
Friday, March 22, 2019

1880-1890 :: Essays Papers

1880-1890The decade from 1880-1890 was an interesting time for America, giving rise to great advance in architecture, inventions and businesses. For instance, such now celebrated companies as Sears Roebuck Company, DeBeers and Johnson & Johnson opened in this time (Timeline). Also, the Brooklyn Bridge, the largest suspension bridge in the world was set up in 1883 (Museum). This decade saw another milestone for architecture, the skyscraper. The showtime skyscraper, create in Chicago out of an all-iron frame, was completed in 1885. somewhat famous inventions included gasoline engines, the Kodak camera and electric lamps (Timeline). Another scratch was still mail. Towards the end of this decade, free mail was be delivered to all community populations of at least 10,000 (Timeline). Clara Barton, a major humanitarian, was the leader behind the establishment of the American Red Cross during this time (Timeline). In 1886, Americans got their first good cheek at the Statue of Libert y with its opening dedication in the New York adjudge (Hurley).On a National scale this decade saw versatile events being played out across the world. For instance in Germany advancements were being made in science and social reform. An example of this would be, Pasteurs first use of the vaccination principal and the Germanys establishment of the first know health insurance (Goff). The French in the 1880s were developing immaturely techniques in architecture and waging wars. That is, towards the end of this decade the Eiffel Tower was just being completed and the French were waging a war with the Chinese (Sino-Chinese War) over avocation rights (History). The British were busy responding to anti-foreign riots in Egypt, eventually leading to their invasion and capturing of capital of Egypt (History). Neighboring Belgium was concerned with more peaceful, recreational matters, such as their hosting of the first beauty contest in 1888 (Time).In the 1880s the movement cognize as Im pressionism was coming to an end. The eight and last Impressionist exhibition was held in Paris during 1886 (Time). Although Impressionism was coming to an end new forms of art arose to take its place. Some famous artists producing during this time include, Van Gogh, Georges Seurat, and Odilon Redon (Georges). Odilon Redon started his own movement known as Symbolism, which strives to give form to ideas and emotions (Odilon). Another painter responsible for creating a new bearing is Georges Seurat. Seurat was a French painter who popularized and developed his own style called pointillism.

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