Friday, May 31, 2019
Destiny, Fate, Free Will and Free Choice - Prophecies in Oedipus, Antig
The Damning Prophecies in Oedipus, Antigone, and Agamemnon illusionists, seers, and prophets are used in Greek tragedy to provide foreshadowing for the audience and characters. The seers wisdom is conveyed through the pronouncement of oracles or prophecies. They confer forecasts to principal characters that affect the characters future. Although not always believed, and lots endeavored to be foiled, seers, oracles, and prophets in Greek tragedies foretell events that greatly affect the lives of prominent characters. Cassandra in Aeschylus Agamemnon, the Oracle at Delphi in Sophocles Oedipus, and Teiresias in Sophocles Antigone pronounce damning prophecies that, contempt ignorance, evasion, or disregard, are inevitably fulfilled to the tumble and destruction of the characters. The seer Cassandra in The Agamemnon foretells the downfall and destruction of Agamemnon. Cassandra delivers several predictions of Agamemnons impending death. Aga memnons dead is what youll see.p77 The room- it reeks Drips red with murder. p80 She also sees her murder that is unavoidable. So, then I go / To sing the dirge of my own demise / And Agamemnons besides within the palace. p81 Cassandras visions are heard by the chorus who are skeptical of her claims. Her visions are not believed by Agamemnon because of a curse set on her by the Greek god Apollo. Agamemnon is oblivious to her forecasts and believes he will live on and remain king. So, overborne by you, I shall proceed / To tread the purple to my palace halls. Agamemnon infers that he will be able to safely return to power in his kingdom and is unaware of the treasonous plot calculated by his wife Clytemnestra and ... ...t self-destruction in anger at Kreon. Lives are lost and Kreon is disgraced as a king. In spite of his avoidance the prophecy is realized. Although not always believed, and often endeavored to be foiled, seers, oracles, and prophets in Greek tragedies f oretell events that greatly affect the lives of prominent characters. Cassandra in Aeschylus Agamemnon, the Oracle at Delphi in Sophocles Oedipus, and Teiresias in Sophocles Antigone pronounce damning prophecies that, despite ignorance, evasion, or disregard, are inevitably fulfilled to the downfall and destruction of the characters. Oracles, seers, and prophets from Greek tragedy correctly predict the destruction of important characters. Despite the characters arrogance or avoidance, the prophecies are fulfilled. The characters blatant contempt for prophecy contributes to the irony of their situations.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Prenatal Screening :: essays research papers
Prenatal screeningScreening for Down syndrome is available to about 53.5% of mothers on a maternal age basis, and the remaining 46.5% of health boards provide blood serum screening for all ages. There are several methods used in prenatal screening, these are usually used separately, and a number of factors are interpreted into account to determine which method should be used. Amniocentesis has been around for 20 years and is probably the most well known screening method. It involves testing a sample of the amnic fluid surrounding the foetus, ultrasound is used to guide a needle through the abdomen, into the womb and a small amount of amniotic fluid (20ml) is removed. The procedure is usually carried out at 14-16 weeks. Amniocentesis tests for chromosome disorders, and is 99.8% reliable for chromosome number, there is however a risk of miscarriage (usually 1/250 or less) later the procedure. This is one of the reasons why amniocentesis has only been offered to over 35s (since they have a much higher risk of having a Down syndrome child)(Webb 1990). Previous studies on amniocentesis concentrated on problems that might arise during pregnancy or immediately after, these studies found that children whose mothers had amniocentesis are more likely to have breathing problems in the first few days after birth. A study per potpourried by Jo-Anne Finegan in Toronto followed 88 women who had, had amniocentesis, there was an increased incidence of ear infection in this group. Finegan tested the stiffness of the eardrum and found children in the amniocentesis group were more than terzetto times as likely to have abnormal readings. It is conception that there is a disruption of the delicate balance of pressure across the eardrum when the amniotic fluid is removed, which could cause the problems(Webb 1990). Chorionic villus sampling is another form of sampling, it involves taking a small piece of placenta and genetic testing is carried out on it, there is a slightly high er chance of foetal exhalation with this procedure (Dick 1996). A more recent form of prenatal testing involves serum markers. Blood is taken from the pregnant women and the maternal blood is tested for three hormones, this test is called the triple screen test. The three hormones tested are alpha foeto-protein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and oestradiol (E3). AFP is based on the fact that Down syndrome foetuses move to be smaller on average, have smaller placentas and thus secrete less AFP.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Bilingual Education Essay -- essays research papers fc
Bilingual EducationEducation is very grand. There use to be a time when you didnt have to go to school. When it was lone(prenominal) important for men to have an education. Times have really changed. Now it is crucial for everyone in our ball club to have an education. Survival is the main reason a cohesive society is another. Our schools today need to keep Bilingual education as a tool for article of faith not only for the sake of our society but also for the sense of our culture. Bilingual education in our schools is crucial but still there is talk about banning the use of remote language in the instruction of our young children. We have to work to change that kind of attitude. We have to proceed from the assumption that bilingual Marquez 2education is a sound educational proposition for all children and that it addresses the needs of all the constituencies of education. Now more than ever the words of Thomas Jefferson ring with special meaning in 1977, in a letter to his ne phew, Jefferson said Bestow great attention on Spanish and endeavor to acquire an accurate knowledge of it. Our future connections with Spain and Spanish America will render that language a valuable acquisition. The ancient history of that part of America, too, is written in that language. (qt. in A Relook 66). Hispanic leaders should plan an initiative to help Hispanic youths do better in school. Its a coming-together as a community to deal with a very pressing issue. The organizations should be composed of public officials, Marquez3students, educators, administrators, and business people and should try to determine the biggest problems facing Latino students in their community. These groups need to work together to grow a statewide agenda. Hispanic students, according to some studies, lag behind other students in classroom performance have the highest dropout rate of any social group in the country and, according to federal data, are less likely to pursue higher learning(Tucson 66). We as a society, need to have a school system that prepares our students for higher education if that is their choice. Society needs to work together to change the educational process for Latino students. Consider these numbers, which we drew from As A Relook at Tucson 66 states Minority groups are being shortchanged by more than 20... ...important factors that influence student outcomes. There is much more work left over(p) to do by the schools if we are to enable LEP students to achieve at high academic levels. Improvement would have to focus on teachers, teaching, academic content and standards, Marquez14accountability, school-wide leadership, curriculum integration, parent involvement-and effective use of the native language to assure high level and meaningful learning for all students from the time they enter school. Proposition 227 removes an important tool -- use of the native language -- from the hands of educators it would only serve to make even more difficult the challenges of school improvement. A society with no education cannot compete in the modern valet. We as a society need to fight to keep Bilingual education as a teaching tool in the schooling system. Marquez15Works citedA relook at Tucson 66 and beyond. Washington D.C. 1973.Leibowitz, Arnold. A bilingual education act a legislative analysis. Virginia, 1980. The world book encyclopedia. (E vol. 6) Chicago World AtlasKrashen, S. Under attack The case against Bilingual Education. Culver City CA 1996
Matelda ?a Lady Moved by Love? :: essays research papers
In Dantes Divina Commedia, he takes on a journey with unforgettable characters,from the poets from antiquity, demons, giants, and finally too famous saints.Dantes and the character fundamental interaction with them are what make this story. Theyare the legs on which this work was able to stand for so many years as amasterpiece. It was the characters that I most enjoyed it this work, you run intoyourself loving and hating the different shades you meet during Hell, thepenitents of Purgatory and the saints of Heaven. The most developed characterswe find in Commedia are Dante, Virgil and Beatrice. Yet there are several minorcharacters that if nonpareil looks more closely are just as interesting as our mainstars. One such minor character is my favorite Matelda, and also a perfectexample of Dantes brilliance in characterization.Matelda is a minor guide that helps Dante after Virgil disappears, and untilBeatrice takes him to heaven (Cantos XXVIII- XXXIII). Although Matelda may looklike a excess old static-stock character , her motives are pure, her actionsconsistent and she is plausible as a guardian angel type whose actions aremoved by the Divine bask in her.Dante the Character at this point in the story is ab discover to leave the worldliterally and to meet his love Beatrice (who actually yells at him for his sin, earlier taking him to heaven). He has been left by his faithful guide, Virgil(which he doesnt even notice at first has been gone for a few cantos) and findshimself in the hand of a loving and beautiful hands of Matelda.Matelda is a perfect guardian angel for Dante at this point in his journey, andfaithful to helping him during this transition. argon her actions consistent? Yes.all are in line with Divine Love. We see this trough her actions. We first meether she is the lovely creature that resides in the Garden of Eden. At Dantesrequest she explains all of his questions. She guides him through the Garden andthen washes him clean and helps him to drink from the rivers of memories, allafter he gets reprimanded by Beatrice.All this is done out of Love, for it is ultimately Divine Love that motivatesher, motives that are pure in guiding her charge. For example Why are you sointent on looking only(prenominal) at those living lights? Have you no wish to see whatcomes behind? This encouragement will help Dante to move forward to his goal.Yet I theorize its her purity of motives that make her a static character because
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
coaching tips :: essays research papers
The Coaching TipWHO doesnt want to accomplish more in life? Dont most of us want more time? More property? More love? More satisfaction? Yet, isnt our tendency to go for it rather than simply having it all come to us? A strong soulfulnessal tail includes 10 distinct stepping stones which, when linked together, provide a solid yet personalized base on which to build ones life. And, in a world which sometimes appears to be built on quicksand, we all need a personal foundation on which to depend. These 10 stepping stones of a Personal Foundation are A past which you have fully completed. A life which is based fully on integrity. Needs which have been identified and fully met. Boundaries which are ample and automatic. Standards which act upon out your best. An absence of tolerations. Choosing to come from a positive place. A family which nurtures you. A community which develops you. A life fully oriented around your true values.Anyone who is liveliness a meaningful life must have a strong personal foundation so they can afford to look up at the stars instead of down at their feet. Having a strong personal foundation allows a person to fully use their skills and resources, because instead of constantly worrying about(predicate) the fundamentals of their life, they are free to focus on the task at hand. The process of building a personal foundation also teaches a person how to eliminate and prevent many common problems that are usually thought of as an expected part of life." Where can you go for help in this landing field? A Master Coach is uniquely trained to help clients strengthen their own foundation, and is a model of how well the process works.
coaching tips :: essays research papers
The Coaching TipWHO doesnt want to accomplish more in life? Dont most of us want more time? More cash? More love? More satisfaction? Yet, isnt our tendency to go for it rather than simply having it all come to us? A strong mortalal butt includes 10 distinct stepping stones which, when linked together, provide a solid yet personalized base on which to build ones life. And, in a world which sometimes appears to be built on quicksand, we all need a personal foundation on which to depend. These 10 stepping stones of a Personal Foundation are A past which you have fully completed. A life which is based fully on integrity. Needs which have been identified and fully met. Boundaries which are ample and automatic. Standards which fix out your best. An absence of tolerations. Choosing to come from a positive place. A family which nurtures you. A community which develops you. A life fully oriented around your true values.Anyone who is backup a meaningful life must have a strong personal f oundation so they can afford to look up at the stars instead of down at their feet. Having a strong personal foundation allows a person to fully use their skills and resources, because instead of constantly worrying nearly the fundamentals of their life, they are free to focus on the task at hand. The process of building a personal foundation also teaches a person how to eliminate and prevent many common problems that are usually thought of as an expected part of life." Where can you go for help in this part? A Master Coach is uniquely trained to help clients strengthen their own foundation, and is a model of how well the process works.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Short Paper: Cultural Communication
Running Head Short Paper ethnical dialogue Copyright (c) Lopamudra Chakraborty no portion of this term can be copied reproduced or distributed without prior authorization of the author. Author Lopamudra(Lopa) Chakraborty M5A1 Short Paper Cultural intercourse Business parleys 08/3/2012 Cultural communicating Introduction The reasonable person adapts himself to the creative activity, while the unreasonable iodine persists in searching to adapt the world to himself. George Bernard Shaw Inter ethnic talk between the great unwashed is an integral prop of the human society give voicement.The modern world is developing towards globalization. In this regard, the issues about the role and the place of international communication become an integral part of life story twain for the humankind in general, as well as for the individual (Shokina & Nishev, 2009). The art of art communication has evolved as globalization has set disparate businesses cultures of the world on a colli sion course. Emerging economies prep atomic number 18 begun to integrate the business cultures of traditional powerhouse nations into their businesses, and they have been leaving traces of their deliver culture wherever they go.The encroachment of cultural diversity on business communication has widespread implicationsfrom corporate boardrooms to employee break-roomsand small business owners can benefit from gaining an understanding of the eccentricities of all cultures to which they are heart-to-heart (Ingram, 2012). As mentioned by Hynes, it is extremely important to become familiar with intercultural business practices for three reasons. origin, is the tremendous increases in international trade caused by vertical specialism or global supply chains.Second is the extend investment of foreign based companies. In the US, for example, the direct investment of foreign based companies grew from $9 billion in 1966 to more than(prenominal) than $414 billion in 2008. A third re ason to figure about intercultural business communication us the increasing deallihood that you will cause with or for someone who is not a native born U. S. Citizen. According to the US Census Bereau, 13% of the workforce was a non- 2 Cultural Communication native US citizen in 2000 (Hynes, 2011). That number has increased dramatically in the last decade.These are some of the reasons that underline the importance of cross-cultural communications. With the advent of globalization, interrogation on cross cultural organizational behavior has become a pathway to understand the dynamics of multicultural domestic and international workplaces. In concomitant successful organizations of the 21st century require leaders who understand culturally diverse work environment and can work effectively with unalike cultures that have varying work ethics, norms and business protocols (HR Magazine, SHRM, 2008).In addition, on that point are other world issues that enhances the importance of cr oss-cultural communication, for e. g. emergence of the digital age, ease and speed of international travel, formation and expansion of regional trade associations (like NAFTA, EU, GATT, ASEAN) and growth of international professional associations (Beaman, 2005). To become culturally competent, the counterbalance step is to have a solid understanding of ones own values and how they shape the cultural identity. Within this process it is also important to realize that different culture exhibit different values.Cross cultural management researchers and theorist like Hofstede, Hall and Trompenaars have developed cultural value dimensions often within the realm of comparing national cultures (HR Magazine, SHRM, 2008). Countries like US who are heavily dependent on the global economy must understand their own culture and how it shapes their communication with other cultures. 3 Cultural Communication Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the US business communication protocol and how it affects the cross communication with other culture.In responding to this short paper on cultural communication, the attempt is to discuss and elaborate on the fol lowing occurrenceors 1. What are some typical U. S. business communication protocols? 2. How would these protocols create challenges, for example, in communicating with someone from a collective culture? 3. What are recommendations you would eat uper for decreasing the potential of communication misunderstandings? Background In the past, it whitethorn have been commonplace for entrepreneurs and corporate managers to develop their own unique communication style for dealing with customers, business partners and suppliers.Today, however, managers must take the time to study the cultural eccentricities of their business counterparts before attempting to make contact with race in other countries or from other subcultures. The Texas oil tycoon, for example, has to understand that grabbing his Chinese partners hand in a firm shingle is not a untroubled idea but that a slight bow and smile are the appropriate form of greeting. Verbal communication and body voice communication are more important than ever in international business dealings because innocent hand gestures, mannerisms or even posture can cause a faulting between culturally diverse business partners.The diversity of culturally distinct managers has been melding slowly as globalization and Westernization give managers extensive experience in different cultures (Ingram, 2012). 4 Cultural Communication Globalization ? The percent of the U. S. population that is foreign born has grown from 4. 8% in 1970 to 6. 2% in 1980 to 7. 9% in 1990 and over 9% in 2000 ( (Ferraro, 2002). ? The U. S. has the fourth largest Spanish- pronounceing population in the world. E. g. , More than 60% of the populate in Miami speak Spanish as their first spoken communication (Ferraro, 2002). 60% of companies will increase their global presence in the com ing three years ( adenosine diphosphate Survey, 2002). ? A large number of corporations receive more than half of their sales from foreign markets. ? E. g. , Coca Cola sells more of its product in Japan than in the U. S. (Ferraro, 2002). Senior executives say that the ability to manage the business on a global basis is a top priority (ADP Survey, 2002). ? All of these changes are facilitating the cross border movement of people, goods, and data, bringing more and more cultures into contact with one some other and increasing the potential for cross-cultural conflict. What is new about the global economy is the scale and the speed with which innovations, borrowings (maladies ), etc. are spreading. tending(p) this background, the purpose of this discussion is to highlight and explain some of the major cultural value dimensions in the United States and how it impacts when commutating with other cultures with differing business communication protocols. 5 Cultural Communication Findings Understanding what shapes US Business Communication protocol There are several dimensions to the US business communication protocol.These business communication protocols are shaped and formed by the last of the organization and of the society. Domestic business organizations can be viewed as mini-cultures (composed of different people with different roles, statuses, and value systems) that head within the wider national mount (Ferraro, 2002). Culture is defined as a set of values and beliefs with catch outed behaviors shared within a particular society. Culture provides identity and belonging. Culture is eitherwhere starting from language to communication styles, history, religion, norms, values and symbolism (HR Magazine, SHRM, 2008).One of the most extensive studies of cultural differences was conducted by Geert Hofstede. Based on his findings, there are six major dimensions of national culture that are discussed below(Hynes, 2012). An understanding of these cultural dimen sions is necessary to explain what shapes the US business communication protocols. Power surmount Power distance indicates the extent to which a society accepts the fact the power in the institutions and organizations is distributed unequally (Hynes, 2011).Britain, Philippines and Mexico have high power distance where the managers and leaders are almost viewed like autocrats and there is a lot of disparity in power between higher and lower ranks. United States has a culture with low power distance. The manager is seen to have a little more power than the subordinate and is addressed by the first name, takes her place in the line and manages by communicating using an equalitarian communication strategy. 6 Cultural Communication Uncertainty Avoidance Relates to the degree to which a society feels threatened by timid and ambiguous situation(Hynes , 2011).It tries to avoid uncertainties by having a strict formal rules and not allowing odd ideas or beliefs to prevail for example countr ies like Germany, England and Pakistan. United States have rickety uncertainty avoidance and are open to new ideas and beliefs. Individualism/Collectivism Individualism refers to a loose knit social framework in which people are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate family, example United States. Collectivism refers to a society with a tight social network where people are distinguished between in-groups and outgroups, example -.Japan, Masculinity/Feminity expresses the extent to which dominant values in the society are masculine for example assertiveness, acquisition of coin etc (Hynes, 2011). United States has a masculine type culture but Finland has a more feminine type culture. High Context/Low Context First coined by Edward Hall, in a high context culture, communication is internalized and happens in the physical context or environment. Lot of importance is given to non- vocal communication. Japan and china are examples of High Context Culture.United States on the other hand has a low context culture where a lot of importance is given to the vebal cues and mouth words. Monochronic/Polychronic In a monochromic culture such as United States Germany, times is valued as money and time is deliberate by the clock, multi tasking, be punctual and time management are valued in this culture. In a polychornic culture like India and Spain, time is linear and events are not measured by the clock. Punctuality is not of much importance in this culture. As you can imagine the frustration 7 Cultural Communication f a manager who does not understand this in United States dealing with someone in India when there is a project deadline to be met in a by the way manner. Business Communication Protocol in the United States ? Informal and Friendly communication Since US has a low power distance type culture, communication in the workplace is typically informal and friendly. Employees refer to their managers by their first names. People tend to not wait to be introduced, will begin to speak with strangers as they stand in a queue, sit next to each other at an event, etc.Because if their informality and friendliness they appear to be pretty direct in their communication. When doing a business dealing or communicating with someone from high power distance type culture, the American has to be mindful of the fact that their informality is not perceived as rudeness. They have to be careful as not to cross the line. Following is an example of difference in communication between British and American. The British uses a more indirect approach to communication while the American uses a more direct approach (Beaman, 2005).American/British Differences (Source the Navigator Jan/Feb 2003) ? ? ? ? ? ? American Jack will blow his top. British Our chairman might tend to disagree. American Youre talking bullshit. British Im not quite with you on that one. American You gotta be kidding. British Hm, thats an interesting idea. 8 Cultural Communica tion As is evident from the above example, both culture has a distinct approach so when an American is communicating with the British, they have to be careful as not coming across as rude. Meeting and Greeting the American way Americans usually prefers a strong handshake, a casual hello and use first name when introducing someone. Though handshake is a practice that is used across the world in a business setting, the pressure used may vary. The high pressure grip may be a positive thing for an American but may be too aggressive for an Asian. In a business meeting, an American is direct, assertive, prominent and taking feedback is considered positive and they confront when necessary.However when dealing with a Japanese they have to realize that the laters approach is indirect, they avoid confrontation and strive to develop harmonious and trusting business relationships. ? Dress What is considered appropriate business attire varies by geographic region, day of the week and industry. In general, people in the due east dress more formally, while people in the West are known for being a bit more casual. Executives usually dress formally regardless of which part of the country they are in. Casual Friday is common in many companies. High technology companies often wear casual clothes every day. Other non-verbal cues With regards to space, Americans chief(prenominal)tain a spatial distance of 4 feet with strangers. They should be sensible that some Arab countries speak almost face-to-face which may feel like encroaching on a personnal space to an American. Americans belong to a low context type culture and more 9 Cultural Communication verbal and articulate than some of the other high-context cultures like Japan and China. This sometimes can be a challenge when communicating and understanding appropriate non-verbal communication. Americans do not like silence and try to fill it with small talk.Chinese or Japanese on the other hand appear shy as they dont speak ou t of turn. If an Asian is taking too long ot answer a question it is probably because they are thoughtful not because they do not know the answer. Americans do use certain gestures to supplement their verbal communication like OK, time out, wave etc. However they have to be awake(predicate) that some gestures that have one consequence in America may have a complete different and sometimes negative connotation in another culture. A nod which may indicate no to an American may repute yes when done by an Indian.It is safe to stick with universal gestures and try to refrain from others if you are not sure what it means for the other culture. ? Language A languages vocabulary contains large numbers of words that reflect the technologies, occupations, and values important to the culture. Americans tend to use a lot of baseball colloquialism in their language. For example, he threw me a curve ball, you are way off base, She fielded my question well, I want to touch all bases, etc. Busi ness need to be aware when certain languages are translated to another language, the entire meaning may change.For example, Chevrolet came out with a car Nova that they marketed in United States. The car sold well in the in so they decided to market it in Mexico. However the Ad campaign was a big failure there and they realized that the reason for that was Nova when translated to Spanish means No go. (Beaman, 10 Cultural Communication 2005) Understanding the appropriateness of translations when doing business with other cultures is very important. Recommendations To be a good intercultural communicator, one has to avoid some of the pitfalls mentioned above.Additionally, taking cognizance and imbibing the by-line practices will decrease communication misunderstanding. 1. Moving from Ethno-centrism to Ethno-relativism This model was deisgned by Bennett. It simple means that one has to move away from denial, defensiveness and minimization (which are the three stages of ethnocentrism) to acceptance, accommodation and integration (ethno-relativism). 2. Non-Defensiveness One has to be open to criticism and non-defensive about their culture to be a good intercultural communicator. 3.Curious and Brave One has to be genuinely curious, mirthful and interested in knowing about other cultures. 4. Emphatic, Understanding and non-judgmental It is possible ot be objective and open minded if you show these qualities. You cannot learn and be aware if you are not open minded or understanding. 5. Patience Patience is one of the best virtues if you plan on being a good intercultural communicator. You cannot learn about another culture in one day and it is better to prepare yourself and be patient when you are trying to learn and communicate with another culture. . Genuinely personable This cannot be faked. You really have to develop a liking for people of other culture (Hynes, 2011). 11 Cultural Communication 7. Facilitation with language If you plan on spending a lot of tim e communicating with other culture, it may be a good idea to try and learn the language. A good deal of communication is lost in translation. Sometimes taking the interest to learn the language shows to the person you are communicating with that you mean business and are genuinely interested in them.Conclusion The purpose of this paper was to discuss about why intercultural and cross cultural communication was important, the cultural dimensions that shapes the US business communication protocols, how it impacts us when communicating with other culture and recommendation of improving communication misunderstanding. The paper touched upon factors like globalization which was one of the main reason intercultural communications was important. When discussing culture, the paper discussed about Hofstedes six dimensions.The various types of US business protocols including communication approach, meeting and greeting, dress, other non verbal communication and language were discussed. Finall y the paper made seven recommendations to follow to be a good intercultural communicator and minimize misunderstanding. In closing, when conducting business internationally, entrepreneurs learn that cultures have different expectations and protocols when it comes to meetings and interpersonal discussions. To be a successful in your business and be a good cultural communicator it is important to embrace these differences. 2 Cultural Communication References Bibliogrpahy ADP Survey. (2002). ADP Survey. Beaman, K. C. -f. (2005). Cross Culture Communication in the workplace. Retrieved from The Jeitosa Group INC website http//www. jeitosa. com/wpcontent/uploads/2010/12/Cross-cultural-communication-in-the-workplace_Apr2005. pdf Ferraro, G. P. (2002). The Cultural Dimension of International Business, 5th Edition. pearson. HR Magazine, SHRM. (2008, September). Selected Cross Cultural factors in Human Resources Management. Retrieved from Excelsior College virtual library, ebscohost. com www. ehis. bscohost. com. vlib. excelsior. edu/eds/ Hynes, G. E. (2011). Business Communications, Strategies and Application. McGrawHill Irwin. Ingram, D. (2012). The impact of Cultural Diversity in Business Communication. Retrieved from http//smallbusiness. chron. com/impact-cultural-diversity-businesscommunication-3047. html www. smallbusiness. chron. com Shokina, L. , & Nishev, A. (2009). Cross-Cultural Blog, Intercultural communication in the context of Globalization. Retrieved from http//www. stanford. edu/group/ccr/blog/2009/04/intercultural_communication_in. h tml www. stanford. edu 13
Sunday, May 26, 2019
There is nothing like “Diminishing returns†in the real world
The Law of Diminishing Returns states that increasing one and only(a) variable input, while keeping the rest of the variables constant, forget eventu all toldy yield a result opposite the intended purpose of the variable change. The change will rise at first, reach peak and will eventually skew downwards sooner or later (Tutor2u Website). In economics, when marginal physical product (MPP) starts to decline, diminishing returns to tire out occurs. This means that total output will increase at a decreasing rate when more workers are employed. Eventually a decline in marginal product leads to a fall in reasonable product. What accounts for this decline in MPP?The answer lies in the ratio of labor to other factors of production. For instance, a third worker begins to crowd the facilities available. We still have only the one sewing machine. Two people cannot sew at the same time. As a result, some time is wasted, as the operators wait for their turns at the machine. Even if they g et around up the various jobs, there will still be some downtime, since measuring and cutting are not as time-consuming as sewing. In this sense, we cannot make full use of a third worker. The relative scarcity of other inputs (capital and land) constrains the marginal physical product of labor (Schiller 2005, 90-91).Eventually, if we add more workers, this will cause so much congestion that marginal product would shape negative and total product would decline. At the extreme, the addition of more and more labor would exhaust all the standing room available and total product would fall to zero. Another example of this is when applying higher amounts of fertilizer in a booklet of land, a farmer expects higher yields during harvest time. But, there is just one point that even though you will apply more fertilizer in your soil, the total number of yield will just be the same, if not decreasing slowly.In the real world, the concept of diminishing returns is practically applicable in a ll aspects of life, not only in economics, where resources are available. For example, if you like pizza, Ill give you two slices of pizza. That would taste great at first. However, when I require you to eat one-third whole boxes of pizza, there is this nth number of slice where you would give up eating pizza because you already have enough. If you do not stop eating, chances are you are going to throw up.Diminishing returns, is supposedly the economic equivalent of negative feedback, which argue that market demand decreases at a point where the need becomes saturated. The initial sales of a new car model stir up considerable market interest subsequent sales generate increasingly slight interest. At some point, the market for that car stabilizes. A glass of lemonade after a round of tennis on a hot day would be quite important to you, and you would probably be glad to pay a child at a lemonade stand, say, a dollar for it. However, the next glass is of slight value to you and the third glass, even lesser.The Law of Diminishing Returns favor no time, person, or place as they allow no particular advantage draw out the advantage that assure the free market principle. Diminishing returns impede unnatural growth and prevent any given system from monopolizing environmental resources. Thus, there is circumstances of opportunity to go around. This means there are chance for everybody with hard work and intelligence, any child who is born a citizen of the United States can become president any mom and dad could do business to own huge corporation, and any town can become a Silicon Valley.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Benefits and Features of Excel
Excel is a spreadsheet program. Microsoft Excel is written and distributed by Microsoft. It is employ mainly in computers that uses Microsoft Windows operating system or apple Macintosh computers. It features an intuitive interface and capable calculation and graphing tools. Because of aggressive marketing, Microsoft has made Excel one of the most popular spreadsheet applications programmes that are used these days. It is the dominant spreadsheet application available for Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh platforms. The latest releaseof Excel is Microsoft Office 2007 Excel (beta version).Benefits and Features of Excel In Excel user provide run queries to sort and drip selective information, as well as user can run complicated calculations to derive the information they want. One primal feature that Excel contains is use of Microsoft PivotTable and Microsoft PivotChart views to acidulate with data interactively. Both uses forms to add, update, delete and navigate user data. Excel is capable of report generations on data and view in multiple formats. One of the important features Excel contains is to connect to external data and view, query, and edit it without having to import.Excel can imports data form external databases and also capable of export of data too. Excel can create web pages to display data as read- only if or to access it in an updatable format and can create a Microsoft Word mail go (Nelson 2006). Microsoft Excel organizes data in columns. Columns are also called as fields and store a particular kind of information, or data type. At the blossom of each column, the first cell is used to label the column. Excel is used in the cases when the data is flat. Suppose user has to create a report only once from a set of data, then in this case Excel will be preferred.Second case is when the relationships is not going to change, this means that the structure of the data will remains same so Excel can be used in this case. Another case when Exce l can be used is when the report format of the data is not going to change (Kevin 2006). Below is the summary of the cases when the data should be stored in Excel If there is a want of a flat or non-relational view of data If the data is mostly numeric. If user want to run primarily calculations and statistical comparisons on data. If the dataset is manageable in size (not more than 15,000 rows). (Nelson 2006) References Nelson, E. 2006. Using Access or Excel to manage your data. Retrieved on 29 November 2006 from http//office. microsoft. com/en-us/help/HA010429181033. aspx Microsoft Excel. Retrieved on 29 November 2006 from http//en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Microsoft_Excel Kevin 2006. Access Vs. Excel When to workout Excel. Retrieved on 29 November 2006 from http//www. workplacelife. com/2006/05/09/access-vs-excel-when-to-use-excel/
Friday, May 24, 2019
Pay for performance Essay
Motivation, Performance, and Pay motivatorsFinancial rewards stipendiary to workers whose production exceeds a determine standard. Individual DifferencesLaw of individual differencesThe fact that people differ in personality, abilities, values, and needs. Different people react to different bonuss in different ways. Managers should be mindful of employee needs and fine-tune the inducings offered to joins their needs. Money is not the only motivator.Employee Preferences for Noncash IncentivesNeeds and MotivationAbraham Maslows Hierarchy of NeedsFive increasingly higher- take needsphysiological (food, water, sex) guarantor (a safe environment)social (relationships with others)self-esteem (a sense of personal worth)self-actualization (becoming the desired self)Lower level needs mustiness be satisfied before higher level needs can be addressed or become of interest to the individual.Herzbergs HygieneMotivator theoryHygienes (extrinsic job factors)Inadequate working conditions, sal ary, and incentive bear can causedissatisfaction and prevent satisfaction. Motivators (intrinsic job factors)Job enrichment (challenging job, feedback and recognition) addresses higher-level (achievement, self-actualization) needs. The best way to motivate someone is to organize the job so that doing it helps satisfy the persons higher-level needs.Edward DeciIntrinsically motivated behaviors are motivated by the underlying need for competence and self-determination. Offering an extrinsic reward for an intrinsically-motivated act can infringe with the acting individuals internal sense of responsibility. Some behaviors are best motivated by job challenge and recognition, others by financial rewards. instrumentality and RewardsVrooms Expectancy TheoryA persons motivation to exert some level of effort is a function of ternary things Expectancy that effort will lead to performance.Have to have the skills to do the jobInstrumentality the connection between performance and the appropria te reward. Goal must be attainableValence the value the person places on the reward.Motivation = E x I x VIf any factor (E, I, or V) is zero, then there is no motivation to work toward the reward. Employee confidence building and training, accurate appraisals, and knowledge of workers desired rewards can increase employee motivation.Types of Incentive PlansPay-for-performance programsVariable buy off (organizational focus)A team or group incentive formulate that ties pay to some measure of the firms overall profitability. Variable pay (individual focus) each plan that ties pay to individual productivity or profitability, usuallyas one-time lump payments.Pay-for-performance plansIndividual incentive/recognition programsSales compensation programsTeam/group-based variable quantity pay programsOrganizationwide incentive programsExecutive incentive compensation programsIndividual Incentive PlansPiecework PlansThe worker is paid a sum (called a piece rate) for each unit he or she pr oduces. Straight piecework A fixed sum is paid for each unit the worker produces under an established piece rate standard. An incentive may be paid for exceeding the piece rate standard. Standard hour plan The worker gets a premium equal to the percent by which his or her work performance exceeds the established standard.Pro and cons of pieceworkEasily understandable, equitable, and powerful incentives.Employee resistance to changes in standards or work processes affecting create Quality problems caused by an overriding output focus.Employee dissatisfaction when incentives either cannot be earned due to external factors or are withdrawn due to a lack of need for outputMerit payA permanent cumulative salary increase the firm awards to an individual employee based on his or her individual performance. Merit pay optionsAnnual lump-sum merit raises that do not make the raise part of an employees base salary. Merit awards tied to both individual and organizational performance.Incentives for nonrecreational employeesProfessional employees are those whose work involves the application oflearned knowledge to the solution of the employers problems. Lawyers, doctors, economists, and engineers.Decisions can be challengingThese individuals are already well paid and are driven to succeed Possible incentivesBonuses, stock options and grants, profit sharingBetter vacations, more flexible work hoursImproved pension plansEquipment for home offices scholarship-based awardsRecognition has a positive impact on performance, either alone or in conjunction with financial rewards. Combining financial rewards with nonfinancial ones produced performance returns in service firms almost twice the effect of using each reward alone. Day-to-day recognition from supervisors, peers, and team members is important.Online award programsPrograms offered by online incentives firms that improve and rush the awards process. Broader range of awardsMore immediate rewardsInformation technology and incentivesEnterprise incentive management (EIM)Software that automates the planning, calculation, modeling and management of incentive compensation plans, enabling companies to adjust their employees with corporate strategy and goals.Incentives for SalespeopleSalary planStraight salariesBest for prospecting (finding new clients), account servicing, training customers salesforce, or participating in field of study and local trade shows. Commission planPay is only a percentage of salesSpecialized Combination PlansCommission-plus-drawing-account planCommissions are paid however a draw on future earnings helps the salesperson to get through low sales periods. Commission-plus-bonus planPay is mostly based on commissions.Small bonuses are paid for directed activities like selling slow-moving items.Organizationwide Variable Pay PlansProfit-sharing plansCash plansEmployees receive cash shares of the firms earnings at regular intervals. The Lincoln incentive systemProfits are distributed to employees based on their individual merit rating. Deferred profit-sharing plansA predetermined portion of family profits is placed in each employees account under a trustees supervision.Organizationwide Variable Pay Plans (contd)Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)A corporation annually contributes its own stockor cash (with a limit of 15%) to be used to purchase the stockto a trust established for the employees. The trust holds the stock in individual employee accounts and distributes it to employees upon separation from the firm if the employee has worked long enough to earn ownership of the stock. Advantages of ESOPsEmployeesESOPs help employees develop a sense of ownership in and commitment to the firm, and help to build teamwork. No taxes on ESOPs are due until employees receive a distribution from the trust, usually at retirement when their tax rate is lower.At-Risk Variable Pay PlansAt-risk variable pay plans that put some portion of the employees weekly pay at risk. If employees meet or exceed their goals, they earn incentives. If they fail to meet their goals, they forgo some of the pay they would normally have earned.Short-Term Incentives for Managers And ExecutivesAnnual bonusPlans that are intentional to motivate short-term performance of passenger cars and are tied to company profitability. Eligibility undercoat job level, base salary, and impact on profitability Fund size basis nondeductible formula (net income) or deductible formula (profitability) Individual awards personal performance/contributionLong-Term Incentives for Managers And ExecutivesStock optionThe right to purchase a specific number of shares of company stock at a specific price during a specific period of time.Other Executive IncentivesGolden shakePayments companies make to departing decision makers in connection with a change in ownership or control of a company. Guaranteed loans to directorsLoans provided to buy company stock.A highly gaga and now frowned upon practi ce.Creating an Executive Compensation PlanDefine the strategic context for the executive compensation program. Shape each component of the package to focus the manager on achieve the firms strategic goals. Create a stock option plan to meet the needs of theexecutives and the company and its strategy. Check the executive compensation plan for compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements and for tax effectiveness. Install a process for reviewing and evaluating the executive compensation plan whenever a study business change occurs.Why Incentive Plans FailYou get what you pay for.Pay is not a motivator.Rewards rupture relationships.Rewards undermine intrinsic motivation.Implementing Effective Incentive PlansAsk Is effort clearly instrumental in obtaining the reward? Link the incentive with your strategy.Make sure effort and rewards are directly related.Make the plan easy for employees to understand.Set effective standards.View the standard as a contract with your employees.Ge t employees support for the plan.Use good measurement systems.Emphasize semipermanent as well as short-term success.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Mesopotamia Case Essay
HISTORY OF MESOPOTAMIAN RELIGION The name Mesopotamia, is a Greek name which means the land between the rivers, refers to the geographic region which lies near the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and non to any particular civilization. The land of Mesopotamia is made fertile by the irregular and often violent flooding of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. While these floods aided agricultural endeavors by adding rich foul to the soil every year, it took a tremendous amount of hu gentlemans gentleman labor to successfully irri introduction the land and to protect the young plants from the surging flood wets. devoted the combination of fertile soil and the need for organized human labor, perhaps it is not surprising that the first civilization developed in Mesopotamia. Sumerians were the first settlers in Sumeria. By c.3500 BCE, the Sumerians had developed many of the features that characterized subsequent civilizations. Cuneiform was a system of report established by the Sumerians whic h became the dominant system of writing in Mesopotamia for over 2000 years.Mesopotamia is widely recognized as one of the regions in the Near East first experiencing the developmental transition to hydraulic and urban civilization, duly celebrated as a cradle of civilization and the eastern segment of the Fertile Crescent.Mesopotamian religion is the religious beliefs and practices of the Sumerians and Akkadians, which were noted the first developed civilizations and religions and later of their successors, the Babylonians and Assyrians. (Lindemans, 2007). In general terms, it constitutes the greater part of what is now Iraq, eastern Syria, and south-eastern Turkey. The deities of Sumer were usually associated with aspects of nature, such as fertility of the fields and livestock. Among the most important of the many Mesopatamian gods were Anu, the god of heaven Enki the god of water and Enlil, the earth god. Deities were often associated with particular cities.Astral deities such a s Shamash and Sin were also worshipped. The Mesopatamians ar skilled astrologers who studied the movements of heavenly bodies. Priests also determined the volition of the gods through the observation of omens, especially by reading the entrails of sacrificed animals. The king functioned as the chief priest, presiding at the new-year festival held in spring, when the kingship is renewed and the triumph of the theology over the powers of chaos was celebrated.In Mesopotamia, each city state had its own god who owned it, and although other gods were admitted, they were always subordinate to the city god. Everyone had to belong to a temple, whatever rank they had in society. If they belonged to the temple of Marduk, they considered themselves the people of the beau ideal Marduk. The god was the lord and the people served him as slaves or at least as servants. leave of everyones produce belonged to the god and had to be brought as a sacrifice. The land itself belonged to the god and h ad to be leased from him. God postulate never been any comfortably at signing agreements so the contracts were signed on his behalf by the priests.The main festival in Mesopotamia was the New Year Festival held in spring or in autumn. Its signifi shagce was the renewal of the land through the sprouting of new buds or the end of the summer scorching. The Sumerian drama focused on Dumuzi or Tammuz, the creative power of Spring while the Goddess was Inanna, the fertility of nature.The drama went this way the earth goddess conceived a handsome word of honor who later became her lover and begat the next word of honor a ritual performed by the king and his consort or the head priest and priestess in a ritual coupling. The son died and everyone wailed but the new son was born and everyone rejoiced. In the tropics the vegetation died in the summer heat but in northern climates it died with the onset of frost, so the times were not inescapably the same.(Amytas, 2002) In an article of Sumerian Religion it was said that reincarnation is a concept suitable for Mesopotamians because it was so real and explicit that it was not worth account the striking obvious. The Mesopotamians, took painstaking notes of the coming of the sunrise and sunset every day, the return of the seasons, the planets and the stars, always revolving and returning to chartered points in the skies. Thus, they did believe that everything was cyclic, and probably considered emotional state and conclusion as such as well (cited in Adapa).MESOPOTAMIAN MYTHOLOGYThe two following stories are one of the descent and ascent stories of Mesopotamian Religion(Amytas, 2002) Descents to the infernal region are a constant theme in Mesopotamia and tell about the triumph of the spirit over desire, wrong doings or guilt. Descent stories always contain the pattern that one should not venture to the Land of No Return, that the laws of Great infra cannot be changed and it designs the foremost. Nevertheless, In anna descended to meet Her other Self, the Great Judge and Queen of the Underworld, Ereshkigal, and She who is the yellowish brown and Beloved resurfaced as the vision of triumphant humanity that transcends all deaths.Enlil descended after having raped Ninlil, who immediately took subjects in her hands and went down after Him to conquer Her costly back, achieving major growth along the process herself from maiden to Consort of Lord Air. Even Enlil, the most important of the young Anunnaki gods, had to undergo punishment for a amazing act in the most romantic and intense of all descent stories.However, Ninlil, as the Beloved and Hardest Judge Enlil could have ever had, flew after him for the rescue to gravel him back to the Heights Above, to become Enlils partner in all levels. All of them faced awesome trials and returned back to the Heights after achieving much ameliorate and growth. It is therefore clear that returns from the Underworld, despite all warnings against venturi ng over there, can be achieved, but only by the triumph of the spirit, by conquering ones own weaknesses, by a necessary loss to achieve a major growth.In the myth of Adapa, Adap ascends to the Heavens to meet Anu so that he could rid himself in front of the Skyfather for having been disrespectful to the South Wind. Adapa is the proto-Solomon, the sage and the priest-king of Eridu. He refuses immortality to come back to the Middleworld instead of remaining with the Great Gods in the Great Above, as Anu had given him the opportunity to stay there by eating and drinking from the table of the gods. Adapa refuses the offering, because Enki, Adapas personal god, had warned him not to, if Adapa did not want to die.A possible implement for this passage is the following in the end Adapa understood that he would have eventually eternal life after living a full life in the physical world, and not in the moment he had been offered the gift by Anu. He did not need eternal life when he was of fered it by Anu, because he was needed on earth, he was the priest-king the foundation of the state which was universe built in Eridu, the place where kingship descended from the heavens. Again, it is a Mesopatamian ascent story with a return, whose closed book show the cycle and the link between heaven and earth, the Great Above and the Great Below not as opposite worlds, but matching complements, in a never-ending cycle.PHOENICIAN LETTERS(Amytas, 2007) The Phoenician Letters is a piece of mystery teachings in a written form from a keep in line to a devoted acolyte in the Mesopotamian tradition, a sort of retro-Caballa. It involves 10 letter, each involving a god/goddess (Rimon-Adad, Nabu, Ishtar, Nergal, Shamash, Marduk, Anu, Enlil, Ea-Enki, Sin-Nana) by the master to the acolyte exchanged during the period of two years.The letters cover the training of a future-priest king by a master kept unknown up to the last letter. The quotations on the chapter of Nergal on the next carv e up are about reincarnation, the Eternal Return. Notice that the piece of metal that is left from the burning of what should be burnt may refer to that part of matter in us that is primeval and without blemish, the seed of the Great Mother that they all carry within, represented by the metal attributions of Mesopotamians deities, or the imperishable in them, their Personal Gods.On Ishtar, But Ishtar is all this and more. She is the rebornKnow, o Prince, that death is the source of life, life is the cause of death. Dumuzi her lover must die in order to live. She is the rhythm, and all rhythms have an end, this is death, all have a beginning (pages 34-35).On Nergal There are many forms of heroism. There is that form that represents a magnificent stupidity, where the hero achieves nothing, saving neither his people nor his own life, but taking with him down into death as many of the enemy as possible. He will fight in the underworld that battle which he did not win, for it is sad that as a man dies, all that he has done is presented to him, to see if he regrets his actions or not.If he regrets and pines for the things that he failed to do or the errors he has made, then this is a weight he must carry into his next time of living (Lishtars emphasis). Herein is the tale of justice the assessors of hell visit upon each man his crimes, and according as he loves them or hates them, he will be attracted to the same events, time without end, till the actions of his life be without blemish (page 41).CREATION OF MAN (and WOMAN) SUMERIAN VERSIONEnki, the Magician, and Ninhursag, the Earth Mother, create humankind from the fertile waters of the Abzu and a pinch of clay, breathing into the mix the spirit of a slain god. It is in the myth that the spirit of the slain god resonates in each and every being as a drumbeat, life force, to remind them of its sacrifice. According to Amytas, the myth was a wondrous metaphor that shows incarnation as a gift from Divine cognizance be stowed upon all humankind, all that lives and breathes. The bond that was thus established between heaven and earth from the beginning of Sumerian religion, whereby from this moment on humankindis called upon to continue for the gods the whole works of existence and faithful servants. This metaphor shows the truth all initiates have experiences from times immemorial. Spirit can only incarnate through love, the same way we can only ascend to the heights of religious and visionary experience by giving spiritual body to our souls design. Slain in this context may very well mean the necessary loss to achieve higher consciousness, the disrobing and vulnerability needed to enter both Great Above and the Depths Below enforced. Furthermore, the myth of the Creation of Man and Woman can be interpreted according to the Sumerians as the never-ending miracle of spirit entering matter and for those of them who live their lives in the light of the Mesopotamian tradition.From the beginning of Su merian Religion, from the creation of man and cleaning woman it is therefore present the everlasting bond between matter and spirit. As concluded by Amytas, the part of us who belongs to the everlasting spirit will be then confronted by our life achievements and judged by the Annunaki of the Underworld. These deities will be the judges of our souls and decide when we are ready to return from the Land of No Return. It is for all these reasons that we suggest that the Eternal Return might have been a core understated normal of Mesopotamian religion.THE BABYLON AND ITS PEOPLEMany scholars believe the first great historian, Herodotus, a Greek who traveled widely over the ancient world several centuries before the hold of Chris, visited the city of Babylon in its decline. He has left a description of the city but, because he could not speak Babylonian, his remarkable statements must come largely from the lips of the guides. The gather was,Herodotus says, twice or thrice as bountiful as in other lands, the ears of wheat and barley growing to a phenomenal size. Rich groves of cover trees waved in the breeze all over the plain and so expert were the food growers that from the fruit of the palm they got bread, wine and honey. From their scattered villages they looked with pride toward Babel the Greeks called it Babylon or the gate of the God.They had no physician. Marriage, he says, was by purchase or auction sale. His most famous statement about the morals of ancient Babylon is to the effect that every woman had once in her life to prostitute herself in what Herodotus calls the court of Venus, meaning the court of the temple of the goddess Ishtar. There she was compelled to stand until some man threw her a coin, saying, the goddess Mylitta prosper thee, and taking her forth to his couch. (Shirlie)On the contrary, in regard to its morals and its women he totally misunderstood his informants. There was no auction of wives in Babylon, and there was no such law as the prostitution of every woman at the temple of Ishtar. By that time, Ishtar was a patroness of virtue and the chief haunt of sinners. Women had in ancient Babylon a position of respect and prestige scarcely lower than they have won in modern times and the law of familiar purity was most drastically enforced upon both sexes.The Babylonian code of laws was compiled by King Hammurabi. This code was found carved on a unforgiving diorite column seven feet high in the ruins of Susa in 1901. A conqueror of Babylon about 1100 BC had stolen it and carried it off to the hills. On the upper part of it is a prefigure of Hammurabi in an attitude of worship before the sun-god, Shamash. The king says he made the code himself. Babylon, supposed to have been a sink of iniquity, in which chastity was unknown, an practice session followed the clauses of the next paragraph in the Hammurabi Code of four constant of gravitation years ago.MESOPOTAMIAN CONCEPTS OF DISEASE AND HEALINGMesopotamian d iseases are often blamed on pre-existing pot liquor gods, ghosts, etc. Each spirit corresponds or is responsible for a specific disease. For example, Hand of God X, of the stomach corresponds to what is called a disease of stomach. A get of diseases simply were identified by names, bennu for example. Also it was recognized that various organs could simply malfunction create illnesses. Mesopotamian uses plants as treatment for diseases although this cannot be relative for witching(prenominal) purposes. In addition, specific offerings are made to a particular god or ghost when it was considered to be a causative factor, but these offerings are not indicated in the medical texts, and must have been found in other texts.There two distinct types of professional medical practitioners in Mesopotamia, the ashipu known as the sorcerer and the asu which may be referred to as the physician. The ashipu diagnoses the ailment. In the case of internal diseases, this most often meant that the a shipu determined which god or demon was causing the illness. The ashipu also attempted to determine if the disease was the result of some error or sin on the part of the patient. The phrase, the Hand of was used to indicate the overlord entity responsible for the ailment in question, who could then be propitiated by the patient.The ashipu could also attempt to cure the patient by means of charms and spells that were designed to entice away or drive out the spirit causing the disease. On the other hand, asu is the specialist in herbal remedies and deals with were often classifiable as empirical applications of medication. For example, when treating wounds the asu relied on three fundamental techniques washing, bandaging and making plasters on which appear in the worlds oldest known medical document (c. 2100 BCE).CONCLUSIONMesopotamian religion in accordance with my research clearly implies that it is the foundation of many religions since, Sargon, who founded the Babylon and created the first Mesopotamian empire, lived over two thousand years before Christ and even a thousand years before the presumed time of Moses of the Christian bible. One example would be the comparison in the story of Moses one of the clay tablets covered with the cuneiform writing of the Babylonians and Assyrians refers to Sargon, the great king.His mother bore him in secret. After the birth she made a little ark or boat of reeds or rushes, coated it with pitch, which is natural there. She move the baby in it and she set it afloat on the river, doubtless expecting it to die but hoping it might be saved. The child was destined to be a the right way leader and the gods took care of him. A water-carrier found the ark and reared the child, until the goddess Ishtar saw and fell in love with the youth, and made him king over the land.To sum it all up, learning mans history always is a very interesting subject, its like being transported to a different world where oneself could be alienated. For me it would not matter because the most important thing is that you have respect to all men regardless of their religion.BibliographyWilliams, Tyler. Ideas of Origins and Creation in Ancient Mesopatamia. 2007Lindemans, M.F. Mesopotamian Mythology. 2007Amytas, Voluptua. Sumerian Religion and the Eternal Return. 2002Shirlie. God or Goddess? The Son Gods. 1999http//
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Judgment of Paris Essay
Two actors from capital of France, Robichon and Quinquart, fall in love with a woman, their co-star on stage. The foreboding is, the lady loves both the men Finally she devised a programme she would marry the one whom the Parisians awarded the best actor title. How volition they evaluator the ii actors?Bit/BitsRobichon and Quinquart were two comedy actors in Paris and Suzanne was a scenic actress in their troupe. The two actors loved Suzanne and Suzanne loves the two of them alike. When she was squeezeed from both the sides, Suzanne had to agree to marry one and pick up the other as friend. (I wonder, who made it a law that one should marry tho one) Suzanne leaves the decision to the Paris audience. Whomever the audience chose as the best actor, she will marry him Now the big question arises how will Paris choose the best actor? How? How? While the two actors were heartrendingly thinking and discussing about this, they had a visitor. Jacques Roux. Jacques Roux was in one case an executioner an official who executed convicted criminals under the decollate.Now that Jacques Roux had retired from service and is giveing the awareness that capital punishment was a crime against humanity. He wanted his message to be spread through dramatic monologues. Because Jacques had stage-fright, he seeks Robichons help and the latter agrees. Robichon enacted Jacques role in front of the Paris audience and e veryone was whirl bound. Suzanne was almost Robichons. At this, Quinquart counteracts. He disguises as marquess de Thevenin, a judge, and invites Robichon to dine with him. During the meeting the marquis (Quinquart) informs Robichon that he (Robichon) was going to die of the poisoned wine he had interpreted as a punishment for wrongly sentencing his son. Robichon believes this and is outwitted.Paris chooses Quinquart as the snap off actor and the judgment goes in favor of Quinquart.SummaryWhat happens if two equally apt actors in Paris (or anywhere else) want to marry the equivalent woman? This was a haunting question that Robichon and Quinquart had to answer because the two actors wanted to marry the beautiful Suzanne. When the duo failed to re act upon the issue, Suzanne said, Let Parisdecide. But how will Paris decide? they asked. By your execution, she replied. That was again a nonher problem. They were like Aamir caravan inn and Sha Rukh Khan or like Mohanlal and Mammootty or Will Smith and Sylvester Stallone No, I am wrong they were comedians. They were like, like, yeas, Charley Chaplin and Johny Lever (I am not good at comparison)By the way, students of Functional English, I do not have your text. If you send me the scanned/photographed copies of chapters, I can publish those chapters too. So, Robichon and Quinquart had to find a more convincing way to carry above the other. While they were thinking of this, they had a visitor a retired executioner, and his name was Jacques Roux. You know that an executioners job is to kill the criminals whom the court sentences to death.In Paris execution is carried out by a guillotine, a terrible machine whose suspended blade falls on the culprits neck. Jacques Roux was disillusioned so he wanted to spread awareness in France about the cruelty of capital punishment. Being no good pronounceer (he had stage fright), Jacques Roux requested Robichon and Quinquart to do that for him. Without much thinking, Robichon conveyed the offer and in a couple of days he gave a terrible shock to the Parisian audience as Jacques Roux exclusively what Quinquart did was more than a shock. You will find that in the analysis section.Alas persisted the newcomer, with me time presses. I, too, am considering my latest adjournand it will be the only oration part I have ever played, though I have been appearing for twenty years. 1. What does Jacques Roux mean by his latest parts?Jacques Roux was an ex-executioner who had resigned from his commerce to spread the message that capital punishment was evil by telling the audience of the incompatibilitys of the post he had resigned. By his latest part, Jacques Rous meant this. 2. What does Jacques Roux refer to the only speech production part that he had ever played? Jacques Roux was an ex-executioner. While he was an executioner, he never had a speaking part to do. All he had to do was to see the guillotine blade killed the convict in the best way, without a word. As he resigned from his profession for the horror of it, he was now aiming the stage to tell the world of the horror of capital punishment, the only speaking part in his life. 3. wherefore did Robichon take an acute interest inJacques Rouxs case? On listening to Jacques Rouxs story and his intentions in life, Robichon thought of performing his story as to prove his acting skills for marrying Bruette.questions1. Why do you think that Robichon and Quinquart were the best of actors?Robichon and Quinquart were the most loved comedians of Paris. Their very presence on the stage made the audience fall with laughter. When the fat Robichon merely opened his mouth, people started laughing and when the skinny Quinquart remained silent, the audience could not flow laughing. 2. Why did Robichon and Quinquart plague Miss Brouette? How did she solve this crisis? Both Robichon and Quinquart loved Miss Suzanne Brouette as she loved them, flirted with them and had passion for them. But when she was asked to choose one of them as her husband, she could not take a decision. She solved this crisis by asking them to prove their skills on the stage and be judged by the Paris audience.3. What were the practical difficulties for Paris being the judge? There were two practical difficulties for Paris being the judge. If the usual Paris audience was to be the judge, the two actors should stage their performance on the same stage, same theater simply the authorities would not allow them to play serious roles as they had always been identified with comic roles. Besides, both Robichon and Quinquart were equally loved and prize by the Parisians. 4. What brought the friendship of Quinquart and Robichon to a halt because they were both men of the world? Because Quinquart and Robichon were men of the world with emotions, they had both fallen in love with the fair white perch Brouette, their companion on the stage and for the very same reason, none of them could sacrifice his love for his friend. 5. Why was it necessary that the two actors remained funny till either they r each(prenominal)ed their death-bed or they demonstrated the supremacy of one of them? The two actors, Quinquart and Robichon, were determined to woo their companion actress Brouette by establishing their acting caliber above the other for the judgment of their Paris audience.6. Our only hope lies in versatility the conqueror must distinguish in a solemn part. What did Robichon mean by this? Why were Robichon and Quinquart pleased to accept this? Robichon and Quinquar t were the best of comedians and no one had a doubt on this, thence proving their skills inhandling serious roles as well was important. Robichon concur to this idea because he knew that the audience would never accept his rival Quinquart as a serious actor because his very presence made the audience laugh. Quinquart was glad to accept this idea because he believed that a man like Robichon with his very heavy body would not get the sympathy of the audience. 7. Why did Quinquart readily agree with Robichon to play tragedy? Quinquart readily agreed to play a tragedy role because he believed that he could better than Robichon because the latter happened to be a fat man for whom playing a serious role was difficult and unlikely.8. Why did Robichon think that doing a serious role was not going to be easy for the two actors? Robichon was of the opinion that the management of the sphere for which they had been hired and employed would not allow them do an off-track role, a change from c omedy to tragedy. Besides, the two had been successful in comedy and the audience would not accept them doing solemn roles. 9. There are Robichon and Quinquart, how amusing they always are What is ironical about this public opinion? For Paris people both Robichon and Quinquart were their dear comedians and therefore they could never think that they too had pains and sufferings. While they were amused to see them, the comedians were going through one of their hardest trials as to how to win their lady by defeating each other which was almost impossible.10. Why did Robichon suggest performing off stage? Why was doing an off-the-usual stage performance not a good idea? Robichon, sightedness that the two are equally good at acting and were loved by their usual audience for whom they played, because their audience would not choose a better actor, thought it wise to performing privately off-stage. though this appeared to be a good idea, Quinquart found it not serving the desired purpose because their performance was to be judged by Paris. 11. Who was Jacques Roux? What did he want to tell the world? Why did he seek Robichons help? Jacques Roux was once a public executioner whose profession was to behead criminals under the guillotine. Having abandoned his profession because he believed capital punishment was evil, he wished to spend the rest of his life spreading this message on stage. Though he was determined to do so and having got an audience at Appeville-sous-Bois, he found it hard to perform for an audience due to stage-fright. He approached Robichon and Quinquart seeking advices to solve his fear on the stage.12. Across the sunlit terrace seemed to have fallen the black shadow ofguillotine. How does this statement explain the mood? Jacques Roux was once an executioner though he abandoned the profession. He was a guillotine operator, a man who cared for the precision of the guillotine and accuracy of the blade-fall, so his presence reminded of the shadow of th e guillotine. 13. Why did Robichon speak dramatically about Jacques Rouxs story? Having decided to do the very dramatic role for Jacques Roux, Robichon thought of convincing Roux of his acting skills. By dramatically speaking like this, he placed himself at a position of asking Roux to let him perform for him. 14. What was queer about Jacques Roux suffering from stage fright? Jacques Roux was once a public executioner. His profession was to kill convicted criminals under guillotine without the speck of faceings. Even though he later awakened to a conscience soft on(p) man, it was queer to think that he had stage fear.15. Why did Robichon ask Mr. Jacques Roux if he was cognise to his audience? Robichon was determined to enact the role that Jacques Roux was to play at Appeville-sous-Bois so he wanted to know if the audience could recognize him when Robichon impersonated Jacques Roux. 16. Why did Jacques Roux agree to let Robichon play his part at Appeville-sous-Bois? Jacques Roux w as a changed man though he was once an executioner. He wanted to spread the message that capital punishment was itself a crime against humanity. He agree to let Robichon play the role for him because in that way his message could reach the audience in the best way and he could earn five hundred francs for not doing his role on the stage. 17. Why did Suzanne make more of Quinquart after she heard about Robichons prospect of winning her? Though it is not very clear if Suzanne rejoiced at the prospect of Robichons winning her, she was found moving and talking with Quinquart more than usual which suggests her expression of love for Quinquart. It was likely that she was aware of the fact that she had very little time go away to spend with him before getting married to the worthier Robichon.18. How did Suzanne and Quinquart respond to Robichons performance? Sitting with the audience, watching Robichons performance, Suzanne felt relieved that Robichon hadnt been able to happen upon the r ight note and that he hadnt been able to impress the audience while Quinquart remarked that Robichon was amusing the audience for the contrasting effect. 19. What makes you think that Robichons performance as Jacques Roux was a great success that sealed his victory over Quinquart? Robichons playing the role of Jacques Roux,from a pleasant note to a gruesome, hideous performance held the audience breath even after he ended and the curtain fell.Enumerating the horrors of the condemned criminals along with his shouting that he was a murderer and sob that accompanied his call option left a pin-drop silence in the hall. The fact that the audience didnt clap at the end of his performance, that he withdrew amid tense silence and the rush of the press representatives placed the crown on Robichons success. 20. Why did Quinquart generously congratulate his rival even after the latter had defeated him in the test? Robichons performance was remarkable and deserved the praises even of his enemi es but it was not for this reason that Quinquart congratulated Robichon. Being very smart, Quinquart had devised a plan to counter Robichon and he was confident that his plan would work as he envisaged.21. Why was Robichon amazed on reaching the Marquis house? Robichon had expected the residence of a typical Marquis but it was more or less like a lodging. He was admitted by a peasant and was led into an ordinary room. 22. Why did Quinquart put on a lot of make-up while impersonating the imaginary Marquis Thevenin? Quinquart was very much known to his companion Robichon so appearing in front of him as an grey man was definitely risky. To make sure he would not be recognized, Quinquart put on a load of make-up so that Robichon will feel sympathy for the old man rather than suspicion. 23. What do you figure out about the exact reason why the Marquis had been late?The parting of Marquis Thevenin, the most significant role played by Quinquart to defeat his companion Robichon to win Suz anne, demanded considerable effort. Quinquart had to manage all that make-up during his journey to the lodging where his character had to meet Robichon who too would travel to this destination at the same time. To ease his efforts, to make time for his make-up, Quinquart had to give the excuse that he had been to his doctor. 24. How did Quinquart play his role of Marquis Thevenin?Quinquart made a crafty plot to give the biggest shock to his companion and rival, Robichon. Dressed as an old Marquis, infirm and broken hearted, he invited Quinquart who made himself known as Jacques Roux, an ex-executioner who resigned his post because of his late realization that capital punishment was a crime. Having served his guest a cup of wine, Quinquart the Marquis informed the ex-executioner that the wine was poisoned tokill him to strike back his sons execution by his hands. However, Quinquart brought an end to his scary drama by revealing his identity.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Corporation and Florida International University Essay
I am writing this letter regarding my request for financing to attend a business writing course at Florida International University. This course is only held once a year in our bea and it leave alone be on the 11 day of July ending on the 13 day of July 2013. The business writing course is the only course held of its kind and it is the near cost-effective professional development opportunity available to me this year.The writing course offers totally the tools, techniques and concepts related to business writing, such as critical problem firmness of purpose with employee communication skills, this course will be a major benefit and provide me with additional knowledge on skills I already possess by teaching me how to write more clear, crisp and effective.The course will also guide me on how to dissect business documents so that our organizational initiatives will reanimate and performance should increase within Smith International, I will also gain more knowledge on the clarit y, impact, and overall professionalism of on-the-job e-mails, letters, and reports which I handle with on a day-to-day basis.The course will be taught by Dr. James Johnson a world renowned professor for Harvard University Business School, Dr.Johnson has written several(prenominal) books and has lectured at more than 100 universities worldwide, his expertise and recognition in business writing has not gone unnoticed. Dr. James Johnson has been recognized for his work with U. S government activity organizations for his ability to critique an array of documents, his ability to analyze policies of privately sealed government documents. He has made his mark and comprehension on business corporations and governments all over the world.The business writing course that will be held at Florida International University will be a cost of ($250 value) this will include a business writing certification, recognizing the completion of the course, all the information printed on paper and presente d, is free for all writing course participants, and can be shared with my colleagues who are not able to attend the course at this time. Thank you for considering this request for me to attend the business writing course.
Monday, May 20, 2019
“Nettles†by Vernon Scannell Essay
Nettles by poet Vernon Scannell is a pensive poem based on the poet trying to protect his son from hurting himself in a urticate have it off. I found this poem really emotional and touching and this is mainly why I chose to make unnecessary about it. The poet reflects on his testify follow through to prove his point of view, and he achieves this, and I indent to contemplate what point he is trying to convey in this poem.The poem is set in the poets own garden, with the put outs hidden out of sight merchant ship the shed. The new-fangled child (the poets son) falls into the nettle bed, which causes him to scream as it hurt him. This poem is extremely sound as it means a lot to a greater extent than just a boy falling into nettles. The visualiset and soul that the poet has expressed in this poem is that p arnts cant always protect there children no mater how hard they try. Also, it is very emotional, about the fathers feelings for his son, which makes the poem very dramat ical and more telling.The use of imagery in the poem effectively helps the poet get his message across. The poet uses different techniques to make the poem more interesting and wait more realistic. This helps us imagine the jibe understandably and creates an atmosphere.That regiment of contuse behind the shed. It was no vagabond for restThe strong word spite emphasises how much malicious the nettles are, that they have a strong desire to hurt someone, in this case the young boy. Saying a regiment of spite links to battle, and the fact these nettles want to cause harm and pain, they are linked to war, as though they are soldiers. They are behind the shed, and this gives us thoughts on how sly they are. They waylay out of sight, and wait to attack. This tells us how merciless they are, rule and harmful. No place for rest is a very effective phrase to use here, as it is a nettle bed. Bed is associated with sleeping, resting and comfort, and to say nettle bed fronts curious to th e poet, as nettles are associated with nothing but pain discomfort and suffering. The poet clearly feels this is no place for sleeping or resting.Went outside and slashed in fury with it, till not a nettle in that fierceparade stood upright anymore.The use of personification effectively illustrates the poets message. We can clearly tell the poet is furious with the nettles, for hurting his child, as the words slashed in fury tell us this. Fury is a very strong word, and emphasizes how angry he feels. Slashed also suggest how loyal he acts, and used with the words fury creates a sense of hatred towards the nettles, and we can imagine why. The nettles hear are described as a vicious army, the father seeks revenge on them, and clearly gains it as it is followed with stood upright anymore. This is like an army being defeated, lying dead on the ground, no interminable standing tall.But in two weeks the busy sun and rain had called up tall recruits behind the shed.The poet has used meta phors in the poem to illustrate his message. Yet again, the nettles are referred to as though they are an army, and they have been called up to fight in a war. The fact they are described as tall makes them seem stronger, bolder and intimidating, the poet is trying to create an image of these nettles leering over the child. Also, they are concealed behind the shed, making them seem sly and cunning, ready to sneak out and hurt the boy when he least expects it. Therefore, the nettles have a much better advantage than him, so he will be much likely to be hurt again.Word choice is an important feature in this poem, as it helps us understand the poets message. The poet cleverly uses words so we understand his message. This is very effective. Here is an example of word choice.White blisters bead on his tender skinThe poet has used efficient adjectives to describe the boys skin. White blisters gives thoughts of pain. It makes us think of pain and suffering, which is good as that, is what t he young boy feels. It is also tells us how young and undefended the child is, because tender suggests this. It also suggests how innocent and young he is, that he needs to be defend from the vicious nettles. Also, blisters beaded, tells us that the boy may be scared for life. This is a terrible experience for the boy and his father, and blisters could scar him, a reminder of this event.After the poet destroys the nettle bed he decides to set resurrect to themA funeral pyre to burn the fallen deadThis is very dramatic as it is a Brobdingnagian fire to burn dead people, or nettles in this case. He wants to burn the dead, because they harmed his son. This phrase is very effective is make us think of death and funerals, which is usually depressing, and nettles are depressing and harmful. Fallen dead is verbalize the nettles have finally been defeated, and are fell down. They are described as though they are humans, or solders dying.The poets message is that you cant always protect your children. He has used an experience he and his son with the nettles to show this, because its tells us that he tried to protect his son, but in the last pull out of the poem, he said my son would often fell sharp wounds again which tells us his son is sledding to get harmed, no mater how hard he trys to protect him.In conclusion, nettles is a fantastic poem, which tells us about the poets feelings, and him trying to protect his son. I have enjoyed this poem, because it is very effective and interesting.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Performance Art Essay
Performance fraud is an essentially contested concept any single definition of it implies the wisdom of rival uses. As concepts like democracy or art, it implies productive disagreement with itself. 1 The meaning of the condition in the narrower sense is related to postmodernist traditions in Western culture. From about the mid-1960s into the 1970s, often derived from concepts of visual art, with approve to Antonin Artaud, Dada, the Situationists, Fluxus, Installation art, and Conceptual Art, public marchation art tended to be defined as an antithesis to theatre, challenging orthodox art forms and cultural averages.The ideal had been an ephemeral and authentic experience for performer and audience in an event that could non be repeated, captured or purchased. 2 The in this time widely discussed difference, how concepts of visual arts and concepts of do arts argon utilized, can determine the meanings of a performance art presentation (compare Performance A Critical insane asy lum by Marvin Carlson, P. 103,2-105,1). Performance art is a term usually reserved to refer to a conceptual art which conveys a content-based meaning in a more drama-related sense, rather than being simple performance for its own sake for entertainment purposes.It largely refers to a performance presented to an audience, but which does not taste to present a conventional delegacy play or a formal linear narrative, or which alternately does not seek to depict a set of fictitious characters in formal scripted interactions. It accordingly can include action or spoken word as a communication amid the artist and audience, or even ignore expectations of an audience, rather than following a script written beforehand. close to kinds of performance art nevertheless can be close to performing arts. Such performance may utilize a script or create a fictitious dramatic setting, but button up constitute performance art in that it does not seek to follow the usual dramatic norm of creating a fictitious setting with a linear script which follows conventional real-world dynamics rather, it would intentionally seek to satirize or to transcend the usual real-world dynamics which are used in conventional theatrical plays.Performance artists often challenge the audience to think in new and unconventional ways, break conventions of handed-down arts, and break down conventional ideas about what art is. As long as the performer does not become a player who repeats a role, performance art can include satirical elements (compare lamentable Man Group) utilize robots and machines as performers, as in pieces of the Survival Research Laboratories involve ritualised elements (e. . Shaun Caton) or suck elements of any performing arts such as dance, music, and circus. Some artists, e. g. the Viennese Actionists and neo-Dadaists, prefer to use the ground live art, action art, actions, intervention (see art intervention) or manoeuvre to describe their performing activities. As genres of performance art appear body art, fluxus-performance, happening, action poetry, and intermedia.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Alcoholism Feature Article Essay
Introduction (Opening facts) Alcohol is the most dangerous drug in Australia, beating crack and heroin into second and third place in the ranking, according to recent studies. The legitimate research used data from the 2012 National Survey on Drug Use and Health strand that almost 60% of 18-24 year old current drinkers, who failed to complete high school, began drinking before the date of 16. The survey also revealed that teens are more likely to try alcohol for the first time during the summertime months, along with other harmful drugs or cigarettes. Teens are susceptible to alcohol mostly during this time ascribable to more idle time, fewer responsibilities and less adult supervision.Effects and results With more than 1 in phoebe bird teens between the ages of 14 and 19 of age, consuming alcohol on a weekly basis, the fortune of bedcer, digestive diseases and addicted related medical issues are predicted to rise. Those who drink regularly have been proven to have a lower pr oductivity rate than those of unaffected areas. Underage drinking plays a significant role in risky, sexual and often violent behaviour, which can lead to other health issues or injuries. As a result of this, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death in people ages 15 to 20. Deadly crashes involving alcohol are twice as common in teens compared with people 21 and older. raise more, mixing drinking with swimming or boating can be fatal. Four out of 10 teens that drown have consumed alcohol. Underage drinking has also been linked with deaths and injuries from burns, falls, alcohol poisoning and suicide. Consequently, the total equal attribute to underage drinking includes costs of traffic crashes, violent crime and injuries and treatment, equates to over $15.2 billion per year.Signs and cake From the results of underage drinking proving deadly and most harmful, people in todays modern cabaret need to wake up to the signs towards alcoholism, especially towards younger vi ctims. Mood changes, irritability and defensiveness are physical signs, which can be easily recognised. Another example is further school problems such as poor attendance, low grades and rebellion against family rules. Although many of the symptoms may seem typical towards an ordinary teenager, parents and carers should still be aware of these as they may reflect on how their child may be suffering from alcoholism. It is critically important to pee-pee every opportunity we can, throughout the year to talk to our young people about the real risk of substance abuse and effective measures for avoiding it, so they will be informed and capable of making the proper(a) responsible decision.Common Experiences A recent victim who has suffered from alcohol as a result to his death, is Liam Davies (16). As reported after New Years, Davies drank the tainted alcohol while celebrating New Years in Sydney with friends. He was rushed to a local hospital where he was in an unstable critical sourc e from alcohol poisoning. The Davies family released a statement asking for Australians to be careful when holidaying abroad or drinking in general.We would like to make people aware of the risks associated with consuming alcohol, especially without appropriate supervision.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Educational circles Essay
Lifelong education is a imagination not to vague in todays educational circles. It has been used in many opposite forms to promote a persons pursuance to knowledge. It is claimed that life is education, practically speaking when you live you thicket deterrents or resistance in forms of challenges. It is normal for a person to face this situation, in here you ordain see that anes failure and challenges arise mans normal tendency is to adapt and move on. thus learning and educating himself on the situation he/she has just experienced (Smith M. 1996).The issue that can be seen in pursuing further education is Mans ability to absorb and effectively comprehending knowledge at a certain age. Mans psyche changes as it progress deep into the application of his/her reach or application. When the application stage of man kicks in he or she finds it difficult to learn newly things because his/her paradigm is already stuck on its present state. Thats why preparation to a lifelong educa tion is vital. It features a lot of difference between specializing. Specializing is done when man pursues and therefore encloses himself to a specific study.not only that, he or she will be engrossed in its application, one reason for this is the subject field maybe his or her source of income. Examples are doctors, engineers, or architects who pursue to improve knowledge in their individual fields. The difference between lifelong learning and specialization is on its the width of its spectrum. A person pursuing a lifelong learning is more open he or she views mistakes as an luck of learning. A person pursuing specialization is not close minded but more retentive in their studies, and they usually have a rigid paradigm.The importance of differentiating lifelong learning and specialization is important. Creating metre studies on this topic will give students and educators a point of reference. This point of reference will serve well our education system on integrating this to a learners life. Show them the advantages and disadvantages of pursuing one side to the other. Or even provide an evolvement study to at some proportion integrate the deuce different sides together. Reference Smith M. (1996). Lifelong learning. http//www. infed. org/lifelonglearning/b-life. htm
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Portfolio of Chinese contemporary artist Cai Guo-Qiang
Cai Guo-Qiang is a Chinese coetaneous artisanryistic creationist, curator and internationally recognized as a creator of large get over explosion events. He was born in Quanzhou City, Fujian Province, China in 1957 and lives and kit and boodle in naked as a jaybird York. From 1982-1985 he trained in stage design at Shanghai Drama Institute.His practices on wild life, Chinese medicine, parent works and gun powder. He explored the properties of gunpowder in his drawings when he was in Japan from 1986 to 1995. In 1996 he was selected for finalist for Hugo Boss Prize and in 1999 in 48th Venice Biennale he holds the Golden Lion represent and he was awarded the 7th Hiroshima Art Prize in 2007. In 2009, he was awarded the 20th Fukuoka Asian horticulture Prize1.The Chinese art was influenced by the New Culture Movements of Western techniques. The aim of new Chinese art is to make contemporary Chinese art accessible to a global audience. For these it presents several portfolios with 100 contemporary Chinese artists. Some of the selected exhibitions and projects of China are I Want to take, Stage One and Illusion, Explosion digest for the Festival of China, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art and Flying Dragon in the Heavens.Cai Guo-Qiang was first exhibited by the Guggenheim in 1996. I penury to gestate is the first solo exhibition of an Asian artist organized by Guggenheim Museum of Bilbao in 2009. It is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts and some additional individuals and foundations support. This exhibition charts the artists creation of gunpowder drawings, explosion events and social projects and promotes the understanding of Chinese arts and culture worldwide2.If there is no action the artistic work of Cai Guo Qiang is nothing. I indirect request to trust is the creative body work with fiction and visually. It is about the pain and bliss of aggressive explosionscelebratory fire-works versus deadly car bombs.I indirect request to believe si gnificance comes from modernity, secularism and human kind. I loss to believe shows the truth of the era and to a fault increase the awareness. I want to believe is the creation and innovation of the intelligence. I want believe got the concentration of the cross cultures.I want to believe is the artistic art work. It got the interest of the viewers without artists intention. I want to believe is the explosion event by Cai. To show pure energy force Cai used fire works in I want to believe. It is the great art of work with energy.I want believe is know for its explosives. Its the combination of gunpowder, explosives etc. It shows 80 artistic works from past to present. It is in any case consists installations and social projects. I want to believe is the magnificent and famous work by Cai3.I want to believe is the combination cultures and creation. His works are hugely inspired from locations. He explores wide variety art forms .He is best known for his fire worksAll his works are got inspired from ancient cultures of Chinese. His works mentions Buddhism and martial arts frequently. His works always speaks about the fight between human and nature. His work also mentions about Maoist and Taoist themes. His work is expensive in market of power and product.I want to believe is huge with sight and sound of explosions. It speaks about the artistic work of the art. I want to believe is the work of revolution and aggression4.ConclusionCai Guo Qiang is an extraordinary artist of twenty first century. He is a transnational artist of extraordinary creative vision and illustration, his structure are inherently unstable, dealing with expenditure of materials and ideas of transformation.Although his work is in truth expensive to imagine and also to realize his works always speaks about wide variety of aspects such as Capitalism, Secularism, Martial arts, Buddhism, Maoist, Taoist, Cross cultures, Transformation etc .His work also shows the combat between the nature and man.ReferenceGersh-Nesic, Beth S. Cai Guo-Qiang I Want to Believe. Arthistory.about. 2008. Web. 2 June. 2010. Guggenheim. Guggenheim Museum Presents Cai Guo-Qiang I Want To Believe Guggenheim. 21 May, 2008. Web. 2 June 2010. .Guo-Qiangs, Cai. Biography. Pbs. 2007. 2 June 2010. Smith, Roberta. Cars and Gunpowder and Plenty of Noise The New York Times. 22 February. 2008.1 Guo-Qiangs, Cai. Biography. Pbs. 2007. 2 June 2010. 2 Guggenheim. Guggenheim Museum Presents Cai Guo-Qiang I Want To Believe Guggenheim. 21 May, 2008. Web. 2 June 2010. .3 Gersh-Nesic, Beth S. Cai Guo-Qiang I Want to Believe. Arthistory.about. 2008. Web. 2 June. 2010. 4 Smith, Roberta. Cars and Gunpowder and Plenty of Noise The New York Times. 22 February. 2008.
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