
Monday, March 4, 2019

Indofood Swot Analysis Essay

PT.Indo f ar Sukses Makmur is the Indonesia most successful confederation in producing food for thought and drinks. PT.Indofood is located at Jakarta and it is founded by Sudono Salim in 1990 with the gain of PT. Panganjaya Intikusuma and changed their name in 1994 to Indofood. Indofood corporation has alike exported their food and drinks into Australia,Europe, and Asia. In this few decades, the Indofood company has turned to be a total food solutions that they do the entire food operational from the processing the raw materials of food until become a food that are stored in the supermarket or convenient store. Now Indofood is also have the plantation and distribution company.SWOT analysis of the company.Strengthness.1.Indofood is the biggest food company in Indonesia2.Indofood brand is the most known food brand in Indonesia.3.Indofood has the low cost of production.4.Indofood product is practical and easy to find anywhere.5.Distribution reachs are so big.6.Indofood product cos t cheaper than their compatitors.7.Indofood taste is already accepted by the Indonesians and the foreigners.8.Indofood distribute their food to alot of country.9.Indofood has done a lot of corporate companionable responsibility.10.Indofood financial is very strong.Weaknesses.1.too a lot alternative products rather than focusing on one product.2.too much flavour on their products3.market demand hasnt set up yet.4.too many variations of food.Opportunities.1.Can do exporting their product to the whole world2.Can do partnership with foreign food company3.Can control the whole food market in Indonesia4.Indofood Stocks can be the highest price in the stockmarket.Threats.1.Too much compatitors nowadays2.they dont focused on one product3.Competitors Innovation and publicity are better.4.Bad Issues from other country about the health.

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