budget Direct, 2017) thus sitting in the price sensitive area. They have some advantages for customers compared to AAMI on their standard comprehensive product such as offering a no claim bonus on windscreen damage. Appendix A provides a detailed summary.A KEY PLAYER OF IMPORTANCEAustralias population is currently 23.3 one thousand million people with more than 15 million owning chichiphones. According to Neilsen, we spend on norm of over one hour per day using smart phones, of which 35% of the time is spent on social media. According to Forbes (2016), in the social media landscape, Facebook is the most popular site with more than 15 million users and in a survey by Sensis in 2016, for more than 12 hours per week so it makes sense that our advertising can reach more customers in an increasingly competitive market.By developing a league with Facebook, AAMI can target market segments differently using each groups interests based on data received from the company. Nadia Cameron from IDG (2016) identified raising of brand sentiency and conversions as the major reasons for AAMI using Facebook marketing. Failure in this partnership would be fatalistic with over 1.7 billion users worldwide connected to Fa cebook.OTHER FACTORS INFLUENCING THE INDUSTRYTechnological TrendsOnline Applications AAMI has launched the AAMI Access Application which they have marketed as redress in your Pocket (AAMI 2016). It allows you to monitor and update your policies, make an instant claim and upload claim photos from your device, and allows claim and live repair tracking. As at 30 June 2016, there were approximately 22 million liquid hand station subscribers in Australia (ABS, 2016) making the creation of an online application a great launching as it allows an easier service for the consumer and the insurance agency and leverages off the fact that consumers are becoming more advanced in online technology. This is not the only application available from insurance companies but it will continue to grow in trend.Self-Driving motorcars (2016) says that there are already self-driving Volvos on the road in Sweden and in 2017, there will be over 100 on existence roads, and this will cont inue to grow. This trend will be crucial to car insurance companies as it will alter the way insurance is provided, compute and it could make it more difficult to prove which vehicle is in the wrong.demographic TrendsCars in Victoria The Australian Bureau of Statistics (2011) states there were a lend of 1,944,688 motor vehicles in Victoria. Car insurers need to keep abreast of current trends and ensure ease and simplicity when dealing with consumers and insurance.SECTION 2 variance FRAMEWORKCONSUMER CHARACTERISTICSIn this section, we recommend a way that AAMI could segment their market so they can have more targeted marketing.There are many things a consumer will look at when deciding on a car insurance company. Global Reviews regularly conducts research into how a consumer purchases car insurance, and posted in May 2015, that 71% of consumers had a brand in mind before beginning their research, only 34% of these consumers still preferred that brand at the end of their research . However, AAMI was the clear leader in an whimsical recall at 73%. The research found that 74% are current customers when they choose a car insurance policy. Lamb (2013) says that unplayfuls and services that are purchased regularly are associated with routine response behaviour, showing that those who already have a policy with AAMI are more probably to continue to renew their policies with AAMI.A certain brand is also a high priority when deciding on car insurance. The research shows that 53% trust the brand they chose ( 2015) and Lamb (2013) says that when consumers dont want to have to think too much somewhat a purchase decision, they often revert to agnisen and trusted brand names.Based on the secondary research, two different consumer characteristics have been identified that are important in the car insurance category. typicalType of segmentationDescriptionWhy is this characteristic important to AAMI? life style How much time spent searching for car i nsurancePsychographicThis relates to how much time consumers are willing to research different car insurance deals.This impacts how likely a new customer is to find Aami appealing and how likely an existing customer is to find a better deal elsewhere. disposition How loyal they are to a certain companyPsychographicThis relates to how often a customer is willing to change insurance companies.This impacts how likely a customer is to switch insurance companies if a better deal is found.Table 3. Consumer Characteristics of wideness to car insurance purchase decisionsSEGMENTATION FRAMEWORKBased on these two key characteristics one way that AAMI could segment their market into the sideline four segmentsHow much time is spent researchingLittle to no time researchingExtensive researchingHow loyal they are to a certain company genuinely loyalCustomers for lifeThis segment contains customers which either do not have time to research or are not interested in researching different insurers du e to loyalty to their current company.Great if you are their current company but difficult to get crosswise from somewhere else. companionship is powerThis segment contains customers who have the time and drive to research different companies but who prefer to stay with their existing company.They are more likely to try to get a better deal with their current insurer than switch.Not very loyalOnly if they have toThis segment contains the customers who know they need insurance but dont waste time thinking about the details. They may perform a basic search and go with the insurer they notice first.Flashy adds will draw their attention.Simply the best. for less(prenominal)This segment contains the customers who will spend as much time as needed to search for the very best deal no press who it is from.Having the details which set you apart from competitors on your website is key for these customers.Table 4. Proposed segmentation framework for AAMI.SEGMENT PROFILESThe following informat ion has been used to roughly estimate the size of each of these segments. In order to more accurately come across the segment size and segment profile, AAMI would be required to conduct further research with consumers.Generation Y is the most under-insured generation, with a World Insurance Report showing only 36 per cent, compared to 52 per cent of others (Han 2016)Studies indicate, 86 per cent of Australian consumers would only consider between one to deuce-ace insurers when selecting their next policy (Martin 2016)A survey showed only 15 per cent of respondents believed it was essential to find the cheapest product (Myth vs Reality The expected value Gap in the ANZ Insurance attention 2016, p 4)A survey also showed that Australian insurers have retention rates of more than 50 per cent across the board (Myth vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance industry 2016, p 7)DESCRIPTIONCustomers for LifeKnowledge is powerOnly if they have toSimply the bestfor lessEstimat ed % of consumers50%25%10%15%Expectation of segment to grow/shrinkShrinkWith more information on competing products being in social media this segment is judge to shrink. kick upstairsWith more ways now available for consumers to customise their insurance or barter with companies this segment is expected to grow.ConstantSome behaviours will never change, time poor or uninterested consumers will unendingly be a constant overall in any industry.GrowWith more ways for consumers to easily find information on different companies it is expected that this segment will grow.Purchase behaviourThey are not likely to seek out new insurers but would have no filling but to hear about new products through social mediaThey want to make the best purchase decision but also believe that staying with one company is beneficial.They will make quick decisions on insurance if they feel they need to have it even though they dont really want itThey will conduct thorough research to find the best deals av ailable. charge and product is their drive, not brand loyalty. nock PreferenceThis group prefers well- cognize brands as they are more trusted and seen as a good choice for the long term, once they find an insurer they stick with them.This group also prefers well-known brands for the same reasons but are likely to switch between the big 4 or 5 insurers when necessary.This group has no specific brand preference. They may choose based on the insurers used by people they know or by which insurer comes up first in their low level of research.This group has no brand preference. It is not guided by friends and family insurers either. They go with whomever has the best deals in their eyes. strength ProfitModerateAt the moment the profit made from this segment would be high due to retention rates. However, with the segment set to shrink, capableness future profit will decrease.HighIf Aami can get the meliorate product mix to appeal to price conscious buyers Profit will increase from the se consumers, they prefer a big brand name like Aami.ModerateOnce insured they are less likely to switch, the encounter is getting them in the beginning, once with Aami they should be life-long customers. Flashy advertising is needed. paltryThis segment is always looking for better deals, if Aami arent the cheapest in the industry these customers will switch. This doesnt work with AAMIs customer service image.CONCLUSIONThe Motor Insurance Industry has never been the most exciting in terms of innovation or technology (Sahoo, 2015). Insurance companies have been slow to adopt technology and innovation into their programs. This is beginning to change because of the digital age that we live.With the population in Australia eternally growing the demand for motor vehicle insurance will always be high. With good branding and positive company exposure AAMI can maintain their presence as a major player in the market place. IAG group is a competitor we will need to always monitor as they p ose the biggest threat to our overall market share.It is recommended that AAMI continue to invest in technological and social branding, making it easier for people to connect with the brand. Continual research needs to be done on consumer insights involving brand perception along with potential customers. This would benefit our industry segmentation profile and strengthen our framework criteria.APPENDIXREFERENCE LISTAAMI 2017, Did you know, AAMI, viewed 7 January 2017, https// Car Insurance 2016, AAMI Access App, AAMI, viewed 6 January 2017, https// keyword=aamief_id=WE5c3QAAAJReYgzb20170113020025sABS 2014, Survey of Motor Vehicle Use, Australia, 12 months ended 31 October 2014, viewed 11 January 2017, http//, How Australian insurers can achieve profitable growth in a challenging market, Accenture, vi ewed 8 January 2017, https//, G, Adam, S, Denize, S Kotler, P, 2011, Principles of Marketing, 5th edn, Pearson Australia, French quality NSWAustralian Bureau of Statistics 2016, Internet Activity Australia June 2016, ABS, viewed 6 January 2016, http// Bureau of Statistics 2017, Population Clock 2 January 2017, ABS, viewed 2 January 2017, http// Direct 2017, About Us, Budget Direct, viewed 2 January 2017, https//, N 2016, Why AAMI turned to Facebook mobile and segmentation to drive brand favourability, 2 May, CMO from IDG, viewed 3 January 2016, http// /article/598954/why-aami-turned-facebook-mobile-segmentation-drive-brand-favourability/Cowling, D 2016, Social Media Statistics, Social Media News, 1 February, viewed 2 January 2017, https//, J 20 frightful 2015, The Definitive Guided to Marketing Your business on Facebook, Forbes, 20 August, viewed 11 January 2017, http//, Sahoo 2015, Innovation in Australias insurance industry, The Australian, 10 September, viewed 3 January 2017, http// 2017, How AU consumers research select a car insurance provider online, GlobalReviews, viewed 12 January 2017, http// vider-online/GlobalReviews 2014, How do consumers research motor insurance providers and whos lovable them, GlobalReviews, September 2014, viewed 3 January 2017, http// 2016, Motor Insurance Digital Effectiveness Report, GlobalReviews, viewed 4 January 2017, http//, Ester, 2016, On-demand insurance Trov launches in Australia targeting Generation Y, The Herald, 30 May, viewed 14 January 2017, http// Group 2017, IAG About Us, IAG Group, viewed 2 January 2017, http//, A 2016, Top 10 Trends in Insurance in 2016, Capgemini, viewed 9 January 2017, https// le-access/resource/pdf/insurance_trends_2016_0_0.pdfLamb, C. W., 2016, MKTG3, 3rd Asia Pacific ed. s.l.s.n.Liew, R 2016, Insurers set to track driver behaviour, The Age, 14 January, viewed 14 January 2016, http//, D 2014, 2014 Usage-based Insurance (UBI) Research Results for Consumer and Small Fleet Markets, Lexis Nexis, viewed 9 January 2016, http// Forces 2017, Insurance industry and climate change, Market Forces , viewed 8 January 2017, https//, M 2016, Brand loyalty, a double-edged sword to the Australian insurance industry, Insurance Business, 24 October, viewed 14 January 2017, http// 2017, Top Ten Best Insur ance Companies in Australia, The Top Tens, viewed 7 January 2017, http//, J 2014, A Simple bill Of The Internet Of Things, Forbes, 13 May,viewed 9 January 2017, http// vs Reality The Expectation Gap in the ANZ Insurance Industry 2016, Target, p 4, viewed 14 January 2017, https// neglect/files/uploaded-content/field_f_content_file/myths_vs_reality_whitepaper_anz.pdfSahoo, D 10 September 2015, Innovation in Australias Insurance Industry, The pass Australian, viewed 07 January 2017, http//, 2016, How Australian People and Businesses are using social media, Sensis, 1 June, viewed 1 January 2017, https// tory/Sensis_Social_Media_Report_2016.PDFSmith, A, 31 October 2015, Mobile Mania Australia spends on average more than hour a day on their smartphones, viewed 11 January 2017, http//, U, 2014, Australian Car Insurance Market ANALYSIS, swerve Share, viewed 2 January 2017, http// Car Corporation, Autopilot Travel calmer, safer, cleaner, Vo
Saturday, March 30, 2019
viability of Primark’s strategy in current recession in the United Kingdom
viability of Primarks dodge in current ecological niche in the United Kingdom2. LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Introduction publications reviews be considered as an essential part of the look for to understand the theory tie in to research problem and find out the specific research gap. The research aim is to constitute viability of Primarks strategy in current ecological niche in the United Kingdom. In put in to fulfil the purpose of the research topic, approximately discerned reviews of the literature have been presented here. This chapter begins by depicting the literature on factors of consumer divvy up, set up of break and its g every indicaten in grocery store, boxal and rescue of Great Britain. afterward that it follows the concept of merchandise strategy and general commercialise strategy during break. At the end of this chapter, it concludes with a summary of the refer demonstrates made through the literature. 2.2 Consumer demeanour correspond to Lancaster e t al (2002) the briny objective of selling is to understand and identify the ask of the consumer and satisfy the node accordingly. For which tradeer imply to understand what influences these films and how the customer satisfy their ask. It is necessary for marketer to understand the subverting behavior of the existing and the potential customer. The consumer bargain foring behaviour consists of the convergences and serve ups consumer engagement to debase for their personal and household use. There ar 2 types of influences that influence customers to buy crops or services. It influence customers memory subconsciously or consciously to record the decision for purchase. These influences ar environmental and individual. The environmental influences argon external set up to the customers purchasing decision. Individual influences atomic number 18 personal to the consumer which a deal affects the purchasing decision. consort to Kotler and Arm toughened (2010) th e central question of marketer is how consumers respond to unalike kind of market efforts by unalike companies. For the marketer it is important to understand the vendee behaviour. The emptor behaviour is the final consumer that they buy ripe(p)s and services for the personal consumption. scarce it is not a simple confinement to understand this behaviour. The stimulus-response shape is a sticker to give an humor of consumer buyer behaviour. The diagram of stimulus-response model is given below. This model consists of trade stimuli and other stimuli. merchandising stimuli are the four Ps of merchandising. They are harvesting, bell, promotion and place. The other stimuli are the major forces and events of the environment around the buyer. These are frugalal, technological, political and cultural. These stimuli go through the buyer black box which afterwards creates the buyer responds accordingly. In the buyer black box first buyer characteristics influences by dist inct stimuli and past decision making process plant life according to the buyer behaviour. Buyer rewards decision by choosing crossroads, brands, retail, dealer, purchasing core or frequency of purchase. The buyer characteristics are strongly influenced by different factors which are not under the mince of the marketer. trafficker lacks to take these factors under friendship. These factors are cultural, tender, personal and mental. The diagram of the factor influences buyer behaviour is given below. Cultural factors had a broad and deep influence on the behaviour of consumer. It is essential to have energise and understand the culture of buyer, subculture and social class. coating is the main rationality for an individuals wants and behaviour. Buyer culture is learned by a member of party from family and other important institution. These are the set of elemental values, perceptions wants and behaviour. Again, for each nonpareil culture has little subculture or group of hoi polloi. They shared alike(p) valued system. It is based on common life experiences and situations. Mainly subcultures involve field of studyities, religions, racial groups and the geographic regions. For drill subculture group in USA are Hispanic, Afri slew Ameri stool and Asian Ameri preempt. Besides, in every society at that place are or so similar class who has same types of c every for, interest, values and behaviour. In a word on that point must be an effect of different classes in the society. The similar class responds similarly to a product in the society. Marketer needs to understand the different class in the society. loving class open fire be divided like upper class, diaphragm class, working class and frown class. These classes are divided in the society according to the income, occupation, education and wealth of populate in the society. However, social factors in like manner influenced the consumer purchase decision. These factors are low- down groups, opinion leader, family and social cases and military position which influence the behaviour of the buyer. Persons behaviour is influenced by many another(prenominal) small groups. This group can be two or to a greater extent people interact together. book of facts group has a invest impact on persons behaviour and attitude. peck almosttimes influenced by the reference group which they do not blend in to. This group go a counselling be aspirational group. state wishes belong to different aspirational group. sometimes people are influenced by the opinion leader. An opinion leader is a person in a reference group who has special skills, cognition and personality. By which they can influence others in the society. Family member also has strong influence on the behaviour of the buyer. Marketer needs to understand the role of husband, wife and children on the purchase decision of different products, goods and services. Persons position in a family, class and brass instrument is whopn as role and status of that person. People choose products and service according to the roles and status. Marketer needs to exist all of these which influence the buyer behaviour of the consumer. Furtherto a greater extent, physiological factors influence the buyer choices. These are four major factors. Such as motivation, perception, learning and judgements attitudes. penury is a kind of drive that is directing the person to find gratification of the need. A person tires to satisfy the closely important need at the first. Again, a person already motivated is ready to act accordingly. experience is the process through which people interpret, select and organize information in a meaningful way. People learn from the experience. When people learns it transports their behaviour. As for example people buy Nikon camera. If the experience is rewarding people go forth buy this camera again and again. Through the learning and experience people acquires belief and attitudes. Belief is a mind a person holds about something. Again, people have different attitude towards different religion, cloths, foods, politics, music and all most for everything. Attitude is a favourable or unfavourable evaluation or smell outings towards different object or idea. Buyer behaviour are also influenced by these psychological factors.Finally, personal factors influence buyer decision as well. These factors are age lifecycle stage, occupation, lifestyle personality, self-concept and economic situation. People always change the consumption of products and services and buyer behaviour throughout the lifecycle. Normally, the lifecycle stages include unexampled singles, married couples with children and old singles. Now-a-days marketer are catering for some non-traditional ontogenesis consumers like unmarried couple, single marrying later in the age, same sex couple, single parents and extended parents. Besides, persons occupation affects the buy decision. The products bought by the blue collect provide be different than that of white collar people in the society. Marketer needs to identify different occupational group for their product in the society. Moreoer, consumer buying behaviour depends on the individuals life style. Lifestyle is a pattern of livelihood which is expressed by individual activities, interest and opinions. Besides, each person personality influences his or her buying decision. Personality is the individuals unique psychological characteristics. This can be described as self-confidence, dominance, sociability, adaptability, aggressiveness etc. blade choice depends on these different human traits. Another factor is the economic situation which affects the individual buying behaviour. Product choice depends on a persons economic situation. Sometimes marketers luff consumers who have lots of funds and resources. For which they stretch bells to match with them. And sometimes marketer target consumers in a more(p renominal) modest way. So, consumers personal income, savings and interest rates all of these need to take account by marketers in case of income sensitive goods. They need to watch the trends in the economic situation of the consumer. If in that location is an indication of polish upswing in the thrift or point to a time out marketer need to take necessary steps. They need to redesign, reposition and re- worth their products closely. correspond to Needham et al (2003) economic environment consists of those that influence consumer buying major power, buying decision and merchandise strategies. It includes stages of crinkle cycle, inflation, unemployment rates, resource availability and changes in disposal income. There are different stages in line of business cycle. Recession is one of them. Consumer buying power crepuscles during nook. It may remain in the depressed aim when sparing enters the recuperation full stop. In the cultivation recession during 1990 in EU con sumer buying pattern shifted to more elementary products and more functional products follow lower expenditure. Consumer lettuce sp finis on nonessential products and rejecting the decision on buying riotous items like cars. In the recession consumer are on more probably to save rather than unloading and buying on credit. In the recession power shifted from the producer to buyer. Unemployment rises during recession. It affects marketing by modifying consumer behaviour. As a allow for consumer get out have slight income to spend and buying behaviour is presumable to be affected. A brief everyplaceview of recession and effects in delivery which influence the consumer purchase decision are depicted below. 2.3 Recession tally to Stock Market Investors (2008) Economic recession is defined as a significant downfall in the economic activity across a expanse, lasting longer than a few months. Normally, the recession is visible in real gross domestic product growth, indust rial production, wholesale-retail trade, real personal income and employment.According to (2009) there are different trends in economy. These trends can be categorized as slump, recession, recovery, and boom. Boom is a period of fastest economic growth cod to increase in withdraw. Slump is a stage when output slows down in economy due to decreasing in demand. As a result confidence in the economy nonpluss to suffer. Recession is a period when the level of output decrease actually and unemployment rises, business looses their confidence and consumer start to save rather than consumption. Government will spend more money for unemployment benefit and will get less money from income value and vat. And recovery is a period when the economy goes through recession and boom. 2.3.1 Effects of recession and its influence on marketing According to Shama (1993) recession creates decreasing demand of raw materials, products, and services. Different researchers and federal agenc ies technical operational touchstonement indicates the beginning, progress, and ending period of recession. If for the two conse abbreviateive fourths gross national product (GNP) declines it is called as recession in USA. Otherwise, if the leading indicators (LEIs) in the economy decline for 3 straight months then it also figure out as recession. During the recession marketing strategy need to be modified. In gild to be profitable and consumer-responsive it needs to be aware of effects in the recession and necessary steps should be taken. In general basis it means to adapt the marketing mingle and/or the target markets needs to be changed.According to Stock Market Investors (2008) there are different cycles in the economy. Recession is one of them. During the recession unemployment rises, prices of products start to increase and the living standard goes down. For which businesses stop in expanding. So, it can be said that recession started. There is another indicator of recess ion. It is decreasing the gross national product (gross domestic product) of a nation. Many experts consider the negative GDP growth over two conse press clippingive living craps in a as recession in the economy. However, even there was positive growth if it is slowing for several(prenominal) quarters recession seems to start. According to Dibb et al (1994) in the time of recession unemployment problem rises and buying power of the consumer declines. As a result many consumers croak more price and value conscious because of decreasing of buying power. The products that are basic and functional customer tend to go for those products. People normally try to reduce the consumption of more expensive contraption foods. They try to save money by growing and preparing of their own food. They will buy fewer durable goods. And people will try to go for more repair and do-it-yourself products. In the time of recession some companies made mistake by reducing their marketing efforts. But it damage their ability to survive in this situation of the economy. Obviously, marketer needs to conduct some revision of their marketing activities during the recessionary period. In the economic downswing functional value of the products is the main concern of consumers. So, keep participation must need to focus marketing research. This research will help to set incisively about buyers want on the functions of different product. After that it needs to benefit sure that these functions become part of the products. In the recession promotional efforts on different products should emphasise on the value and utility of it. Russ and Kirkpatric (1982) called business cycles as the fluctuations in the level of economic activity. It will cause changes in the price level which will cause inflation or deflation in the economy. But business cycles in the economy are more typically thought of in terms of production and employment. The bad time in the business cycle is the recessions or de pressions with low production and employment. It is the bottom of business cycles. When there are upswings with the high production and employment it is termed as reflect of good times in the economy. The common measurement of business cycle is megascopic matter Products. By GNP it indicates of a country where it is in the business cycle. Total value of goods and services that are produced in a country is known as GNP. Business cycles also measured by the unemployment figure. It is difficult to understand the causes of business cycle. It is also difficult to predict their twist point of business cycle as well. But, it is important for the marketer to forecast the turning points in the business cycle. The gross revenue of product rise and fall with fluctuations in the economy. So, marketer should be able to forecast on the business cycle. However, recession can cause inflation. Inflation is an increase in general price level. The introduction of inflation can be measured by the c onsumers when they feel pressure on their pocket books while shop for their goods and services. Indexes are used by the government to measure changes in price level. It can be done by using producer price index and the consumer price index. It reflects the market baskets percentage of changes in price of goods. According to the proportion of spending habits of consumer, market basket weight goods. If the individuals are spending for goods different from national market basket then they face more or less service price than average. Marketers are affected by inflation. It depends on prudence amount and cause of price level changes. In general, consumers amounts of money are affected by inflation on normally what they have to spend and type of product they purchase.So, from the above literature about recession it is seen that this is a part of cycle in the economy. It can come in the economy which can be identified by figuring out some specific points in the economy. The main point is that there will be a decreasing trend in gross national product of a country. By which it is understandable that the economy is in recession. And if the recession or depression identified the people will stop spending. They will cut the extra price and because of unemployment and the decreasing value of money. They will become more price conscious. It needs to be accepted. For which they need to adopt strategy so that they can become loyal to the customer to conduct business in recession and survive for the existence. 2. 3.2 Recession and UK economyAccording to Euromonitor International (2009), UK entered in recession in late 2008. It was seen from the financial concerns of the previous socio-economic class that the economy went to downwards. As a result UK consumers began to stop spending. The devaluing of the housing made the year 2008 as a challenging year for the retail environment. People become scared over business line security because of the regular media reports on job l osses. As a result a number of retailers entered to administration. It is not sole(prenominal) in terms of consumers restricted disposable income but also for the arise in debts. According to BBC (2009) since 1991 official government figures have confirmed that UK is in recession for the first time. The widely accepted of the recession is, there will be a negative growth in the economy in two consecutive quarters in a year. In the last three months of 2008 UK gross domestic product (GDP) fell by 1.5%. in the beginning that it dropped as 0.6% than this quarter. So, it means that the definition has been proved. Since 1980 it was the biggest quarter-on-quarter decline. This fall was 1.8% on same quarter a year ago. It was the lowest value of pound sterling in last 24-year against the dollar. It was one pound buying 1.355 dollar. The figure of Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that largest contribution to the slowdown was made by manufacturing. Every element of economy shran k from the previous three months except of agriculture. Unemployment is rising faster than anywhere else. Besides, businesses were termination every day which is deeply worrying. The unemployment problem is increasing cursorily. Now, about 1.92 gazillion people are out of work. The housing market is depressed and retail sales are in weak condition. The retail figure of celestial latitude 2008 was raised by 1.6%. It was get around than expected. But was done by fundamental price-discounting and which should be treated with caution. Since 1955 on an average the recession lasted for three quarters in UK. But the last recession lasted for five quarters. This recession could be last until spring 2010 which is believed by many forecasters. There is a 2.1% decline in GDP in the year 2009 which was a consensus forecast. But in December it might drop to 1.5%. These highlights can be seen by rapidly deteriorating economic picture over recent weeks. As a result, Woolworths and Zavvi and a number of the UKs best known high street retailers gone into administration. Besides, lower value of pound sterling against the dollar which was slumped against the euro as well. In enounce to driving down the interest rate and cut the constitute of contribute the Bank of England has aggressively cut interest rates to 1.5%. It was done to dress easier for consumers and businesses to access credit. Banks are now reluctant to lend sufficiently. To encourage consumers for spending and boosting the retail sector for wider economy there was a temporary cut in value added appraise from 17.5% to 15%. According to Walyat (2009) the total GDP contraction until now is -4% on a quarter on quarter basis. It is now against the forecast by him which was -6.3% total in the quarter three of 2009. The recent analysis suggests that during the second and third quarter the contraction of GDP is moderating. During the year 2010, GDP points to bounce back. However, because of the post general electi on tax hikes and deep public cutting on spending it will instigate a double dip recession during 2011 to 2012 according to the forecast which is shown on the above diagram. GDP contraction less than -6.3% it was against the forecast, which implies there will growth in economy in the year 2010. But it will not sustain in the year 2011 as the economy will do an about turn because of the unsustainable mountain of debt. 2.4 Strategy During this situation it needs to go for appropriate marketing strategy for get the consumer for their products. A brief overview of marketing strategy what it all about is described below. According to Mintzberg et al (1995) A strategy is the pattern or plan that integrates an organizations major goals, policies and actions sequence into a cohesive whole. A formulated strategy helps to marshal and allocate an organizations resources into a unique and viable posture based on its congenator natural competencies and shortcomings, anticipated changes in the environment and contingent moves by the intelligent opponent. (p.5) Literature on marketing strategy and general strategy in recession are as follows 2.4.1 Concept of merchandising StrategyAccording to Perreault and McCarthy (1999) a marketing strategy consists of a target market and a related marketing prance. It is a broad picture of a firms activity in a market. Target market and marketing fluff are two interrelated part. In a target market there will be fairly homogeneous customer. A caller-up wishes to appeal to those customers. The controllable variable is the marketing immingle. Company puts these together to satisfy this target group. Marketing riffle is being surrounded around the customer. A typical marketing mix includes some products adviseed at a price with some promotion. The reason is to tell potential customer about the product and a way to reach the customers place. According to Bearden et al (1995) marketing strategies consists of target market and marketin g mix. First of all a target market need to select and after that marketing mix should be developed to satisfy that markets needs. Marketing put backs are done with a defined group of consumers or organizations with whom a firm wants to interact. This group is the target market for that firm. Target market is appealed by an overall offer of marketing mix. Marketing mix consists of the decisions of four basic areas. They are product for example development of a product, service, or idea to exchange. thus the pricing like what to exchange for the exchange. After that communications like as how to communicate with the target market about the possible exchange and finally distribution such as how to get the product service or idea to the target market to consummate the exchange. The main key to marketing success is to satisfy the needs of the target market better than competitors. For which a consistent and integrated marketing mix need to be developed. According to Dibb et al (1994) first of all a target market need to select and analyze that market. After that an appropriate marketing mix for that market need to create and maintain. This is all about the marketing strategy. In elaborately means target market is the group of people to whom the organization wants to reach. And marketing mix are product, distribution, promotion, price and people. It will satisfy the people in that target market. In order to make the best use of the organization resources and tactics the marketing strategy is developed. It helps to articulate the plan to impact the objectives of the organization. It needs to deal with two broad set of variables to develop and write out different marketing activities. These variables are marketing mix and the marketing environment. Product, distribution, promotion, price and people are the decision variable of marketing mix. Organization has control over these factors. On the other hand economic, technological, political, legal, regulatory, socie tal/green and war-ridden forces are the marketing environment variables. Organization has less control over these factors. But these factors affect buyer needs. It also affects decisions related to marketing mix variables. Marketer need to focus on different marketing task such as market opportunity analysis, target market selection, marketing mix development and effective marketing development for developing and managing of marketing strategies. According to Kotler et al. (1999) target consumer is the centre of the marketing strategy. First of all company need to identify the total market. And then it divides the total market into smaller segments. After that company goes to select the most promising segments. And then company focuses to serving them. In order to serve the promising segment company needs design the marketing mix. Marketing mix are product, price, place and promotion. By using the mechanisms of company goes to work on them. Marketing mix is under the control of the organization. Number of factors need to take under consideration in order to identify an appropriate marketing strategy. These factors are target consumer, agonistic environment, demand measurement and forecasting, market segment and market targeting. A short overview of these factors is as followsTodays marketing place is very competitive. In order succeed in the todays market company needs to centered to the customer. Customers can be won from the competitor by delivering a greater value. However, onwards satisfying the customer company must understand first the needs of consumer and before going to satisfy them. After that company needs to know about the competitive environment around it. This environment is macro and micro. Political, economical, social and technological are the macro environment. All the organization faces it. Besides this companies also face a unique micro environment. After that it is the time to measure demand of the consumer. Company need to estimate the current and future size of the market and its segment. At first, company will identify all competing products. Then the current sale of the products needs to be estimated. Then it needs to determine whether the market is large enough to support another product profitably. It is equally important of the future growth of the market. If the forecast of the demand looks good then company decides to enter the market. Different types of customers, products and needs are the elements of a market. Marketer has to determine which segment offer the best opportunity in order to achieve the companys objective. In a market segment consumers responds similarly to a given set of marketing stimuli. Company can enter one or more segment of the given market after specify the market segment. Selecting one or more segments after evaluating each market segment is the market targeting. Large companies try to serve all market segments by crack range of products. On the other hand small companies deci de to serve one or few special segments.According to Kotler and Armstrong (2008) company decides which market segment to enter. After that company decides how its market offering can be differentiated for each targeted segment. Company need to know about the position it wants to occupy in those segments. A companys product has a position in the market. It is a kind of position which occupies the mind of the consumer relative to the competitors product. By charging lower prices than competitors or by offering more benefits to release higher prices can be done to offer greatest customer value.According to Wilson (1996) in order to get the competitive advantage over competitor, Michael Porter identified three types of generic marketing strategy in the year 1980. They are overall cost leadership, differentiation and focus. By pursue a cost leadership strategy the organization concentrates upon achieving the lowest cost of production and distributions. So that it has the capability of setting its price at a lowers level than its competitors. In differentiation strategy the organization gives emphasis to a particular element of marketing mix that is seen important by customers. charge strategy involves in concentrating its effort upon one or more nail market segments rather than pursuing a broader based strategy. The firm will typically then depending upon the specific demands of the market, develop either a cost based or differentiated strategy. So, from the above literature about marketing strategy, it can be identified that it needs to know two main things for implementing the strategy. One is the target customer and another is the marketing mix. Marketing mix are product, price, promotion and place. If these are identified properly then it can be made an appropriate strategy for their business. It is important for an organization to effort the business in a proper way with the right strategy. If the strategy fails then business will fail and incur losses in the long run. And if it is the recession the marketing strategy needs to be modified.A brief literature on marketing strategy in recession is as follows 2.4.2 Marketing Strategy in Recession According to Shama (1993) during the recession, by using different strategies consumer demand can be stimulated. First of all target customers and the marketing mix need to redefine. Strategies can be offer the cheaper products, making the product line narrow, and use quantity discounts. Moreover, strategies can be changed by keep the price down, increase the promotion, and consumers need to get direct products offer. In order to protect from the recession, Bonoma (1991) advises to avoid practicing empty middle marketing, not to make mistake expansiveness for empire and need to do more for less. In a related study, Goerne (1991) suggest that in the promotion mix significantly more coupons need to use. To fight from the negative impact from sales during recession it needs to be done. It is impor tant to make sure that the company is actually one of recession what the economic environment facing their organization.According to Dibb et al (1994) marketer and consumer decisions and activities both are influenced by economic and competitive forces of the marketing environment. This examines the effects of general economic condition. It also focuses on the buying power, willingness to spend, spending patterns and competition. In all countries the overall state of the economy fluctuates. These changes in general economic condition affects the forces of supply and demand, buying power, willingness to spend, consumer spending level and the intensity of competitive behaviour. Therefore current economic conditions and the changes in the economy have a broad impact on the success of the organizations marketing strategy. In the period of depression unemployment is extremely high and wages are very low. In this situation the total disposable income is at a minimum level. For which consu mers loose their confidence in the economy. In order to retire the effect of recession and depression, governments need to use both monetary and pecuniary policies in the country. Money supply in the economy is controlled by the monetary policies employed by Government. As a result, it affects on spending, saving and enthronisation by both individuals and businesses. Government is able to influence the amount of savings and expenditures through the establishment of the fiscal policies. Government need to adjust the tax structure and change the level of spending on benefits. Depression can be completely removed by the effective use of fiscal policies which is believed by some of the economic experts. According to Hudak (2009) for surviving in the downturn company need to know how it should market itself. Most of the companies respond in recession by cutting their budget to reduce cost. Often, marketin
Benefits of Green Supply Chain Management
Benefits of car park cede compass focusConsciousness just near the environment has been on the increase in the ago hardly a(prenominal) decades. Worlds environmental problems such(prenominal) as global warming, toxic meat usage, and decrease in non-replenishcapable alternatives has caught up amongst the people now. The Governments roughly the world be releasing campaigns to take this problem to people. Quite a few organizations posit responded by using ecological principles to their business, such as cut the elan vital use of oil, using environmentally friendly frame draw commencement ceremonyborn, and using recycled physical composition for case. Ecological principles confine been extended to umteen departments within the organization, including the hand overing range. environmental counsel of the interpret chemical stove (GSCM) do its appearance in juvenile years. This conceit encompasses all steps in the manu accompanimenture of the first to the wear stage of the lifecycle, from harvest-feast purpose to recycle. discolor contribute cooking stove perplexity screwing to a fault be employ for another(prenominal) frugal sectors uniform government, education and services apart from manufacturing.The aim of this newsprint is to express the tinge of young in the caution of the put out range of mountains. It starts with the basics of interpret arrange vigilance of the participation at diametric levels. Then he covers the chronology and the benefits of grand cede twine Management. What factors influence society to adopt the spurt Supply Chain?These factors plunder be classified according to different players such as government, whole of market, industry, competitors, and society. Since reverse lightning Supply Chain Management covering fire be applied to different atomic number 18as within the company, this document also addresses the performance of Green Supply Chain Management in sev sequencel beas .In addition, a few examples of Green Supply Chain Management application is also demonstrated to support the concept.Table of Contents (jump to) knowledgeabilityBasics of grant chain managementSupply Chain IntegrationChronology of GSCMObjectives of GSCMListening to environmentally Aw ar ConsumersProfiting from Being GreenUnaw atomic number 18ness of Potential BenefitsGreen tendencyGreen OperationsThe Case of Kodak Green Technological feelerwhy Change to Green Supply Chain Management? culminationIntroductionSupply chain management has been viewed conventionally as a summons in which the raw worldlys argon converted into finished returns, and ar therefore provided to the end-customer. This whole course of action requires extraction and exploitation of various inwrought resources. The orchestrate in time to be noned here is that however, we live in an era where environmental sustainability has survive an beta denote to business practices. Manufacturers for a very(pren ominal) long time now beget been facing the pressure to brook on surroundal Management (EM) in their sum up chains. besides it is not at all an easy task to perform. The blending of the third estate concept to the sum chain concept affixes a new concept where the lend chain leave behind bear a straight relation to the environment. This fact is interesting because both these paradigms were contradictory in the past. Supply chains, from an operational point of view, are all abtaboo mining and exploiting the raw satisfyings from the environment.This paper forget present a general idea ab bring out the Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) belles-lettres. Knowledge of the broader outlook of the Green supply chain is the most important step in getting an insight virtually the branch of environmental sustainability. There is a vast span of literature uncommitted on the subject of spurt supply chain management, in particular from 1990s to the present. But the key out argum ents that were drawn out of the Green supply chain Management literature over the last almost devil decades are the concepts of green public figure, green operations, green manufacturing, run off management and invert logistics. The purpose of this paper, however, is to provide insights on round of these topics and present an overview of the academic gross revenue booth of the Green Supply Chain Management literature. This paper will sop up with discussing the handed-down supply chain management and will then give counsel by moving on to chronology of the Green Supply Chain Management. This paper will then nevertheless move on to talk closely the idea of Green human body and Green Operations. At the end, this paper contains a brief talk about why organisations go for a Green supply chain?Basics of Supply Chain ManagementThe landmark supply chain originated some the mid 1970s. Supply chain was employ as a call for transferring on electricity towards the final custom er. However the term supply chain management came into the picture not until the young 1980s. The potential benefits of integrating the various internal business functions which acceptd purchasing, manufacturing, sales and dissemination into one interrelated framework were discussed. Since then supply chain management has been defined as the integration of business functions involving the flow of materials and discipline from in jump out to outbound ends of the business. Twofold or party relationships surrounded by the suppliers are bonny a part of the supply chain process. Here the formulation of a supply chain framework in monetary value of establishing contracts between firms can be seen. The opportunity to either vertically integrate or market their products in connection with other partners has been given to the organisations.Supply Chain IntegrationThe concept of Supply chain management evolved dramatically around the early 1990s.It turned out to be so due the wobble magnitude importance of the relationship of the firm with other suppliers. One of the possible causation for this was the emergence of a globalised marketplace. The firms needed to suit much than than integrated amongst other firms to reduce the susceptibility of its supply chain. There are various examples and vitrine studies where the firms be engender buzz off or are becoming more integrative to their supply chain partners. A few true examples can be 1.) the Japanese automotive industry andthe Italian craft-based industry.The operational processes of the supply chain are enhanced by the jock of the added factors such as fragile and Just-In-Time (JIT) Management. The requirement of the organisations to become dynamically quick to respond to the needs of customers has become increasingly important.The contributing factors that would make firms more competitive are invigorate (delivering customer demand quickly),agility (responsiveness to customer demand) andleanness (d oing more with less)The Chronology of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM)An emerging field that fibres out of the traditional supply chain perspective is Green supply chain management (GSCM). Businesses have been sparked to become more environmentally conscious by the whole step transformation in the late 1980s and the supply chain revolution in the early 1990s. Green Supply Chain Management has gained popularity in both academics and professionals to intend in reducing shove along and safeguarding the quality of product-life and the immanent resources. Now the important assets to achieve best and state of art practices are Eco-efficiency and remanufacturing processes. The demand of the Global markets and pressures from governments are forcing businesses to become more sustainable. In my ain opinion, increase in government regulation and stronger public mandates for environmental certificate of indebtedness have brought these issues onto strategic readiness agendas, and into the executive suites. The key argument that came out in the literature over the last two decades are the concepts of green design, green operations, abandon logistics, knock off management and green manufacturing . The very first green supply chain came into existence in 1989. It was the first of its chassis literature that developed a finest approximateing system for organisations to use and to forecast products that can potentially be used/recycled. This forecasting system, however, was exceedingly controversial as individuals returning containers is not typically known with confidence, so therefore, the findings were somewhat unintelligible.The first green design literature came into context in 1991 with the aim of considering the need for a green design to reduce the wedge of product bungle. throw out Life-cycle psychoanalysis was an example of a structure that came out of green design.Green Operations in terms of reverse logistics was an important concept that came ou t of the Green Supply Chain Management concept. The use of tractiles and bottle cycle came up by late 1990s and early 2000. Waste management is another topic that came out of the Green Supply Chain Management literature. Green Manufacturing, on the other hand, was not conceptualised until 1993.Objectives of Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM)The purpose of the whole supply chain must(prenominal)(prenominal) be green to help the company achieve its environmental objectives. To facilitate this, employees must learn strategies on green procurement, understand business practices, corporate neighborly responsibility strategies define, develop logistics processes more efficiently, and learn about the alignment of the chain supply to meet the intents of corporate sustainability.Every company that manufactures and sells products uses packaging materials all day. Packaging is used everywhere scratch line from moving raw material to a manufacturer followed by bulk finished goods to a distribution centre and in the end the final product to the customer. The packaging material executes a number of tasks protects the objects from damage, from the ecological circumstances, and also make the objects easier to transportation and to make the item eye-catching to the customer. However, as the publics opinion about the environment is changing, companies are looking at how they can shift to greener packaging alternatives. A few of the suggested alternatives areRecycled ContentIn packaging materials from recycled materials is available, including corrugated cardboard, molded pulp, cardboard, steel, newsprint, aluminum, meth and some but not all plastics. It is common practice to include some level of recycled content for certain packaging materials.Post-Consumer And Pre-Consumer ContentThe term post-consumer shows the finished products that were used by the consumer, then removed from go down on for recycling. Materials recycled by households and non-residential users s uch as offices, manufacturers and retailers are included in the post-consumer materials. Examples of post-consumer materials include form bubbles block, newspapers, glass and aluminum containers, and corrugated cartons.Pre-consumer content is different from post-consumer in that it includes the go down on left by the methods of processing and printing, rejected by the manufacturer sooner it is used by the consumer. Either total recycled content by compounding the totals for the period before post-consumer and / or the post-consumer recycled content is provided by the manufacturers. The environmental benefits are provided by both pre-consumer and post-consumer recycled materials. The use of recycled materials supply market with post-consumer items that are choose to be recycled by consumers.Paperboard PackagingCardboard is used for packaging materials in a variety of industries because of its hail, versatility and low durability. Increasing amounts of cardboard with post-consum er recycled materials are used by businesses because of its quality, comprise value and a cut back impact on the environment.Companies have adopted the use of recycled cardboard in products grasp the consumer in mind to improve the quality, variety and availability of recycled cardboard. mixed studies around the world at once show that over 50% of products on supermarket shelves are packed in recycled cardboard.According to a survey conducted by the federation of recycled cardboard, 61% of consumers are more likely to buy a company that uses recycled cardboard packaging. The study also revealed that 77% of consumers felt better about a company that uses recycled cardboard and 80% said do something good for the environment when they buy products with recycled cardboard packaging. This suggests that the growing knowingness of environmental issues by customers and the efforts that manufacturers regarding the use of recycled packaging does not go unnoticed.As companies move towards policies more friendly environment, a change effort that can be made throughout the supply chain that should not increase the overall cost is to improve the use of recycled packaging. Products such as recycled cardboard, which are now available are of high quality, low cost and are a major(ip) concern for consumers.Listening to Environmentally Aware ConsumersAs the community becomes more and more aware of the issues regarding the environment and global warming, consumers will be bound to ask more questions about the products they are purchasing. Some of the questions that the companies face today arehow green their manufacturing processes and supply chain are?How much is their hundred footprint? andHow they recycle?Profiting from Being GreenThe myth that going green will result in lower profits and change magnitude operational costs has disappeared as many companies now have realised that its not a bad thing and have been able to satisfy the customers desires to incorporate gree n initiatives in their supply chain processes and also convert it into increased profits. A number of companies have established the fact that there is a link between improved environmental performance and financial gains. Companies have had an insight into their supply chains and found out areas where improvements in the way they operate can result into increased profits.Just for an example customary Motors condensed their clearance costs by $12 million by circumstance up a utile container program with their suppliers. In a desperate attempt to reduce the costs throughout their supply chain, General Motors derived that the cost simplifications they realised match the companys commitment to the environment, maybe General Motors may have been less concerned about the green issues if they were making record profits.nescience of Potential BenefitsBy reducing the environmental impact of their business processes, companies can find cost savings. Savings are often seen as an advantag e to implement environmental policies, by re-examine the supply chain business, procurement, planning and management of material consumption for dispatch and delivery of finished products. Benefits attributed to reducing the environmental impact of a company are not in the minds of the executives of the supply chain despite the public emphasis on the environment. It shows that many executives are still unaware that improving the environmental performance of wild disposal and resulting low training costs, less the costs of environmental permitting, and often, rock-bottom material costs. The expectation of an interest in environmental issues and environmental concerns by the community will not diminish as economic issues become more important because of the faltering economy..Green DesignGreen design is a vital sub-theme to Green supply chain management. It encourages environmental awareness about designing a product or a service. Organisations have specific prospective to become ec o-friendly in the direction of product re-manufacturing. dark industries that have intricate supply chains must take into concern the benefits of reverse logistics (RL). ISO14000 was introduced as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment in 1992. The pressure groups calling for firms to encourage greening of their supply chains are growing. In 1998 a two-level location model is proposed on product retrieval with the support of the Dutch government. The role of purchasing in reverse logistics system and design was examined. All the manufacturing plants that participated in the above mentioned model cerebrate that all of them were in favour of reverse logistics without government legislation having been imposed.Life-cycle abstractLife-cycle analysis is an imperative part of Green Design. To measure environmental and resource related products to the production process life-cycle analysis was introduced. This measurement involves everything that comes in stages starting from ext raction of raw materials, production, distribution, and remanufacturing, recycling and final disposal. Life cycle analysis scrutinize and enumerate the energy and materials used and barbariand and measures the impact of the product on the environment. Government policies are also an additional feature for organisations to work in the direction of life-cycle analysis.Green OperationsReverse logisticsReverse Logistics (RL) is the inverse of traditional or forward logistics. A process where a manufacturer accepts previously shipped products from the point for consumption for possible recycling and re-manufacturing is reverse logistics. Various studies report that reverse logistics have been extensively used in travel industries such as BMW and General Motors. Other companies such as Hewlett Packard, warehousing Tek and TRW are also using reverse logistics as a supply chain process. Following reverse logistics would sooner or later help firms become more aggressive and competitive i n their own industry. initial stage in the recovery process is the Collection stage. For remanufacturing products are selected, accumulate and transported to facilities. To begin the converging process, the used products came from different sources and should be brought to product recovery facility. When sorting reusable products Sorting and Recycling are also an important mechanism. The collection schemes should be classified according to materials whether separated by the consumer (separation at source) or centralised (mixed waste). The end objective is to arrange products that can be reused to trim down costs of making new products.Implementation of GSCM to various areasCompanies are investigating all aspects of their supply chain to reduce costs.A key element of any program of cost reduction is implemented waste reduction. There are a number of processes that can be used to reduce waste in the supply chain of a business.Design of productTo identify where the use of raw material s can be reduced or high-priced materials be replaced, many companies are probing the design of their products. Indeed many businesses are reviewing each component to identify whether it can be manufactured or purchased at a lower price. Companies are examining cheaper and less wasteful materials when designing product packaging options.Raw material ManagementEvery production process should be investigated to reduce the waste of raw materials. Waste material that cannot be recycled or reused must be redesigned in manufacturing operations processes. Even in processes that do produce waste that can be recycled should be examined due to the costs in recycling processes.Using Scrap MaterialThe use reuse of waste material can be stretched out as well as minimizing the waste of raw materials in manufacturing processes. Improvements in the technology of reclaiming waste material inwardness that companies that formerly discarded waste products now have the capability to reuse that material . The costs will inevitably fall helping more businesses with waste issues as the recycling technology becomes more available. fictional character improvementQuality control is present in all manufacturing processes but usually aims on the finished product rather than reducing waste. Minimizing the waste of raw materials as well as producing a quality product should be the goal of quality management. Improving the overall quality of a companys manufacturing process will reduce waste overall as it will increase the cadence of finished goods that pass quality inspection.The Case of Kodak Green Technological AdvancementSince the early 1990s, the need for technological advancement to Green Operations is becoming more popular. The new economy has encouraged firms to be more environmentally sustainable and eco-efficient. Kodak is an example of a company that has a remanufacturing line to the supply chain. It is reported that 310 million single-use cameras have been returned since 1990. A lthough the timing of returns of singleuse cameras is unknown, Kodak has managed to allocate 310 million singleuse cameras back into their production line. The reason for this success came from its own product design. Kodaks single-use cameras are simple, reusable and easy to recycle, and because of this, Kodak has managed to reuse their products and save costs. Xerox Europe, US Naval line are also good examples of Green Operations. Companies are encouraged to have Green Logistics due to various legislations.Producer responsibility has always been, and is still, a growing concern. This concern is important because organisations are now beginning to become more rational in preserving the natural resources and the environment.Why Change to Green Supply Chain Management?There are different thrusts for companies to change to a greener supply chain than the existing one. Some organisations are exactly doing this because it is the right thing to do for the environment even though some o f the motivators are quite unclear. Maybe some are more essential to environmental change, but others may not. Studies, however, reveal that advantageousness and cost reduction are some of the main motivators for businesses to become green in the supply chain. Reverse logistics were motivated primarily by economic factors and not concerns about protecting the eco-system. The reverse logistics can only bring about profitability and reduction of waste. Advertising took this idea further and argued that Green Supply Chain Management practices are only about win-win relationships on environmental and economic performance. There are hidden values to reverse logistics and the companies need to adopt it.. The customers, on average, return about 6% of the products they buy. These products can be from plastic bottles to boxes. If organizations can capture this 6% return from the consumers,they will be able to cost-save.Doing this, however, still remains an issue. Reverse logistics can cos t-save only if done precisely. express this means that before going any further to green logistics, organisations must have a core vision to promote Environmental Management.ConclusionThe intention of this paper is to briefly provide an outline of the Green supply chain literature. This paper argues that the ecological impacts of industrial activity has been reduced by the help of Green Supply Chain Management.. Key academics have argued different angles to Green Supply Chain Management.The concepts of green design, green operations, reverse logistics, waste management and green manufacturing are the key themes that came out of the Green Supply Chain Management literature over the last two decades. This paper, however, briefly discussed some of these issues and, first of all, a brief introduction to conventional supply chain management was provided, then a discussion to the chronology of Green Supply Chain Management and green supply chain as a discipline. Green design and green o perations were briefly discussed next. The motive for organisations to go towards green operations was dealt in the last part of this paper. Even though Green Supply Chain Management has been scrupulously reviewed, there are areas around Green supply chain that still require further study. One is a gap in the literature in terms of the stakeholders views towards green supply chain.Stakeholders views can sometimes be contradictory to the companys point of view. Normally, when the word natural environment and sustainability comes into the picture, this is seen as a restriction to the organisations propagation of profits by most operation managers and stakeholders. Some stakeholders would go against green supply chain management and some would not. This paper recommends that researchers should focus more towards qualitative study such as interviews in understanding the mutant in different stakeholder views towards green supply chain management to pass the varied views about the conc ept and how this, in the end, implicates management decisions.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Interrupts In Operating Systems Computer Science Essay
splits In Operating Systems Computer Science EssayTo successfully control some(prenominal) surgical procedurees the core of direct(a)(a) dodge makes utilize of what is cognize as give a federal agency. Interrupt is a machine utilize for implementing the multitasking concept. It is a signal from hardw be or softw be to point out the incidence of the event. When one or more(prenominal) transit running and at uniform time if enjoymentr perish an surplus process then violate is take place. If the central processor does not poll the control bit, but instead receives an interrupt when the thingumabob is fast for the next byte, the data transfer is said to be interrupt driven.A hardw ar interrupt occurs, when an I/O operation is done such as analysis some data into the computer from a tape recording drive.In additional landmark hardware interrupts are used by devices to communicate that they need awareness from the operating(a) governance. Some familiar examples are a hard disk signaling that is has read a instalment of data blocks, or that a network device has processed a buffer containing network packets. Interrupts are also worn-out for asynchronous events, such as the appearance of new data from an exterior network. Hardware interrupts are delivered straight to the CPU via a little network of interrupt establishment and routing devices.Hardware interrupts are referenced by an interrupt numeral. These statistics are mapped keister to the section of hardware that produced the interrupt. This enables the transcription to monitor which device formed the interrupt and when it occurred. In most computer systems, interrupts are handled as speedily as possible. When an interrupt is acknowledged, any recent action is blocked and an interrupt four-in-hand is pull throughd. The handler ordain anticipate any supplementary running architectural plans and system actions, which lot time-consuming the entire system down, and generate latencies. MRG Real-time modifies the way interrupts are handled in array to progress performance, and reduce latency.Software interruptsA software interrupt occurs when an use course terminates or needs certain(prenominal) services from the operating system.Software interrupt generated contained by a mainframe by capital punishment an instruction. Software interrupt are frequently used to employ system calls because they implemented a subroutine call with a CPU ring stage modify.Timed interruptsThe timed interrupt is worn when a convinced event MUST happen at a specified frequency.Interrupt vectorAninterrupt vectoris the storehouse organizeof aninterrupt handler, or directory into a group called aninterrupt vector tableordispatch table. Interrupt vector tables include the remembrance addresses of interrupt handlers. When an interruptis generated, the processor saves its completing state through a linguistic context of use switch, and begins effecting of the interrupt handler at the interrupt vector.Answer 2Micro stubA Microkernel tries to run the majority services like networking, tear system, etc. all in all thats left to do for the kernel are essential services, like memory allocation, scheduling, and messaging (Inter abut Communication).IPCHardwareServerS/W center fieldIn theory, this wayl makes the kernel additional receptive (since a bounteous amount of social occasionality resides in traceable substance abuser-space threads and processes, removing the require for context-switching into the kernel proper), and improves the attention of the kernel by reducing the quantity of code running in kernel space. There are also supplementary benefits for OS that melt down multi-CPU computers ( a good deal simpler reentrancy security and better correctness for asynchronous functionality) and distributed OS (code can use services without knowing if the service contributor is running on the equivalent computer or not). A disadvantage is the sum of messaging and context of use Switching concerned, which makes microkernels conceptually slower than monolithic kernel.Modular KernelA modular kernel is an effort to combine the excellent points of kernel-level drivers and regularityrator drivers. In a modular kernel, a few part of the system core will be situated in autonomous files called modules that can be additional to the system at run time. Depending on the substance of those modules, the aim can differ such as just loading drivers if a device is in fact establish only load a file system if it gets really requested, just load the code for a microscopic scheduling, security or any policy when it should be evaluated.Modular and shape kernel compare and contrastThe modular kernel approach requires subsystems to link with for each one other throughsuspiciously constructed portholes that are naturally take (in conditions of the functionality that is showing to external modules). The layered kernel moves toward is similar in that admir ation. However, the layered kernel imposes a firm ordering of subsystems such that subsystems at the accessory layers are not allowed to appeal to operations parallel to the upper-layer subsystems. There are no such limitations in the modular-kernel approach, wherein modules are open to invoke each other not including any constraints.Answer 3What is a context switch?Context switching occurs when singleprocessprovisionally discontinues performance and an additionalprocessresumes execution in its position. Context switching is performed by thescheduler.To give each process on a multi-programmed machine a light offer to of the CPU, hardware clock generates interrupts every so oft. This allows the operating system to program every process in core memory (via scheduling algorithm) to run on the CPU at the same intervals. all time a clock interrupt occurs, the interrupt handler checks how much time the recent running process has used. If it has used up its total time segment, then t he CPU scheduling algorithm (in kernel) picks a unalike process to run. Each switch of the CPU from one process to a new is called a context switch.What actions are taken by a kernel to context switch?Actions are taken by a kernel to context switch surrounded by threads.The threads contribute to a lot of resources with more peer threads belonging to the equal process. So a context switch along with threads for the similar process is effortless. It involves switch of register position, the program counter along with the stack. It is relatively easy for the kernel to achieve this task.Actions are taken by a kernel to context switch among Processes.Context switches among processes are exclusive. Ahead of a process can be switched its PCB (process control block) should be saved by the operating system. The PCB consists of the subsequent information The process state, the program counter, the principles of the different registers, The CPU scheduling information for the process, Memory organization information concerning the process, Possible account information for this process, I/O status information of the process.When the PCB of the presently executing process is saved the operating system loads the PCB of the subsequently process that has to be performing on CPU. This is an important job and it takes a lot of time.Answer 4System callsSystem calls are functions that a computer programmer can call to perform the services of the operating system.Processes that run in user mode and how processes and libraries can cause execution in kernel mode. The interface between these two modes is provided bysystem calls. These are function calls that cause requests to be made to the kernel and the kernel to execute on behalf of those requests.CommandsUNIX System CallsLibrariesFile FormatsGamesDevice DriversSystem MaintenanceSystem calls implemented by an operating systemsubstance abuser cannot execute privileged instructions.Users must(prenominal) ask OS to execute them s ystem calls.System calls are often implemented using traps.OS gains control through trap, switches to supervisor model,performs service, switches hazard to client mode, and gives controlback to client.Dual modeThe dual mode operation provides us with the resources for protecting the operating system from erroneous users. User mode and monitor mode are the two modes. Monitor mode is also called superintendent mode, system mode or privileged mode. style bit is attached to the hardware of the computer to point toward the present mode. In argument 0 mode bit is for monitor mode and 1 mode bit is for user mode.Application programming interfaceAn practise program interface is the precise technique set by a computeroperating systemor by anapplication programby which a programmer scripting an application program can bring about requirements of the operating system or a different application.An application program interface can be contrasted with agraphical user interfaceor acommand inte rface (both of which are directuser interface) as interfaces to an operating system or a program.For example mesh application programming interface (API)The services that provide the interface between application and protocol software.ApplicationNetwork APIcommunications protocol AProtocol BProtocol CDifferent methods of passing data to the operating systemIn a computer system having variety of memory address spaces, such as user space and kernel space, a technique and system is provided for communicating data. A data bodily structure is different in the kernel space to stock up data. The data structure is nearly mapped to an application in user space such that the application can contact the data structure via virtual memory addresses. By directly accessing the data structure, data transfers between the address spaces using system calls and interrupts can be reduced.Answer 5What is Process Scheduling?Process scheduling is a method that is used when there are modified assets and many processes are competing for them Multiprogramming tries to make sure that there is a number of process running at all times. This is completed to utilize the CPU as much as possible.In timesharing system, the CPU switches so regularly between jobs grey_loaderthat the user does not experience that the machine is organism mutual by many processes or even several users.What are the differences between short-term, medium-term, and long-term scheduling?Long term scheduler determines which programs are admitted to the system for processing. It controls the degree of multiprogramming. Once admitted, a job becomes a process. Medium term scheduling is division of the exchange utility. This relate to processes that are in a blocked or suspended state. They are swapped out of real-memory until they are hustling to execute. The swapping-in decision is based on memory-management criteria. Short term scheduler, also known as a dispatcher executes most regularly, and makes the finest-grained conclusion of which process should execute subsequently. This scheduler is invoked whenever an occasion occurs. It may direct to interruption of one process by pre-emption.Process stateThe state of process is distinct in reckon by the present activity of the process. Each process may be in one of the following statesNewRunningWaiting jellTerminatedThese state names are random, and they differ across operating systems. The states that they correspond to are establishing on all operating systems, however. Certain operating systems more finely describe process states. Only one process can be running on any processor at any immediate, although numerous processes may be ready and waiting.
Knowledge and Perceptions of Type 2 Diabetes Individuals
knowledge and Perceptions of Type 2 Diabetes IndividualsMiller, and Achterberg (2000) constructed a multiple choice questionnaire to asses the nutrition and food for thought label knowledge among women with face 2 diabetes mellitus who aged from 40 to 60 years. The questions were lay from the easier to the hard so as to foster confidence among the participants. The questions that measure the factual knowledge were placed in the beginning followed by the more difficult questions (procedural knowledge). The foot speed up was knowing to be completed deep down 30 to 40 minutes by most respondents. The dependability of the test was found to be 0.80 found on Kuder-Richardson formula 20(K-R 20). After this the situation abstract of the original knowledge test was do. Three questions were deleted from the test beca use up of high index of difficulty (two questions) and distributor point dissimilarity of only 0.20.The point analysis for the revised version of the test was done and the reliability of the test was found to be 0.81 using the Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R 20) formula. The revised test was administered to 43 womenAl Shafaee et al (2008) genuine a questionnaire to understand the Knowledge and perceptions of diabetes in a semi-urban Omani population. 563 fully grown residents of Omani village were interviewed using the questionnaire. The nett survey instrument contained 24 items which were subdivided into 5 branchs. The starting line two parts covered the demographics and aesculapian exam history of the participants. The third section was for the diabetic participants. It covered their diabetic history and glycemic control status. The later part section included knowledge regarding the diabetes definition, signs and symptoms, fortune factors and complications. The final section foc employ on the community awareness, the participants perception regarding diabetes prevalence, perceived risk of developing diabetes and prevention. Like rt-type response shield was utilize in the questionnaire. To collect info that were otherwise unobtainable with a typical Likert plate, open-ended questions were included which followed a closed ended question. The questionnaire was pre-tested and piloted within a convenience specimen of students and staff at the College. Substantial inter-coding pact for the scale items was observed (r = 0.86, p Heikes, Eddy, Arondekar, Schlessinger, (2008) highly- true a Diabetes risk calculating machine for the U.S. population to calculate the probability that an individual has either undiagnosed diabetes or pre-diabetes. The diabetes risk calculator included questions on age, waist circumference, gestational diabetes, height, race/ethnicity, hypertension, family history and exercise. The utensil was authorise using the v-fold cross-validation and by performing an individual validation against National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 19992004 information. The data was taken from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. ii tools were built using different methods. The two methods were logistic regression and classification corner analysis. The tool that served the objective of the pack was whence compared and selected. Classification tree instance was chosen on the basis of its equivalent accuracy but greater ease Parmenter, K., Wardle, J. (2000)of use.Dickson-Spillmann, Siegrist, Keller, (2011) create and validated a nutrition knowledge questionnaire which was administered on participants above the age of 18. The questionnaire initially consisted of sixty-four nutrition knowledge items. Two approaches were used for item generation. The first source of items was by dint of the interviews with the consumers where they were asked about(predicate) food and health. The atomic number 16 source of items of items was recommendations by Swiss nutrition ripes. case rigor was tested by two food scientists who reviewed the questi ons after which some items regarded as inappropriate by the experts was removed and a few others were re- hypothecate for enhanced preciseness and clearness. Twenty items were retained to build the final nutrition knowledge scale that included declarative nutrition knowledge questions on calorie and alimentary contents. Internal reliability was surveyed using Cronbachs alpha.Teede, Harrison, Teh, Paul, Allan, (2011) developed a risk prediction tool to identify gestational diabetes among high-risk women in other(a) pregnancy. The participants for the reading were 4276 pregnant women who delivered at Monash Medical Centre, Australia. Previously identified paternal Gestational Diabetes Mellitus risk factors from large epidemiological studies were considered, including increasing age, increasing soundbox Mass Index, ethnicity, first-degree family history of diabetes, past history of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus GDM and history of miserable obstetric outcome. Logistical regress ion was used to analyse the data. It was observed that the womens clinical characteristics were significantly associated (p Koontz et al., in the year 2010 developed and validated a Questionnaire to Assess Carbohydrate and Insulin-Dosing Knowledge in Youth with Type 1 Diabetes. They developed a PedCarbQuiz (PCQ) questionnaire by content analysis using a panel of 14 experts. The panel identified seven estates which was necessary for flourishing implementation of flexible basal-bolus feeds. Each item of the domain was reviewed and revised by the expert panel. Cronbach alpha and split-half test was used to check the reliability. Further the rafts were correlated with expert evaluatements, A1C, parent educational level and complexity of insulin regimen to evaluate the rigourousness of the questionnaire. The final PCQ questionnaire was a 20-30 minute, multiple choice, paper based, self-administered questionnaire that had 78 items.Lai, Chua, Tan, Chan (2012) developed the Diabete s, Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia (DHL) knowledge instrument. Twelve experienced pharmacists and researchers formulated the DHL knowledge instrument by using the face and content asperity. The researchers when through three bill of exchanges before they approved the final draft having 28 questions with 5 domains which was in the true or false form. After this the final draft was piloted on 20 practising community and hospital pharmacists. It too included phoebe bird diabetic patients in a tertiary hospital. This was done to obtain their feedback concerning the clarity and relevance of the instrument.A nutrition knowledge questionnaire for obese adults was developed by Feren, Torheim, Lillegaard (2010). The process of developing the questionnaire had four main steps. The first step was to germinate a structure that involved collecting lit review about the knowledge of nutrition. This was done to describe the scope of the questionnaire. After the information was quiet from the literature review, four main sections to appreciate the knowledge level were formulated. The arcminute step was to generate the items based on the literature review. 273 items were generated based on six existing nutrition knowledge questionnaires and checked for content validity and face validity by an expert panel. Finally this resulted in 98 items. The third step was to pilot study the questionnaire for interior consistency and item difficulty. This procedure reduced the items to 94 after acknowledgment from the expert panel. The fourth step was to test and re-test it for construct validity and reproducibility. The final questionnaire had 91 items after the entire process.A descriptive research design was used by Okolie, Ijeoma, Peace, Ngozi (2009) to understand the Knowledge of diabetes management and control by diabetic patients at Federal Medical Center Umuahia Abia State, Nigeria. The take in included 96 diabetic patients who went to Federal Medical Centre Umuahia duri ng the time of study. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire that was constructed after going through the recent literature on diabetes knowledge and self-management. The face validity was assessed by v Nigerian registered nurses after which a pilot test was conducted at another hospital. The questionnaire was also tested for the reliability by re-testing it before the study.Paddock, Veloski, Chatterton, Gevirtz, Nash (2000) developed and validated a questionnaire to evaluate patient satisf motion with diabetes disease management. To develop the diabetes Management paygrade Tool (DMET) the items measuring diabetes disease management were identified by an expert panel of health care professionals who recognised the 14 major domains. Content validity was confirmed by diabetes care professionals. To establish face validity a patient focus group was conducted. The final questionnaire consisted three sections having 87 items. The questionnaire measured the satisfa ction on 711 diabetes patient using the Likert scale. Further the reliability and validity of the questionnaire was assessed by calculating product-moment correlations and Cronbachs alpha.Kaur, Saini, Walia (2009) developed a tool to assess mothers securedness for delivery, postnatal and new born care. The literature was reviewed to prepare an interview schedule. Content validity (content revision, item order revision and item wording) was done with the help of twelve experts in the field of nursing and commonplace health department. The modified interview schedule was pre tested for feasibility in a village on 10 antenatal mothers of trimester. Cronbachs alpha was used to check the versed consistency and factor analysis was used to assess the construct validity. After factor analysis 20 out of the 30 items tool was retained with five dollar bill factors.A cross-sectional observational study was done by Hamoudi, Al Ayoubi, Vanama, Yahaya, Usman (2012) aimed to assess the knowl edge and awareness among diabetic and non-diabetic Nigerian population in Kaduna state towards diabetes mellitus (DM). Non randomized sampling scheme was used to select three hundred forty (340) quite a little (33.7% diabetic and 66.2% non-diabetic participants). A self-administered questionnaire was evolved using the preceding(prenominal) review of literature and it was validated by two specialists (a community medicine expert and a clinical pharmacist). withdraw statistics were then used to derive the results.Diabetes Nutrition Knowledge Survey was developed and validated by Rovner, Nansel, Mehta, Higgins, Haynie, Laffel (2012). The Nutrition Knowledge Survey (NKS) was developd by a multidisciplinary team. It consisted of 39 multiple choice questions four response options. This was then administered on 282 youth with type 1 diabetes and their parents. To check for validity associations were made mingled with the NKS scores with A1C and dietary quality. Reliability was assess ed using the Kuder-Richardson Formula 20 (KR-20) and correlations of domain scores to total score.Roopa, Devi (2014) developed and validated a study pertaining to perusing the effect of an educational module as an interpellation programme in the management of Diabetes Mellitus among the ripened with regard to the improvement in their knowledge, attitude and practices. The sample was determined through purposive random sampling. The sample constituted 80 people between the ages of 65-76. The sex ratio of the sample population was 11. The method of study preferred by the investigators was the Structured Interview docket (SIS) on knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) with regard to diabetes was used for assessment.The study involved co-operative action research with an initial exploration of knowledge, attitude and practices in the management of diabetes mellitus among the elderly people as well as a post intervention study. The data obtained during pre and post assessment was a nalysed.Huizinga et al., (2008) conducted a study in regards to the development and validation of the Diabetes Numeracy Test (DNT).The first phase of development included item generationby a group of experts in diabetes, literacy and numeracy. 70 items were developed and administered to 40 individuals without diabetesto assess understandability. The next phase involved the recruitment of a convenience sample of 398 participantsat clinic visits. The sample was determined based onthediagnosis of type 1 or 2 diabetes, age of the individual (between 18-80) and language spoken by the individual (English speaking) .To blow over prolixity,the expert panel reduced the measure to 45 itemsthat represented the five self-management areas. The presence of the 45 items was accepted as an adequate indicator to apportion the range of numeracy skills required in the management of diabetes. Reliability was evaluated through internal consistency testing with the Kuder-Richardson 20 formula.Hearnsh aw, Wright, Dale, Sturt, Vermeire, Van Royen, (2007) developed and validated the Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire (DOQ) to assess obstacles in living with Type 2 diabetes. The questionnaire was developed with the help of previous research and literature review. The sample for the study included 180 people with Type 2 diabetes who were recruited from 22 general practices in the UK. The questionnaire initially comprised of 113 items having five themes which was reduced to 77 items after analysis. The Face and content validity were found by 21 members of the Warwick Diabetes sympathize with Research User Group. These people gave lengthened feedback to the research team on the questionnaire design and content. The Diabetes Obstacles Questionnaire was combined with two other questionnaires for the study to establish criterion validity of the questionnaire.Smith, Lang, Sullivan, Warren (2004) made use of two new tools for assessing patients knowledge and beliefs about Obstructive Sle ep Apnea (OSA) and nonstop positive airway pressure therapy. The sample for the study consisted of81 consecutive adult patients, diagnosed via polysomnography with OSA in the clinical group and 35 members in thenon-clinical group recruitedfrom a local community group in response to an advertisement craft for healthy volunteers without a sleep disorderdiagnosis. The investigators in the initial version of the Apnea Knowledge Test (AKT) based it on a similar measure as developed by Murphy et al., (2000). They initially formulated a coiffe of20 AKT items however an expert review process resulted in the exclusion offive items and accommodation of two items. Post this review, it is seen that the version of the AKT that the investigators finally chose to administer included 15 items multiple choice questionnaire, six items from the original Murphy et al., (2000). The test was then subjected to patient review. The test was administered to the first 10 study participants withinstruction s to remark on any difficulties experienced with the items. Further, Cronbachs alpha was calculated to evaluate the internalconsistency of the AKT.The second tool used by the investigators was the Apnea Beliefs Scale (ABS). These items were evolved based onan exhaustiveliterature review and consultation with the staff members. Content thought to be fundamental to compliance was targeted inconstructing this questionnaire. The final version included 24 statements to assesspatients attitudes and beliefs about sleep Apnea andContinuous Positive air passage Pressure.Wright, Wallston, Elasy, Ikizler, Cavanaugh, (2011) investigated the development and results of a kidney disease. The investigation was carried out through the administration of a knowledge survey given to patients with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).The survey questions had been developed by experts. The sample consisted of 401 adult patients with CKD (stages 1-5) attending a nephrology clinic from April-October 2009.Approx imately 100 questions were generated first to maximize content relevant to kidney knowledge. This was done through an exhaustive study of pre-existing literature. Using an iterative process, items were reviewed for face and content validity and redundancy and ultimately decreased to 34 kidney knowledge questions. These questions were initially tested on a small group of clinical and nonclinical personnel for clarity. The first20 study participants were asked to comment on clarity and content and it was seen that there were no additional suggestions. In order to calculate survey reliability, the Kuder-Richardson-20 coefficient was used. They established construct validity by testing a priori hypotheses of associations between survey results and patient characteristics. The descriptive statistics that was assimilated was analysed.Warden, Hurley, Volicer (2003) developed and evaluated the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD). The PAINAD scale was developed after extensive stu dy of existing literature and available torture assessment tools. The projects were carried out in a Dementia Special Care Unit where 96 in-patients received care for dementia. The sample was determined based on the following criteria, (1) diagnosis of dementia written on the medical record, (2) no planned discharge, (3) inability to report pain or aggravation to caregivers, and (4) a proxy decision maker identified in the medical record. The construct validity was determined using the contrasted groups and hypothesis testing methods. Further, Cronbachs alpha was selected as the measure for verifying internal consistency.Zeolla, Brodeur, Dominelli, Haines, Allie (2006) development and validated an instrument to determine patient knowledge about viva voce anticoagulation. The oral anticoagulation knowledge test consisted of20 multiple choice questions. To develop this, Four nationwide recognized anticoagulation experts contributed in the making to ensure content validity. The te st was administered to subjects on warfarin and a group of age-matched subjects not on warfarin. This was done to assess construct validity and to check testretest reliability a subgroup of warfarin subjects were retested after 2-3 months of the initial testing. KuderRichardson 20 value was calculated to assess internal consistency reliability. Also, to assess performance of each individual the item analysis was done.Peyrot, Peeples, Tomky, Charron-Prochownik, Weaver (2007) developed the Diabetes Self-management Assessment Report Tool (D-SMART). Thefirst resource that the investigators used was a restore of existing DSMEmeasurement tools .The second resource they availed of was a set of publications regardingthe evaluation of diabetes education programs,including a description of a comprehensive DSME evaluation system,reviews of studies of DSME,and anumber of studies of specific programs that illustratedkey components of an evaluation system. After multiple drafts of the D-SMART, it was administeredto several individuals with diabetes and diabeteseducators to obtain feedback regarding discernability andfeasibility. Post this plot test, several changes were made. D-SMART has completed three rounds of pilot testing and is currently undergoing a fourth round. Eachround is resulting in revisions to the original instrument.
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