Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Persuasive Essay Child Motivation - 2274 Words
Draft: Child Motivation I remember those days from my childhood when my parents would punish me for not doing my homework or not being disciplined. I was not much of a thinker back then but I always wondered why our family relied on rules and punishments when our immediate neighbors treated their children with rewards. The concept of them being motivated with a muffin or a chocolate bar or some playtimeâ€â€if they complete their wok in timeâ€â€contrasted with my family’s tradition of punishment when it came to homework. Now, after many years have passed, I am able to present a resolve that neither of the two extremes is preferable for a child’s growth and it is imperative that the parents realize the effects of the two motivational styles at†¦show more content†¦Experts believe that the source of motivation is contingent upon the right relationship between adult and child, not the right punishment techniques. The fake sense of punishment being the right way has been a part of the parenting for centuries; in fact the physical force was closely administered by the West until recently, and despite being outlawed by many countries, has still not been removed totally out of the system. It has further been observed that the punishment method cannot go on for long since teenage children were not afraid of punishments anymore. Researchers say that motivation comes from development of relations and is contingent upon the right relationship between adult and child, not the right punishment techniques. As per Debbie Pincus, the push-pull technique of motivating a child to do his homework won’t work for long and would rather turn into a power struggle rather than a grooming session. She says that if the parents are caring more about the child’s grades then he himself then there is clearly something wrong in this scenario. 2-Daeg and Davidson, in their article ‘Discipline’, established that the gist of motivating a child is related to what age group he is in. They further explained various age groups and the optimum motivation style required by such children; from the stage 2 to the mid of stage 4 punishment might prove worthy to keep the child aligned to right track but as soon as the mid of stage 4 passes, the child starts to develop
Sunday, May 17, 2020
What It Takes To Be A Mechanical Engineer - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 734 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category Engineering Essay Level High school Tags: Mechanical Engineering Essay Did you like this example? In order to become a mechanical engineer, one must go to college and get their bachelors degree, get your licensing and also take the required exams. There are many duties to working a job like this, having to be able to read blueprints, draw technically. Also will need to operate, Research, evaluate and design. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What It Takes To Be A Mechanical Engineer" essay for you Create order A few technical skills are being able to use scientific software such as MAYA Nastran, Minitab, Sigmetrix CETOL 6 Sigma and The MathWorks MATLAB. Also you will need to use other softwares like Autodesk Revit, Perforce Helix software, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft Visio and Trimble SketchUp Pro.        People who work or are working towards becoming a mechanical engineer will be working forty hours a week. The hours worked my change to conditions of work. A few work styles you will need to adapt to is being able to cooperate, paying attention to detail and also being depended on. They usually work at a desk, in a office and create blueprint and read them as well. They also need to talk to people for most of their time on the job. Working this job does not sustain to injury as much because theres not much work with dangerous tool and equipment. The tools you will need to be able to use are Flowmeters, Machine mounts or vibration isolators, Semiconductor process systems, Signal generators and a Voltage comparator integrated circuits. Like stated before mechanical engineers will usually work in a office. But sometime they will need to go and visit a construction site and see if all is going as planned and if any improvements are needed.        There is an estimate of 21,200 jobs available to work. These jobs are mostly found in the city areas that need building structures. There is a nine percent increase in jobs of this kind by 2026. The layoff is not high because to get a job like this you will need to be really a hard worker so there most of them are not there to goof off. Some benefits you get from is job are insurance for medical, dental, and vision. Also they can get profit sharing disability insurance or education assistance depending on who they work for. Becoming a senior engineer is a promotion. In the beginning you start as a starter, they may not give you hard jobs. But as a senior they will be at the top of thing and work harder but also get paid more of core.        To be able to have this job people will have to work on getting their bachelors degree because this is need to start any engineering job. This will take five years of school to finish and be in the industry. There a few good schools to go to for your degree such as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford university and the University of Cambridge. MIT is the best school to go they are ranked number one for engineering. But University of Cambridge is also a good school its just thats it is in the United Kingdom.        There are many important skills that will need be to use in this job active listening is one of them they will need to give all attention to whoever is talking, asking questions in important because there cant be any mistakes while on the job. Also math skill is needed in this job. Math is need to be able to solve a problem that comes their way. Same as science, there needs to be the correct science behind things to work. Reading is also big, reading sentences and paragraphs and being able to understand them is needed. There are many softwares they need to know to work this job. The need to learn quick is needed to work fast with new projects. Cooperation is important in this job too. People will need to work together and get along.        The reason someone my want this job is that they might love working on cars and other matters of that sort. Also enjoy working with blueprints and love working with others. Also tech might be one of there skills and want to use it as a career. Being a mechanical engineer takes a lot of work but is worth it. You will have the ability to do what you love to do and not need to worry about not liking your job. Being an engineer is a spectacular job and skill.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Workplace Disputes And The Workplace Dispute - 1151 Words
Human resources management relies upon employees and employers working concurrently. However in many cases this is hard to create, this is a factor leading to workplace disputes. Workplace disputes are conflict which occurs within the workplace. They can be a result of relationships or clashes in opinions on certain tasks. Indicators are used to measure the results of workplace disputes, these indicate the factors creating disputes. They include: corporate culture - how well a workforce treats one another, benchmarking key variables - whether staff are motivated to reach these benchmarks, staff turnover - the amount of separation of employees is occurring, absenteeism - how frequently staff are taking days off, accidents - how people react†¦show more content†¦These companies have been affected by workplace disputes and have been forced to resolve these using different strategies. (Australia Post promotes the strategies of grievance procedures, negotiation, mediation and conciliation as a means of resolving disputes in their Enterprise Bargaining Agreement) (AUS Post EBA). This is most likely as a result of the expensive process of courts and tribunals. One such workplace dispute was seen between Australia Post and many of their licensees within the Licensed Post Office (LPO) Group - of which licensees belonging to Australia Post who are essentially independent small business owners operate under the entity of Australia Post. The LPO group had been dissatisfied with the neglection of increase in commission payments over many years from Australia Post, as a result they decided to approach Australia Post. This is an example of a remuneration dispute. Due to the overall commitment from licensees, the LPO group believed that going above alternative dispute resolution was the best means for a solution. Thus seeing the matter being heard at the senate - (which can recommend changes or amend proposed laws) (APH). The LPO group claimed that licensees payments were not currently fair or reasonable. The senate committee announced their recommendations on the 3rd of March 2015. (The 18 recommendations were
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Evaluate and Report Customer Service - 1202 Words
EVALUATE AND REPORT CUSTOMER SERVICE Successful business depends on Customer Service. It is essential to understand that every employee is involved in customer service. Everyone in every organization is a customer of some kind. It has been proven that customers would rather switch to another company than tolerate poor service. Research indicates, even if there is no conflict, over 60% of all customers quit dealing with a business because of indifference on the part of some employee. The ability to interact effectively with customers may be the critical difference between success and failure in our work life. Effective customer service begins with an accurate perception of our own work behavioural style. This report was designed to†¦show more content†¦In view with the organisations vision of customer focus and providing excellent customer service, improvement needs to be made for their service delivery. The goal of their service should be to systematize a customer service program that has proven results and wel l established for long term, as part of the business culture and core values. All policies and procedures should emphasize on customer oriented and all work flow procedures should promote reliable and consistent delivery of customer orders and purchases. These three important service strategies are more than business initiatives; they’re attitudes that should be embedded and celebrated throughout the organization.Service as a product. Most buyers don’t have the technical knowledge they need to make the best choices when they’re purchasing products such as electronics, software, cars or home appliances. They want reassurance that support and service will be available if problems arise. View service as yet another deliverable you offer, one with real value. The customer is the boss. One service-minded company, CoffeeVille should have a mission statement that places the customer at the center of nearly every business function. The statement reads: â€Å"The mission of the customer service department is to retain and to encourage increased business from customers by efficiently and courteously satisfying their needs with respect to ordering, shipping, invoicing, handling claims and adjustments, andShow MoreRelatedMarketing Case Study : A Marketing Intern For A Well Known National Chain1342 Words  | 6 Pages â€Æ' MARKETING The most important part of the business or action of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising. As a Chain Marketing Intern for a Well-known National Chain A marketing intern focuses on Sales, products, price, place, and promotion, act together to help reach customers as a unit and independently. This are used to develop strategies for marketing and when used well, have proven to be successful. 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The Best Four Years Of Life - 1186 Words
Most people would describe their undergraduate years as the best four years of their life. It’s a time for optimism, growth, and success. Unfortunately for me, my undergraduate experience featured a slew of opposing feelings. My father had been diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a cancer that effects the bone marrow, during my freshman year. This was a rare form of cancer that ultimately took his life during my sophomore year. His illness and his death set the tone for my undergraduate career. Watching his health deteriorate took an emotional toll on me that only one whose endured this could fathom. My grades during this time were not at all what I knew they could be. I felt defeated, like nothing I accomplished really mattered now that my†¦show more content†¦Although my position at Homeland was an assistant, working directly under the President of the company allowed me attain a deeper knowledge of the industry. I learned to never be pushy, but always be persistent. I was able to pick up on how my mentor had his own way of keeping track of clients and following up with them. I was also taught to always stay curious. A quality trait of inquisitiveness is one that will take any agent or broker to new heights. The constant search of new ways to sell and market is what led me to propose the idea of marketing Homeland Realty to the millennial generation with the help of social media. I aided Mr. Kuruvila in setting up a Facebook account for the company and showed him how through paid advertisements, productivity and sales could potentially increase seeing as it is now being revealed to a narrower audience. I offered the same kind of advice to help garner more clientele of a more mature age. Knowing that many elders are still very keen in getting their information from newspapers, I suggested to add advertisements in the local paper as well. After a month of giving these suggestions, I was beyond thrilled when I was told by Mr. Kuruvila that more pr ospective clients had been calling in due to coming across these specific ads. The mental drive I picked up along with the longing to learning more about real estate prompted me to enroll in Gold Coast School of Real Estate. I am currently in the process ofShow MoreRelatedCollege Will Be The Best Four Years Of Your Life Essay1722 Words  | 7 PagesFriends Forever? Everyone says that college will be the best four years of your life. Naturally after hearing that for four years in high school, I was very excited to go to college. But I was also sad. I kept thinking â€Å"Am I ready for college?†, â€Å"Am I ready to leave all my friends?†and â€Å"Am I really going to like college?†Of course no matter how ready I felt for college, I was going. For me, the transition from high school to college wasn’t that difficult but it was still a big change for me. 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China Bank Internationalisation Project free essay sample
This approach to a project is very similar to what happens regularly in the financial services industry. A project has to be completed, a team is set up (usually with individuals of different skills with different backgrounds and from different countries) who then have to work together to complete the task. Managers then evaluate each team member in such a process on the basis of the quality of the final joint work produced. Background China’s banks are trying to internationalise and your task is to help advise a Chinese bank on how to do this. Bank of China, for example, has on its website its ‘Strategic Goal†and other banks have similar goals: Strategic Goal Aiming at excellence, sustaining growth and building a first-class international bank. Strategic Positioning A large transnational banking group focusing on commercial banking business and providing diversified services integrated both at home and abroad. Commercial banking focused diversification With commercial banking business as the core and foundation of the groups development, Bank of China will keep improving its brand popularity and core competitiveness by expanding business network and customer base and nhancing product innovation. We will write a custom essay sample on China Bank Internationalisation Project or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page By taking advantage of the comparative competitiveness of diversified services for unified customers via unified channels under unified strategy and brand, it will strive to develop various business lines such as investment banking, fund, insurance, investment and leasing so as to create a synergistic effect on the diversified platform in the interest of comprehensive and excellent financial services for customers. To provide a structure to this advice, you are required to write answers to each of the five topics below (though you need not follow exactly the items in each). Each of the five sections should be not more than 500 words i. e. 2,500 words maximum for the whole project. This will also make it much easier to present each project in class i. e. to read out the paper in class. Also, it will help you understand the need to be concise. Most business papers have an ‘Executive Summary’ at the front of a paper and in the case of this project, the ‘executive summary’ is the actual paper. You will, of course, be likely to write more on your section in the first instance but you will then have to reduce it in size to make this summary the correct length. Although you may choose to allocate one section to each person in the group, it is VITAL that the quality of English (grammar, spelling), is high throughout. Thus one person who is good at English should check through the whole paper. Also, each section should use the same font and typesize. You should also ensure that each of you understands each of the 5 topics and is able to speak in class about any of them. I may choose any one of you to present and to explain your proposals. Project China’s banks are trying to internationalise. You have been employed as consultants to a well-known large Chinese bank. They have asked you to write a report for them as below: â€Å"Until now, we have been principally a domestic financial institution operating in mainland China. We expect that the profitability of our existing domestic business may decline and that our balance sheet size will not increase as fast as before. We are therefore considering trying to internationalise. We need to learn from Western experience of internationalisation and try to apply that experience (though modified for specific Chinese characteristics) to our own internationalisation project. Please prepare a report that will help us achieve our objectives. †Having chosen your bank (one of the big four) set out a strategy that it might follow. You should start by looking at the bank’s latest annual report and accounts and any press references to internationalization of Chinese banks. Some topics that you might cover are suggested below but the actual topics that you think are relevant may be wider than this. You should also look at the experience of Western banks which have tried to become full-service i. e. international financial supermarkets. I. Examine balance sheet strength, current and future expected loan losses on existing domestic loans, current and future required Basel ratios and current price to book ratios of the bank or banks you have chosen and any other relevant information. You have to provide a summary of your chosen bank’s financial strengths and weakness relative to competitors. Consider any competitive advantages that Chinese banks might have in trying to internationalise in relation to any weaknesses of European or US banks at the present time in terms of funding availability, currency related issues, term of loans, regulatory ratios, ownership structure etc. II. Consider reasons why Chinese domestic banking is likely to be less profitable from 2012 onwards compared with previous years (consider interest margins and loan write-offs and any other factors). Consider in which countries a bank might best open overseas operations, what commercial banking products and services might be offered and why. Consider products and services to be offered to Chinese companies doing business abroad and also local companies in the foreign market which may or may not do business with China. Give reasons why you think a Chinese bank could gain competitive advantage in these markets with the different types of customer they might attract. Also consider where you might put the international head office of such a bank and whether the senior management in a country should be natives of that country or expatriate managers from China. III. Chinese banks are currently principally commercial banks involved in lending, trade financing, foreign exchange services and leasing. Consider the other types of products and services, in particular investment banking and asset management services, that they might want to offer outside China and the advantages and possible drawbacks of trying to compete with US investment banks in such products. Finish with a recommendation on the scope of products the bank should offer. IV. If you recommend that your bank should go ahead with an internationalisation programme, advise it on the relative merits of a new start-up bank versus a policy of acquisition of local banks in the chosen markets. You might, for example, suggest that the bank acquire RBS from the UK government. V. Japanese commercial and investment banks have not been very successful in their internationalising efforts (see Chapter 27 of your textbook). Consider the economic, cultural and foreign branch/ subsidiary management, employee and governance (and any other) issues that might have hindered their development. Consider how a Chinese banks may, or may not, be able to overcome these same difficulties. Citigroup has also proven not to be very successful. You should examine what its strategy was and why it collapsed (rescued by the US government) and why it is now downsizing and simplifying. RBS has also cut back its investment banking activities dramatically. You should consider why it has done this. Some articles from the FT that might be useful in this endeavour are included on Blackboard under â€Å"Course Documents†. However, it is important that you access other sources of information which may include private information that you have access to. You should give references where appropriate. Brian Scott-Quinn [ 1 ]. Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Alternative Approaches to Strategic Management †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Alternative Approaches to Strategic Management. Answer: Introduction Managementpractices have undergone a series of transformations on the last few decades. During this period, companies have been downsized and hallowed out. At the moment some employees have found it unattainable to remain in major leadership positions in companies, newly trained and empowered workers have entered the field and implement numerous innovativemanagement practices such as just-in-time manufacturing, continuous improvement, and total quality management. These innovations have significantly influenced the development of new strategicmanagement approaches including stakeholder, dynamic capabilities, and sustainable approach (15 Steps of Strategic Management 2015). Though all of these management approaches are viable and have several benefits, they also have several disadvantages and limitations. Organizations, therefore, need to read between the lines and consider implementing the most viable elements in all of them and cushion themselves from the risks involved. Approaches to Strategic Management: Stakeholder Approach Stakeholder approach has developed to become an alternative way of managing organizations. This approach ensures that company directors have to put more consideration on various stakeholder groups than on shareholders interest. Stakeholder approach was first raised by Freeman (2009) who opposed to the concept that company directors are solely accountable to shareholders. He argued that they are accountable to employees, suppliers, credit providers, local communities, customers, environmental groups, and the government. According this expert, each of these groups has an absolute right to be treated as an end to a just means. Benefits of Stakeholder Approach Stakeholder approach has become incredibly popular because of its enormous benefits. This approach is an effective tool for improving the level of corporate governance in organizations. According to Parkinson, if the internal mechanism of managements such as non-executive director and general meeting and the external form such as hostile takeover bid are ineffective, an organization can suffer incredibly. With stakeholder approach, however, organizations are safe from such a risk (Freeman 2009). The other benefit of this approach is that it can reconcile the relationship between organizations and non-shareholder groups. When an organization views employees a partnership, for example, rather than instruments for reaching a particular goal, that makes it possible to have a productive relationship between the employer and the employee. When the company hires qualified and well-motivated staff, it is able to succeed in the current intensive competition world (Boutilier 2011). This approach can also help companies to strengthen their brand image. Since the approach requires companies to include the local community, the organization will have to focus on meeting long-term goals. If organizations focus of short-term financial goals that would be detrimental to its success and the local community cannot accept to ether into agreements that cannot preserve the environment and meet other critical societal needs. Regulations such as environmental protection laws reflect what the society demands from the organization and the laws suggest that abiding by them actively rather than passively would help to build the reputation of the company and benefit it in many other ways (Boutilier 2011). The final benefit of stakeholder approach is that it gives directors of organizations the freedom to be visionary and develop strategies for achieving the strategic long-term plans. As they have to consider a wide range of things before arriving at a conclusion, directors are able to be more practical in the way they approach leadership issues. Directors are the agents of the organization, according to this approach, rather than agents of shareholders (Boutilier 2011). Limitations and Demerits Critics of the stakeholder approach consider that is not a useful management theory. They consider that it takes away shareholder primacy, and, for that reason, directors can operate the organization so they so wish. Additionally, they consider that under this theory, it is hard to judge the performance of directors. A good way to illustrate what they mean is a director who chooses to take account of the interest of the local community, but when an opportunity to move the company to a country with cheap labor where they can make more profits, they choose to stay put. When a director does this, a problem can arise given that shareholders invest their resources to make profit. If the company does not make profit, they can choose to take their shares and invest else which, which in effect can affect lead to closure of the business (Waal (2013). Some experts consider that stakeholders approach can result to disagreements between the investors and the directors to a small extent. They suggest that this can be sorted out amicably. According to Waal (2013), organizations that use this approach can prevent the occurrence of similar problems by setting up two-tier board structures. The supervisory board oversees the operations of the executive board and helps them to deliver on their mandate. Further, this method also enables all other stakeholders to monitor the directors more closely. To large extent, this approach would improve the level of supervision and prevent directors from mismanaging organizations under their care (Freeman 2009). The stakeholder approach may also have an effect on investment. Its opponents say that directors would be discouraged from pouring their money into the company due to the unethical behavior of the directors. For example, one study has blamed inadequately operated stakeholder performance measures for the current corporate decline in the U.S. Other experts, however, say with the increasingly more roles that shareholders play on boards, their interests would be obviously catered for. With the above analysis, it could attract more investors (Waal 2013). Another possible demerit is that the existence of many factors to consider can affect the efficiency of the organization. With these many objectives, the directors might be forced to trade-off different demands of some stakeholder groups. While it is true that this approach requires organizations to spend a lot of time on balancing different sorts of demands, some experts say this on not necessarily a bad thing. They consider that it makes great sense to sacrifice some efficiency for detailed and far-sighted evaluation (Freeman 2009). Dynamic Capabilities The theory of dynamic capabilities is increasingly providing the intellectual infrastructure fir strategic management. This term refers to the ability of the firm to integrate, create, and reconfigure both internal and external competences so as to solve issues relating to rapidly changing environments. Dynamic capabilities are different from operational capabilities. The latter pertains to current operations of a company. The main assumption of this management approach is that organizations should use core competencies to modify short-term completive positions that they can use to build longer-term competitive advantage (Hutterer 2012). Benefits of Dynamic Capabilities The dynamic capabilities approach enables organizations to perform strategically important activities in a better way than their competitors do. This element makes it an effective tool for sustaining competitive advantage. According to Porter and Crammer (2012), this approach can ensure competitive advantage comes from any activity along the value chain and not just from great products or services. He says competitive advantage is not just about money or primary about customer value for money. Organizations should know that it is about the culture, the quality, and the value of innovation (Hutterer 2012). Apple and IBM are just a few examples of corporations that have benefited incredibly from dynamic capabilities. These management approaches have enabled these two companies to evolve with rapid change. Apple is not a technological leader. However, through this strategy, it has proven its ability to market technologically-based products by developing features that people value. IBM, on the other hand, is a true technological innovator. This company successfully transaction from electromechanical tabulating devices to mainframe computers. IBM is currently a market leader in IT-based services and cloud computing business. The leadership of these companies has played a significant role in determining the types of dynamic abilities that suit their growth. Apple and IBM have essentially been able to sense and shape opportunities and threats, seize opportunities as well as maintain competitiveness by improving, integrating, securing, and, occasionally, reconfiguring the intangible and tangi ble assets of the business enterprises (Helfat 2013; Eckert 2016). The dynamic capacities management approach also creates learning opportunities. When organizations accept that knowledge generated exists in new patterns of activity or new logics of organization, they are able to succeed. Patterns of interaction are found in group behavior and certain sub-routines can be found in individual behavior. Through partnerships and collaboration, firms are able to learn how to recognize dysfunctional routines and avoid falling prey to strategic blind spots. Another essential dynamic capability is building strategic assets. Organizations with alliances and acquisition routines are able to bring new strategic assets into their system from external sources (Levinthal Marino 2016). Dynamic capabilities approach also enables effective and efficient internal coordination and integration of strategic assets, which, in the long run, can help to determine the forms performance. Research has indicated that special organizational routines for collecting and processing various pieces of information and coordinating factories and component suppliers are the key drivers of quality performance. Competitive advantage also calls for the integration of external activities and technologies in various forms including alliances and the virtual corporation (Levinthal Marino 2016). Limitations and Demerits While the dynamic capabilities approach can help organizations to reconfigure their assets and accomplish both internal and external transformation, the process is difficult to realize. Implementing the change process is incredibly costly. For this reason, firms are forced to develop processes to try to find high-payoff changes at an affordable rate. In addition, the capability to change relies on the firms ability to do several things effectively. A firm must be able to scan is business environment, evaluate the markets and be able to carry out reconfiguration and transformation far ahead of its competitors. If a firm fails to do these things quickly and at the right time, it cannot benefit from this approach (Framework for Dynamic Governance 2007; Weske 2012). If a company depends on assets that are uniquely valuable in combination, co-specialized assets, it might encounter a lot of problems with this approach. In this case, the coordination of tasks of management becomes extremely difficult; this requires managerial decisions to take the optimal configuration of all its assets into account. Sustainability Approach Sustainability management synthesizes the concept of sustainability with concepts of management. Sustainability is made up of three components, which are the environment, the economy, and the needs of both the present and future generations. Sustainability uses these three aspects to create the ability of a system to operate efficiently and maintain economic viability and also limit resource depletion with the aim of flourishing the needs of the present and future generations. With the definition of these concepts at hand, it can evident that the sustainable approach to management is the application of sustainable practices in the society, environment, personal life, agriculture, and business by in a way that take care of the needs of the current and future generations (The Oxford Handbook 2015). Benefits of Sustainable Approach This management approach is considered appropriate because of its ability to help maintain the quality of life on life. The sustainable approach is applicable in all spheres of life. For example, modern-day businesses need to implement systems that can enable to be sustainable. If this is not the case, just as the definition of sustainability goes, they will get out of business due to competition (Genus 2014; Morana 2013). Communities also need this management approach to be able to thrive. Communities need it because if they are to prosper, only sustainable management can work in their favor. Okumus (2010) says for natural resources such as forest and natural resources to continually cater for the needs of the future and current generations, they also need sustainable management. Peoples personal lives also need to be managed sustainably. For any organization, or individual, or society to succeed, they must make decisions that will sustain their immediate surroundings or managing individual emotional and physical well-being (On Competitiveness 2015). Help Control Issues and Plan Issues Sustainable approach creates the right platform for managers to be able to plan things in a proper way to ensure the things will benefit the situation that they are in-charge of. The manager is able to control issues and plan solutions that are sustainable. In this way, whatever the managers put in place will be for the benefit of not only the current generation but the future generations as well. The job of a sustainable manager, unlike other managers, involves managing systems that will support and sustain themselves (Cooper 2016). Limitations and Demerits Sustainability managers have a greater responsibility to take care of the needs of the current and future generations, a duty that other managers are often shy of taking. These managers must have many practical skills including seeing problems clearly, setting strategic goals, ability to plan, thinking outside the box, being proactive, and organizational skills. Additionally, sustainability managers should be able to teach and train their own teams, make tough decisions, take responsibility, and possess whole systems thinking (Cooper 2016). Boundaries of Accountability Too Fast In the current business world, businesses have to face off with environmentalist and these two groups often fail to reach a compromise. The tradeoffs are common because the boundaries of accountability are moving so fast. Business have to begin to implement system wide approaches that link in the numerous sections of the business with environmental needs (Baker Filbeck 2013: Alas Gao 2012). Since companies are socially based institutions, they struggle to project sustainability responsibility image for the public to see. This behavior can be a double-edged sword. Sometimes, these organizations focus too much on their image than implementing what they are communicating to the public. This behavior is referred to as green washing. Since it is essential that the execution of sustainable management practices should be embraces instead of an organization making strong attempt to appeal to the public, it is clear that this management approach is desirable but difficult to catch up with (Sustainable Development 2008). Conclusion The three major alternative approaches to strategic management, stakeholder approach, dynamic capabilities, and sustainable approach have many advantages as has been illustrated above using studies and examples. They can help improve organizational management. Shareholder primacy can generate opportunism and create some room for company directors to prefer making short-term maximized profits. The stakeholder approach is able to solve this problem. In addition, it can create a productive relationship between all the stakeholders. The dynamic capabilities approach is also useful for the success of organization as has been demonstrated by Apple and IBM. The successful implementation of the learning stage, acquisition of news assets, and transformation of existing assets are some of the most critical ways of developing corporate agility. Sustainability approach, other than taking care of all the other factors that other approaches do, it focuses on securing the future of the world. Notwi thstanding their limitations, organization should integrate all of them into their systems to reap the most benefits. Sustainability approach appears to be the most practical approach out of the three alternatives discussed in this paper. This management approach takes care of all stakeholders and also the future generation. 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