
Monday, March 18, 2019

Huck Finn Novel Analysis :: essays papers

huck Finn Novel AnalysisI.Setting The story of Huck Finn begins in his hometown of Hannibal, Missouri. Then the screen background changes to Jackson Island because Huck concludes to run forth and live in that respect. After that the setting changes to the Mississippi River and various towns alongside, when Jim and Huck decide they are heading to a state where Jim will be free. The setting immediately reflects the tone of the book because the book is written in a southern dialect and the story is set in the south. The setting is important to the actions in the book. If Huck lived in a state where slaves were free, then there would have been no need for Huck and Jim to travel the Mississippi tone for a state where Jim would be a free man. If they had not travelled up the Mississippi then there would not have been all adventures of Huck Finn. II.Characters The protagonist in this story is Jim, a runaway slave. He always looks out for those around him, especially Huck. The three other major(ip) graphic symbols in the story are Huck Finn, the king, and the duke. Huck Finn is the main character in the story and Jims best friend. The king and the duke are thieves who withdraw Huck and Jim to let them on their boat. Jim and Huck are dynamic characters. Their personalities and feelings on issues change throughout the story. The king and the duke are static characters. They are greedy thieves only out for themselves and they remain this way throughout the entire story. deuce minor characters in this story are Mary Jane and the Widow Douglas.

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