Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Pe pep on swimming Essay Example for Free
Pe pep on swimming Essay have chosen the activity swimming because I am very interested in it. I have been doing it since early primary school and have continued onto now the end of secondary school. I think that it is the sport I no most about and I am most interested in doing. I swim in school and also out, I have progressed through out the years in my level of performance and I believe completing a personal exercise programme will improve my performance in all areas even more to a higher level. I have swam with people at higher standards than myself and also lower. I have been swimming for 12 years and it has developed to become one of my favourite physical activities. This has included watching England swim and participating with high level people my self. I personally enjoy this sport so much because of the techniques needed. It is a very exciting activity and does need a lot of taking part. Your body has to be thinking in different ways and working at high standards. I like the involvement that is expected from you in training sessions and the exciting in races and competitions. It is an individual activity and you must focus on you and only. I dont just like to swim I also take part by swimming very frequently. I previously swam for the school team and have also took part in outside of school teams. I would also like to now proceed further into swimming and sign on to a local team. This will hopefully help me to become a stronger swimmer as I will be around others with a lot of skill and devotion. I have training once or twice a week and competition come up quite often. My most preferred lane when racing is the outside left lane To be successful in Swimming  A swimmer needs to have the following qualities and components of fitness as with out these they wont be able to play up to the standards of the other competators and this is essential to win.Another one of my strong components would be agility. I believe coming out strong in half of my tests is a good because then I can focus on the other three and hopefully improve my performance in swimming. I have pointed out my weak areas and they are speed endurance and especially strength. I think strength is my main area that I need to work on. Even though the other components relate into swimming more this area still needs improving on to make my swimming standards higher. I have decided I am going to use the school fitness suite at least three times a week for five weeks. This is as well as doing my usually training and sports. I am going to start of by building up my body on a cardiovascular machine. This would be a bike, a treadmill, a steeper machine, or a cross trainer. I will start on the first day by completing 10 minutes on a medium speed and then push my self to the faster level my body will take me for the last two minutes. I will then go onto another cardio vascular machine mentioned above different machine to what I started on and complete 10 minutes on a medium speed and also in the remaining two minutes push my body to the limit. As I am working on me strength I am going to focus on the weight machines in my arms. The more power I can build up in my arms the stronger my strokes will become. I am going to start at around 20 reps per machine. I am going to begin my weight work out by using an arm weight machine then changing to my legs then finishing once again on an arm. This is making me work more on arm machines which will hopefully lead to an improvement in my weak area. I will then end each session by warming my body down once again on a cardiovascular machine. One of which I listed earlier. I will start by working on a steady speed for 10 minutes and then pushing the speed to the highest my can take for five minutes. I will go up a km each 40 seconds until my body reaches the limit. Each time I go into the fitness suite I am going to build on my goal. On my first session the work out plan will be what I have explained above. Then the following I will add more reps and more machines. This is to push my body gradually to the limit. This will also help on my endurance because I am pushing my body more and more each time making myself work harder and for longer periods of time. Training Programme. The following is what I did in the fitness suite for five weeks. As I went in three times I week I completed the same work out in the same week. As I went in to the next week I then pushed my self harder. This was so I wasnt building up my body to fast and to prevent injury.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Essay --
In the 20th century, numerous ideas of the future have entertained society. Movies such as Star Wars and Back to the Future have greatly influenced how society views the future. No one could have predicted that George Orwell’s 1984 novel came in first place when discussing about the present day. The primary goal of 1984 is to paint how life will be like under the control of a totalitarian government. This novel is way ahead of its time and gave frighteningly realistic insights into the future. Currently, the people of America are living in this reality, which Orwell prophesied. Advancement in technology today is world changing; however, it can become a dangerous weapon when left in the wrong hands. It is used as a form of distraction and control. There is a vision that, one day, there will be a monitor in every household that regularly observes people’s interest and loyalty. Even though there are no helicopters flying by and peeking through the neighbor’s windows, the government manages to spy on the average Joe in a realistic manner. Many people do not believe that the American government can implement such action, but it has been achieved and is far worst than what Orwell could have imagined. The nature of the National Security Agency revelations with the help of Edward Snowden, who leaked top secret government information, are within the scope of the Orwellian vision of the all-seeing Big Brother. Readers of the novel are able to visualize the dark and unearthly world through the eyes of Winston Smith, the protagonist. The world that he inhabits is cruel and ran by a government that controls the entire population. Big Brother is an entity in the novel who is seen as the all knowing and powerful. He is said to exists; however... the government. There are no more anonymous masses. Jump forward to today, and it seems that the American people are openly giving away all sorts of freedoms and their right to privacy. There needs to be a balance. People need to take action. Also, Orwell's points out that the government is appointed too much power over apparently small things such as the Patriot Act; however, it is just a blueprint that will help widen the window of opportunity for the government to attain more power. Society is headed for a downfall where the government increasingly takes away civil liberties, whistle blowers and journalists are prosecuted, and truth is becomes a crime. It is difficult to see how anyone could make the claim that society is not headed closer to that direction. 1984 made a bold prediction. There are evidently parallels between society today and Orwell's book.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Evaluate the importance of regular exercise Essay
In recent years, the awareness of the importance of public health has increased significantly and maintaining a healthy body and mind is undoubtedly everyone’s daily wishes. Doing exercise is one of the ways to help people to fulfill their dreams as it can strengthen our body and improve our mind. The effectiveness of the aids from the state to help achieving the goal efficiently has also been put on the public’s discussion table. In this essay, will first examine the importance of exercise, following by analyzing how both Hong Kong and British government plays their role in ensuring its citizens exercise regularly and suggesting some follow-up actions. To begin with, doing exercise can help to improve our health condition and makes us stronger. Exercise can be divided into four categories: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility which will give us benefits if we can finish them all. (Go4Life n.d.) Researches. (Mayo clinic 2014) has shown that working out will on one hand lower stress and on the other hand in reduce body fat which will makes us look fitter and healthier. Once body fat is reduced, it can also lower the blood pressure and maintain a smooth circular blood flow. Threats posed to our body due to high blood pressure can be ceased for example strokes. Moreover, exercise shows a negative relationship with depressions. Endorphin is a hormone released when doing exercise which has a positive impact on our mood by making us happier and reducing rates of depression. This shows that the more we work out, the higher the level of happiness we can gain. Endorphins will diminish the perception of pain in brain will leads to positive feelings. (WebMD 2014) Social circle can also be widened when doing exercise as some of them require team work and players will have to co-operate with each other which increases their cohesions and boost their relationships. Take playing basketball as an example, team players will have to communicate and trust each other and pass the ball to one another so as to gain goals. Strong social support which resulted can reduce the chance of depression as ones attention has been increased. By contrast, without any work out may lead to suicide in some extreme cases. Studies done by Dhaval and Inas shows that there i s a direct relationship between overweight status, depressive disorders, and suicidal behaviors. Overweight adolescents will have a low self-esteem as they are labeled as â€Å"fat boy†which makes them having a weak self-confidence and body dissatisfaction. (Dhaval & Inas 2009) As exercising can relate to life and death issues, it proves that it is of high importance that regular exercises are needed to maintain our body health. Next, the government should also play an important role in dealing with healthcare issue of citizens. According to recent reports, (Ko 2010; Chapman 2014) both Hong Kong and Britain are facing a problem of increased death rates due to obesity. This is mainly due to the increasing personal populous and changing in lifestyle characteristics with reduced in physical activity but increase in food intake which results in chronic diseases. With reference to the Hong Kong government’s official website, it has made a step forward to tackle this problem by introducing the National Fitness Day on 8th August annually (GovHK 2010). This offers its local citizens in free of charge sporting experience in appointed sports center in 18 districts of Hong Kong for example dancing play-in, fitness corner and some fitness and health talk and workshops. Parent-child activities are also available which can promote their relationships. Through this event, it can surely arouse the publics’ att ention in doing sports and even increases their own interest in developing certain type of sports. However, British government only did limited actions in developing citizens’ sportsmanship with the exception of London Olympics 2012 ( 2013) which reveals more Britain are dead due to overweight and obese kept increasing and the figure is even 50 percent more when comparing to France as Chapman said. It is believed the British government should take Hong Kong as a reference to ensure its citizens involve in sports more often. By introducing reward system can increase their attention in doing sports and they will be more willing to do so. Also, public sports centers with low membership fees can also be established so as to help low income families to enjoy this entertainment in low cost. Promotions and advertisements are needed so more people will know about it and raise their awareness of it. Due to the high authority of the government, it will hopefully help to promote exercise in Britain more effectively and testify to the success of Hong Kong in promoting spo rts to its residences. In addition, citizens maintaining good health will also benefit the state. With a poor health condition, worker will result in absentee from work and will decrease the productivity of the firm. (Krol at el., 2012) During the absent period, it may be difficult for the company to find a perfectly suitable substitute as the productivity loss will be unpredictable as workers are not assigned to the right jobs. Profits will be lost and reduces the economic growth of the nation (Wei at el., 2011). Also, as mentioned earlier, suicide incidents of workers can also affect the company. Foxconn, the production factory of Apple products is one of the place where often heard of workers there committed suicide due to poor working conditions and loneness ( BBC 2010). This will in no doubt damage the reputation of the firm and affect sales. However, if there can be enough work out for the labor, they will feel less stressed and more happy to work. Unwanted accidents can be avoided. One of the main responsibilities of citizens is to contribute to the society that we should produce to the profit maximizing output to help maintaining the labor force of our place to maintain efficiency. With good health, workers are able to work more efficiently as they can perform well and show their own talents. Productivity will then increase as a result of stimulating economic growth which will benefits the society. With better economic conditions, people are able to afford their own lives and have a higher standard of living. In order to avoid ceasing production process and reducing efficiency of firms, the government to a high extent should be responsible to regulate rules to help its citizens in public health issues. However, some may argue that it is our own responsibility to stay healthy which means we should not rely on the state. Health is a long-term investment which can be determinates by ourselves and we are personally responsible daily. Some may also say that (Sherman 2012) good health will be attained if effort is given and we prioritize it well. Long-term effort is needed so as to balance our body, mind and effort. Exercise is a personal activity which depends on the individual willingness. If the government force them to work out, they may feel discontented and conflicts between the two parties will exist. Costs will be involved in dealing with the disputes which exploits interests of them. Furthermore, people may think that they will have their own practice to maintain health for example controlling their diet such as following the food pyramid (GovHK 2012). Parents also play vital role in dealing with the health conditions of their children. Healthy lifestyle practices should be n urtured since small so they will pay more intention to that even when they grow up. In addition, supports from schools should also be given to students for example setting up more physical education classes and also extra-circular activities related to sports so as to increase their amount of physical exercise. It is undouble that teaching from parents to their children is the most effective way to convey the idea of health to them as most children tend to listen to their parents more than anyone else. Therefore some believe that it is not the state’s responsibility and it should not intervene with people’s daily routines. To conclude, although some people may be dissatisfied if the government meddle with their exercise pattern, it is of paramount importance which the state should be responsible to deal with the health issues of its citizens as this is one of its responsibilities. If the state help to preserve the public’s exercising rhythm, it can reduce the disease-related problems and it is much easier for the state to intervene due to its high authority. At the same time, it will also bring positive impacts like increasing productivity which benefits the society. As a result, to a large extent the state should help in ensuring its citizens exercise regularly in order to maintain a good health. Reference List 1. Blanch, B, 2010. Foxconn suicides: ‘Workers feel quite lonely’. BBC online, [online] 28 May 2010. Available at:> [16 May 2014]. 2. Chapman, J, 2014. Britain’s obesity death rate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 04 May 2014] 3. Dhaval, D and Inas, R., 2009. Overweight status, self-perception, and suicidal behaviors among adolescents. Social Science & Medicine, [e-journal]. 68(9) Available through: Lancaster University Library website [Accessed 15 February 2014]. 4. Go4Life n.d., 4 Types of Exercise. [online] Available at: [Accessed 12 May 2014] 5. 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Saturday, January 4, 2020
Politics Has Too Much Influence on the FDA - 800 Words
Politics Has Too Much Influence on the FDA The FDAs origins according to the official FDA web page â€Å"came into existence when Lewis Caleb Beck, who worked in the patent office and was hired to head up a newly created position which the original function was to carry out chemical analysis of agricultural products for the Department of Agriculture in 1848 â€Å"(About FDA). The main thought behind the creation of this agency was to provide safe guidelines and researching and testing agricultural patents before they were placed in the marketplace. As the government itself has grown and evolved, the legislature has used its power to influence the outcome of whether a drug or food product is released to the public and how quickly that process is†¦show more content†¦This clout grows and affects the lack of autonomy in our personal choices. Are we truly safe with the FDA in charge of what we consume or are we pawns in the political machine? â€Å"The way things are done thr ough the FDA isnt as much if the product is safe, but whether a government official has a vested interest. The congressmans interest could lay in a personal matter such as a family member could benefit from the new drug or it could have political ties to his home constituents. Either way, the strings are being pulled in spite of the chance that the product could have potentially dangerous side effects â€Å"(Inside the FDA loc 3016). â€Å"Pharmaceutical companies have a lot of money invested and push the FDA to approve their applications: â€Å"For example, since the 1938 legislation placed the burden of proof on the FDA when it came to challenging or delaying drug approvals, the agencys actions depended primarily on its budget. Larger budgets from politicians could engender greater scrutiny and more challenges of new drugs. Instead of reputations facilitating such power, increased budgets and the pursuit of the agencys mission could also explain agency actions during 1944-61 â €Å"(FDA). â€Å"The Revitalization Act of 2007 further empowered the FDA. Legislation aimed at strengthening the US Food and Drug Politics are also played out in the media and indirectly influences whether an application is approved or removed such asShow MoreRelatedDirect Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising ( Dtcpa )1312 Words  | 6 Pageshealth of U.S. citizens, the prices of prescription drugs and health care, and doctor-patient relationships (Ventola). This paper will discuss the historical and political lens of DTCPA: how and why changes to DTCPA were made in the past, how current politics suggests a possible change to decrease or limit future DTCPA could be accomplished, and specific regulatory aspects that require more attention. 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