Futur? of Hom?l?nd S?cur?ty Introduct?on T?rror?sm ?s on? of th? gr??t?st thr??ts th?t our body politic ?s ? whol? f?c?s tod?y. Th? most d?v?st?t?ng ?v?nt w? h?v? ?ndur?d of th?s k?nd occurr?d on S?pt?mb?r 11, 2011. S?nc? th?t t?m?, th? Un?t?d St?t?s gov?rnm?nt ?nd oth?r ?g?nc??s h?v? b??n ?xtr?m?ly busy cr??t?ng n?w l?ws ?nd pol?c??s th?t w?ll, ?n th? long run, decamp? amply pr?v?nt t?rror?sts from ?v?r ?ng?g?ng ?n such(prenominal) ? d?struct?v? ?tt?ck ?g??n. Th?r? ?s no concr?t? bon mot?v?tor for ?ny t?rror?sts to f??l th? n??d to ?nfl?ct such ? l?rg? ? deal of d?m?g?, two phys?c?l ?nd ?mot?on?l on ?noth?r country, though psycholog?c?l ?nd cultur?l mot?v?t?ons top th? l?st. Psycholog?c?l mot?v?t?on for t?rror?sm d?r?v?s from th? t?rror?sts p?rson?l d?ss?t?sf?ct?on w?th h?s l?f? ?nd ?ccompl?shm?nt. Th?s? t?rror?sts g?t so c?ught up ?n th??r b?l??fs th?t th?y dont t?k? ?nto cons?d?r?t?on th? f?ct th?t th? v??ws th?t oth?r p?opl? poss?ss m?ght b? r?ght. Th?s? t?rro r?sts oft?n t?nd to proj?ct th??r let mot?v?t?ons onto oth?r p?opl? th?t usu?lly ?ng?g? ?n th? cr??t?on of ? follow?ng. Th?s ?s l?nk?d to th? oth?r common ch?r?ct?r?st?c of ? psycholog?c?lly mot?v?t?d t?rror?st wh?ch ?s th?r? ?mm?ns? n??d to b?long to ? group. base ?cc?pt?nc? could ov?r t?m? b?com? ?n ?v?n gr??t?r mot?v?tor ?nd ?v?ntu?lly outw??gh?ng pol?t?c?l obj?ct?v?s (M?rk, 2009). D?scuss?on ?nd An?lys?s In S?pt?mb?r of 2011 our country w?tn?ss?d ? s?r??s of su?c?d? ?tt?cks ?ng?g?d ?n by ?l Q??d?. It w?s dur?ng th?t aurora?ng th?t s?v?r?l ?l-Q??d? t?rror?sts took ov?r control of pl?n?s ?nd purpos?fully cr?sh?d th?m ?nto s?v?r?l ?mport?nt l?ndm?rks ?n our country ?nclud?ng th? Tw?n pull?rs of th? World Tr?d? C?nt?r ?nd th? P?nt?gon. S?dly n??rly 3000 p?opl? ?nd 19 h?j?ck?rs l?v?s w?r? t?k?n on th?t f?t?ful S?pt?mb?r morn?ng. It w?s th?n th?t th? susp?c?ons conc?rn?ng who w?s b?h?nd th?s brut?l ?tt?ck on our n?t?on s?t ?ts ?y?s on Os?m? b?n L?d?n. In th? b?g?n n?ng h? w?s qu?ck to d?ny ?ny ?nvolv?m?nt h?! ...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com
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